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Art and Design

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(based on 275 reviews)

Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.




Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.
Israel - Palestine conflict including Gaza. Explanation and Facts for Students

Israel - Palestine conflict including Gaza. Explanation and Facts for Students

The Israel - Palestine conflict is complex. Here is a clear information booklet for students. It provides balanced, factual information in a simple, easy to understand format. Key historic events and political figures are covered. Also includes an explanation of the issues surrounding the Gaza Strip. A question sheet at the end of the document tests for understanding. There is also a coloring activity which invites students to add color to the flags of Israel and Palestine. Please note that no political opinion is included here. It is absolutely fact based.
Cultural Identity  Video Art Lesson.

Cultural Identity Video Art Lesson.

This 7 minute video lesson demonstrates to students how they can take a significant image linked to their own cultural identity and develop an exciting piece of artwork from it. The commentary discusses how an individual’s cultural identity is completely personal to them, and can include their nationality, heritage, preferences and interests. The art activity develops drawing skills and encourages consideration of pattern, shape and colour. Ideal for students aged 11 to 18.
Assembly. Welcome Back and Happy New Year Assembly 2022

Assembly. Welcome Back and Happy New Year Assembly 2022

It’s almost time to go back to school after the Christmas break. If you’re thinking about planning the first assembly of the New Year, this will dramatically reduce your workload. A 26 slide, fully illustrated, motivational Power Point that encourages self reflection, engagement, kindness and positivity. Provided as a fully editable Power Point so that you have absolute freedom to add to and edit the slideshow. We hope that 2022 is a really good year for you and your students!
PSHCE Worksheets. Social Media. Key Stage 3

PSHCE Worksheets. Social Media. Key Stage 3

Engage students in issues relating to social media with these two information and worksheets. Clear, reliable information is provided in a student friendly document. Issues relating to the use of social media are covered. Student understanding can then be checked through question sheets. Print friendly. Ideal for PSHCE lessons or form time. Suitable for Key Stage 3.
PSHCE. Obesity Worksheet for Key Stage 3

PSHCE. Obesity Worksheet for Key Stage 3

Engage students in issues relating to healthy eating and lifestyle with this information and worksheet on obesity. Clear, reliable information is provided in a student friendly document. Student understanding can then be checked through a question sheet. Print friendly. Ideal for PSHCE lessons or form time. Suitable for Key Stage 3.
PSHCE Cover Lesson. Power of Social Media

PSHCE Cover Lesson. Power of Social Media

This resource provides student friendly facts relating to social media. Also included is an associated worksheet which challenges students to find information in the factsheet. The worksheet also provides students with an opportunity to develop their knowledge further through independent or teacher led investigation. Ideal as a hassle free cover lesson for KS3.
QUIZ. Weekly News Quiz. Week beginning 17th September 2018

QUIZ. Weekly News Quiz. Week beginning 17th September 2018

Encourage your students to keep up to date with the news by giving them a weekly news quiz. This one is for the forthcoming week (17.9.18 onwards). 10 questions on one sheet, 10 answers on another. Doesn’t get simpler than that! Just print it and hand it out. That’s one form time covered! This resource is even provided as a word document so that you can add to it or cut and paste it into your own documents. Questions cover UK and world events in the news right now. Why not have a go yourself … it’s not easy!
Back to School. Welcome Back Assembly 2021

Back to School. Welcome Back Assembly 2021

Cut your workload with this Back to school assembly Powerpoint. 20 fully editable slides welcoming students back to school. Each slide has an eye catching image and emphasises the important points that children should consider as they set off on what will hopefully be another successful year. Slides highlight the following areas. The need for balance in life Friendship Hard work Being kind Engaging in lessons Supporting each other Asking for help … and more. Also includes a bonus “How to revise” assembly. This resource is fully editable because, let’s be honest, the chances of designing an assembly Powerpoint that absolutely hits everything you want to say are quite remote. We hope that this really reduces your workload though so that you can enjoy that last few days of the holiday. Good luck for the new academic year.
PSHE Activities for KS3

PSHE Activities for KS3

10 Resources
Preparation free PSHE activities for Key Stage 3 students. Includes resources relating to drugs, friendship, body image, character, food and diet. Also includes a series of motivational posters.


