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Y1 Maths Mastery Planning Spring Block 2 Week 1 Place Value to 50
***Updated for 2019 ***
4 days of Y1 Maths planning based on a Mastery Maths principle incorporating Varied Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving Skills - including questions to ask and misconceptions that might occur plus a Practise session for children to apply their skills independently. An example Stem Sentence to use each lesson is also included. It also includes a Powerpoint for each day and ideas for continuous provision.
PLEASE NOTE: The preview sometimes makes pages look unformatted. These are fine when opened in Word.
Based on the White Rose small steps approach, the NCETM mastery approach and using examples from both these, NRICH and my own ideas.
Each day includes sheets to record the steps in the lesson as you go, although some sessions could also be done directly into books. Previous plans in Autumn have been used in more than one class and children showed good progression in learning and excellent understanding and application of skills on the practise examples.
This example includes lessons on:
Counting numbers to 50
Tens and Ones
Representing numbers (Reading and Making own representations)
Representing numbers (Matching representations)
I am planning on adding more examples if these are useful. Please note, these are plans based on my own class and should be adapted to suit the needs of your own children. Weekly plans can have anything from 3-5 lessons on it, depending upon what is going on in school, although I try to average 4. A ‘spare’ day can be used for consolidation / additional problem solving / assessment etc.
Y1 Maths Mastery Planning Spring Block 1 Week 1 Addition and Subtraction to 20 Includes Resources
4 days of Y1 Maths planning based on a Mastery Maths principle incorporating Varied Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving Skills - including questions to ask and misconceptions that might occur plus a choice of Practise sessions - both practical and written - for children to apply their skills independently. An example Stem Sentence to use each lesson is also included. Each lesson also includes an animated PowerPoint that breaks down the maths visually. It also includes ideas for continuous provision.
Based on the White Rose small steps approach, the NCETM mastery approach and using examples from both these, NRICH and my own ideas.
Each day includes sheets to record the steps in the lesson as you go, although some sessions could also be done directly into books. These have been used in more than one class and children showed good progression in learning and excellent understanding and application of skills on the practise examples.
This example includes lessons on:
Add by counting on
Find & make number bonds
Add by making 10
Subtraction – Not crossing 10
I am planning on adding more examples if these are useful. Please note, these are plans based on my own class and should be adapted to suit the needs of your own children. Weekly plans can have anything from 3-5 lessons on it, depending upon what is going on in school, although I try to average 4. A ‘spare’ day can be used for consolidation / additional problem solving / assessment etc.
Y1 Maths Mastery Plans Spring Block 2 Week 3 Place Value (to 50)
Updated for 2019
4 days of Y1 Maths planning based on a Mastery Maths principle incorporating Varied Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving Skills - including questions to ask and misconceptions that might occur plus a Practise session for children to apply their skills independently. An example Stem Sentence to use each lesson is also included.
This resource is also available in a bundle of plans for Spring Block 2 (3 weeks of plans)
PLEASE NOTE: The preview sometimes makes pages look unformatted. These are fine when opened in Word.
Based on the White Rose small steps approach, the NCETM mastery approach and using examples from both these, NRICH and my own ideas.
Each day includes sheets to record the steps in the lesson as you go, although some sessions could also be done directly into books. Previous plans in Autumn have been used in more than one class and children showed good progression in learning and excellent understanding and application of skills on the practise examples.
This example includes lessons on:
Ordering numbers to 50 (smallest to largest)
Ordering numbers to 50 (Largest to smallest)
Counting in 2s
Counting in 5s
I am planning on adding more examples if these are useful. Please note, these are plans based on my own class and should be adapted to suit the needs of your own children. Weekly plans can have anything from 3-5 lessons on it, depending upon what is going on in school, although I try to average 4. A ‘spare’ day can be used for consolidation / additional problem solving / assessment etc.
Autumn Year 1 Block 3 planning and resources Shape
***UPDATED FOR 2018-19 ***
5 days of Y1 Maths planning based on a Mastery Maths principle incorporating Varied Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving Skills plus a Practise session for children to apply their skills independently. Lessons include Powerpoints, resources and ideas for continuous provision.
Based on the White Rose small steps approach, the NCETM mastery approach and using examples from both these, NRICH and my own ideas.
Each day includes sheets to record the steps in the lesson as you go, although some sessions could also be done directly into books. They have been used in more than one class and children showed good progression in learning and excellent understanding and application of skills on the practise examples.
This example includes lessons on:
Identifying 3d shape
Sorting 3d shape
Identifying 2d shape
Sorting 2d shape
Patterns using 2d and 3d shape
Y1 Maths Mastery Planning Spring Block 2 Week 2 Place Value to 50
***Updated for 2019 ***
4 days of Y1 Maths planning based on a Mastery Maths principle incorporating Varied Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving Skills - including questions to ask and misconceptions that might occur plus a Practise session for children to apply their skills independently. Stem Sentences to use each lesson are also included along with ideas for continuous provision and a worksheet and practical independent task to choose between.
PLEASE NOTE: The preview sometimes makes pages look unformatted. These are fine when opened in Word.
Based on the White Rose small steps approach, the NCETM mastery approach and using examples from both these, NRICH and my own ideas.
Each day includes sheets to record the steps in the lesson as you go, although some sessions could also be done directly into books. Previous plans in Autumn have been used in more than one class and children showed good progression in learning and excellent understanding and application of skills on the practise examples.
This example includes lessons on:
One more, one less (focus on one more)
One more, one less (focus on one less)
Compare objects within 50
Compare numbers within 50
I am planning on adding more examples if these are useful. Please note, these are plans based on my own class and should be adapted to suit the needs of your own children. Weekly plans can have anything from 3-5 lessons on it, depending upon what is going on in school, although I try to average 4. A ‘spare’ day can be used for consolidation / additional problem solving / assessment etc.
Year 1 Autumn Block 4 Week 1 Place Value to 20 Lesson Plans, resources and powerpoints
4 days of Maths teaching for Mastery planning, incorporating varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Each day includes:
Planning incorporating conceptual and procedural variation, fluency, representations, questioning to promote mathematical thinking.
Ideas for Y1 enhanced continuous provision.
Powerpoints of representations to complement the planning
Worksheets and activities to support - including a choice of worksheet or practical or paired activity
This pack includes:
Counting backwards and forwards (to 20)
Numbers 11-20
Tens and Ones
Finding one more and one less
Autumn Maths Mastery Planning Block 4 Week 2 Place Value to 20
4 days of Maths teaching for Mastery planning, incorporating varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Each day includes:
Planning incorporating conceptual and procedural variation, fluency, representations, questioning to promote mathematical thinking.
Ideas for Y1 enhanced continuous provision.
Powerpoints of representations to complement the planning
Worksheets and activities to support - including a choice of worksheet or practical or paired activity
This pack includes:
Comparing groups of objects
Comparing numbers
Ordering groups of objects
Ordering numbers to 20