I hope my resources simplify your planning, give you the much needed extra hours for an improved work-life balance and take your teaching to the heights you want it to go.
I hope my resources simplify your planning, give you the much needed extra hours for an improved work-life balance and take your teaching to the heights you want it to go.
This sheet is useful for making the teaching of persuasive language more realistic for students.
Suitable for KS3 but it is also useful for bottom set KS4 groups
This evaluation is designed to be used during the creation process or after the task is completed.
It can be used with any writing to inform task and can be adapted.
Suitable for KS3 or KS4.
This ppt is 1 1/2 to 2 lessons. 2 full lesson if you’re teaching a lower set because it includes a writing in practice task.
It introduces the genre ‘writing to inform’ by engaging students in tasks that see them deconstruct and evaluate language, presentational layout and presentational features. This lesson leaves plenty of room to build upon this genre and is purely meant as an introduction only.
The lesson includes group work, paired work and individual tasks.
Also included is a:
HW task
Model PEE
This worksheet includes 2 HW tasks.
One is a reseacrh task and one in an editing SPaG task that requires students to also add more informative detail.
Good for either KS3 and KS4.
This is a very useful resource for building up your students’ poetry analysis skills.
It can be used in the following ways:
group work (cover work)
group work leading to a group presentation of an unseen poem
Individual preparation for a timed essay
Class discussion
It is suitable for KS3 and KS4.
This poster is a simple explanation of key ideas encouraging pupils to ‘extend’ themselves in lesson by focussing on their learning behaviour in any lesson.
This resource is to aide and reduce your marking and improve your communication with pupils about their progress. They’re pupil friendly sheets that also contain an area where students can respond to the teacher’s marking to develop clarity between teacher feedback and student progress.
The assessment/criteria sheets focus on the following topics:
Key Stage Three and Key Stage Four Criteria sheets for: Shakespeare, 19th Century novel (the criteria can be adapted for any novel), Modern Drama (any play)
Key Stage Three and Key Stage Four Criteria sheets for: Writing to Argue/Persuade Self Assessment Criteria and Writing to Describe Self Assessment Criteria
Key Stage Four Criteria sheets for: AQA GCSE English Language section A Q1-2, AQA GCSE English Language section A Q3-4, AQA GCSE English Literature: ‘The Merchant of Venice’, AQA GCSE English Literature: ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ and AQA Modern Drama( English Literature): ‘Blood Brothers’
I hope they help!
This is a very basic model demonstrating what to include in a basic programme of study/plan.
It still needs assessment objectives and a rationale, but it might be useful as a starting point for a new HOD if he/she is stuck for ideas.
Use this task as a starter or a plenary to guage your students’ feelings and thoughts about a topic/lesson/task etc.
If you print 2 slides on A4 it still gives the students enough room to write a short response that can lead to a class discussion.
PLEASE NOTE: this lesson can be bought and used in isolation or as part of a bundle for sale on my TES Author’s Page.
This is for KS4 (but it could be used to stretch a very able KS3 class).
The ppt contains:
a HW task
a starter (group task)
2 x models of successfully emotive persuasive writing for group work
Peer assessment proforma
PLEASE NOTE: this lesson can be bought and used in isolation or as part of a bundle for sale on my TES Author’s Page.
This is suitable for KS3 and KS4.
The ppt includes 2 lessons (possibly 3 depending on the class’s ability)
A starter
A plenary (metacognitive task)
A model (created by a student)
Assessment criteria for students to use to develop the key skills
A HW task
A group task
PLEASE NOTE: this lesson can be bought and used in isolation or as part of a bundle for sale on my TES Author’s Page.
This lesson contains:
2 HWs
A lesson starter
Worksheets (using written and visual stimulation)
A Plenary
The goal of the lesson is to get students thinking about the following persuasive skills:
Punning (play-on-words);
Hyperbole (exaggeration);
Commands (e.g. telling people what to do
PLEASE NOTE: this lesson can be bought and used in isolation or as part of a bundle for sale on my TES Author’s Page.
This zip file contains 2 lessons and a criteria sheet for the assessment of persuasive skills. It’s suitable for KS3 and KS4.
Lesson 1 contains a starter, establishes the criteria to demonstrate key persuasive skills, explains a generic purpose (scenario) of 3 blog topics to choose from, a group thinking task using the 6 thinking hats and planning tools with a teacher model too.
Lesson 2 contains a starter, the assessment criteria sheet (to be used in conjunction with writing time in lesson) and a plenary.
Please excuse my cover image, I couldn’t get a better one to upload.
This is a basic cartoon/cloze task which requires students to think about the purpose and meaning of the triplet: writing to inform, explain and describe.
It’s suitable for KS3 and KS2 but might be a bit basic for KS4.
A stand alone lesson that can be used as part of my Writing to Inform lesson (which are all available from my shop!). This lesson explores combining Writing to Inform with Writing to Explain to show the differences. Suitable for KS3 and KS4
The lesson includes everything you need:
starter and plenary
suitable writing task which can be completed for HW ( if required).
This useful Writing to Inform & Explain A Self Assessment Checklist will help your students be independent writers and encourage them to develop their self editing skills.
Suitable for KS3 and KS4.
Make it impersonal! This worksheet is a writing to Inform task where students have to adapt the style of writing from personal to impersonal.
Suitable for KS3 and KS4
2-4 lessons (depending on the class’s ability) based on the topics of appealing to an audience and using stylistic features to get the highest marks.
The ppt contains everything you need:
criteria sheet for indpendent writing
starters and plenary
HW tasks
Fun, engaging tasks and activities
Suitable for KS4 or an advance KS3 class