This 7 page printable resource provides students with lots of information about the sensitive and serious topic of body image. The damaging effects of the media’s portrayal of “perfection” is covered, along with the impact of self inflicted and peer pressure. Also included is a worksheet which encourages students to engage in the topic and consider their own views on the issues raised. Ideal for PSHCE lessons when time is tight.


North Korea fact sheets. Printable sheets that provide background information for students of all ages. Suitable as a supporting handout for class discussions about North Korea, the news and world politics in general.
Anti-Bullying Schemes of Work, Questionnaires and Supporting Images

Anti-Bullying Schemes of Work, Questionnaires and Supporting Images

Engage students in Anti Bullying activities with these resources. Schemes of work, discussion starting points and a questionnaire that will really get students thinking about how they are treated and how they treat others. All resources are easy to print. Suitable for KS2 and 3. Ideal for form time or for when time is tight. Also includes 18 motivational posters for use at any time during the year.
Halloween Activities

Halloween Activities

8 Resources
Buy all sorts of spooky fun for Halloween. A big quiz in slideshow and printable format, scary pictures to inspire art and creative writing activities, colouring sheets, masks to colour and cut out, mental maths with a scary twist and a word search. We hope you're happy with your purchase. Happy Halloween!
EASTER QUIZ week commencing  26.3.18  Buy  once and get all future quizzes free

EASTER QUIZ week commencing 26.3.18 Buy once and get all future quizzes free

Buy once - get all future and past quizzes FREE! This is a topical EASTER quiz for use during the week starting on the 26th March 2018. There are also 16 news quizzes that can be downloaded from previous weeks and a Christmas special! These quizzes can be printed out, placed into a PowerPoint or inserted into any documents that you wish to produce. We have done the hard work so that you don't have to. A range of questions of varying difficulty, but all relate to the story of Easter. Also don't forget that if you buy one week, you can come back to download the next quiz at no extra cost. Suitable for KS3 and 4. Watch out for new quizzes.
Form Time PSHE. Friends and Friendship Activities

Form Time PSHE. Friends and Friendship Activities

Help students develop positive relationships. This resource encourages students to consider their relationship with their friends. Are they influenced by their friends? Do they have positive relationships? Can they improve their friendships? Included is a questionnaire which helps students analyse the type of friendships that they have. Also included are discussion starting points and prompts to encourage reflection. Suitable for PSHE lessons, form time .... or any time when you feel that students could benefit from considering their relationship with their peers.
Science wordsearches 25

Science wordsearches 25

20 Resources
Check out these science word-search for Key Stage 1. STEM vocabulary for younger primary school students. Provided as jpegs for easy printing and insertion into your own documents.
Science wordsearches 11

Science wordsearches 11

3 Resources
Check out these science word-search for Key Stage 1. STEM vocabulary for younger primary school students. Provided as jpegs for easy printing and insertion into your own documents.
Posters. Growth Mindset Motivational Posters

Posters. Growth Mindset Motivational Posters

11 high quality posters for your classroom. Each provides a stunning image along with a statement that encourages students to really engage in their learning and strive to overcome adversity. Provided as jpeg files so that they can be printed at various sizes and also inserted into you own documents.
Philosophy and Ethics. Medical Moral Dilemma

Philosophy and Ethics. Medical Moral Dilemma

This visually stunning poster provides a moral dilemma for students to consider. A doctor must make a difficult decision. Should he break the law to save the lives of innocent people? An ideal way of generating group discussion and also providing a stimulating poster for your classroom. Provided as a jpeg file for printing at various sizes or inserting into your own documents.