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Hello! We're creating resources for busy primary school teachers. All our writers are themselves experienced KS1 and KS2 professionals and we design our resources to be as appealing and accessible as possible.




Hello! We're creating resources for busy primary school teachers. All our writers are themselves experienced KS1 and KS2 professionals and we design our resources to be as appealing and accessible as possible.
Ellipses – Y6 SPaG Challenge Mat

Ellipses – Y6 SPaG Challenge Mat

This review mat for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling is an excellent way to revise and practise using verb suffixes. The worksheets are divided into five different types of activity, including writing challenges and GPS sample test questions.
Y1 Autumn Term – Block 4: Tens and ones maths worksheets

Y1 Autumn Term – Block 4: Tens and ones maths worksheets

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. They are for the autumn term, weeks 10-11. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Place Value Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use of the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least.
Beano Comic Book Comprehension Worksheets for KS1 and KS2

Beano Comic Book Comprehension Worksheets for KS1 and KS2

This comic book comprehension resource is great for reluctant readers and more fluent pupils alike. It helps children become familiar with narrative structures and once this knowledge is embedded it can be transferred to more stretching contexts. This KS1 and KS2 reading comprehension resource includes: Three Beano comic strips Three reading comprehension question worksheets Comic puzzles for working on narrative sequence Blank comic template It’s an enjoyable way for all children to develop their comprehension and inference skills.
Decimal Equivalents – Tenths and Hundredths: Y4 – Fractions – Maths Challenge

Decimal Equivalents – Tenths and Hundredths: Y4 – Fractions – Maths Challenge

Recognise and write decimal equivalents of any number of tenths or hundredths. These decimal equivalents worksheets provide extra challenge for Year 4 children. A variety of decimals problems are spread across three sections, enabling you to use the whole sheet during a lesson or to select specific problems for different teaching sessions. A separate answer sheet for all sections is included.
The Mary Celeste - KS2 Reading Comprehension Worksheets - Unexplained Mysteries

The Mary Celeste - KS2 Reading Comprehension Worksheets - Unexplained Mysteries

Use these KS2 comprehension worksheets to learn about the history of the Mary Celeste. This non-fiction text tells the story of the ship from its first voyage under the name of the ‘Amazon’ through to its ill fated end. A set of comprehension questions are included, which tackle key reading skills such as inference and retrieval. This pack is also a great prompt for writing scary stories.
Subtraction Crossing 10 (2) activities: Spring Term, Block 1 – Addition and Subtraction – Weeks 1-4

Subtraction Crossing 10 (2) activities: Spring Term, Block 1 – Addition and Subtraction – Weeks 1-4

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Addition and Subtraction Represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20. Add and subtract 1-digit and 2-digit numbers to 20, including zero. Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete and pictorial representations, and missing number problems. Maths Focus Children will partition numbers and use this to help them subtract when crossing the 10. Children will build on their experience from Crossing 10 (1). Maths Mastery Children can use part-whole models, bead strings and ten frames to reason and explain their methods. Children can confidently use a number line to count back more than one, crossing the 10. Children can use their knowledge of number bonds to support their learning and solve problems more rapidly.
Y1 Autumn Term – Block 1: Count forwards maths worksheets

Y1 Autumn Term – Block 1: Count forwards maths worksheets

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. They are for the autumn term, weeks 1-4. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Place Value Count to ten, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number.
Beano Comic Book Comprehension Worksheets for KS1 and KS2

Beano Comic Book Comprehension Worksheets for KS1 and KS2

This comic book comprehension resource is great for reluctant readers and more fluent pupils alike. It helps children become familiar with narrative structures and once this knowledge is embedded it can be transferred to more stretching contexts. This KS1 and KS2 reading comprehension resource includes: Three Beano comic strips Three reading comprehension question worksheets Comic puzzles for working on narrative sequence Blank comic template It’s an enjoyable way for all children to develop their comprehension and inference skills.
Tens and Ones activities: Y1 Spring Term, Block 2 – Number: Place Value (within 50)

Tens and Ones activities: Y1 Spring Term, Block 2 – Number: Place Value (within 50)

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Number – Number and Place Value Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least. Maths Focus Children will learn that numbers up to 50 are made up of tens and ones through simple partitioning. Maths Mastery Children can express a number up to 50 as tens and ones. Children can represent numbers to 50 using a range of representations.
Y1 Spring Term – Block 4: Measurement: Weight & Volume – Measure capacity

Y1 Spring Term – Block 4: Measurement: Weight & Volume – Measure capacity

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work. The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving. Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking. National Curriculum Links Year 1 Measurement – Measure and begin to record the following: capacity and volume. Compare, describe and solve practical problems for: capacity and volume (for example, full/empty, more than, less than, quarter, half full, half). Maths Focus Children will estimate and measure the capacity of a range of containers, using a variety of non-standard units. Maths Mastery Children can estimate and measure the capacity of a range of containers, using non-standard units such as cups and scoops. Children are aware of the need to measure using uniform units, and they understand the effect of altering the size of the units used.
Prepositions – Y3 SPaG Challenge Mat

Prepositions – Y3 SPaG Challenge Mat

This review mat for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling is an excellent way to revise and practise using prepositions. The worksheets are divided into five different types of activity, including writing challenges and GPS sample test questions.
KS2 Classic Text Reading Comprehension Mat Pack: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Gulliver's Travels, a

KS2 Classic Text Reading Comprehension Mat Pack: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Gulliver's Travels, a

These reading challenge worksheets provide a quick burst of comprehension practice, ideal for morning work, a short reading session or even sparking an interest in a classic text. Each activity sheet contains a brief extract from a classic text with a range of reading challenge questions focusing on the key reading skills of inference, information retrieval and the use of language. The stories included are: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe"
KS2 Art Ideas: Symmetry In Architecture

KS2 Art Ideas: Symmetry In Architecture

The six art worksheets in this pack are a fun way for KS2 children to explore symmetry. Each sheet contains half of a photo that shows a symmetrical building or place. The other half of the page is squared paper. Children need to use their understanding of symmetry to complete the picture. In addition to exploring symmetry, children could also these images to understand perspective and coordinates.
Nelson Mandela - KS2 Reading Comprehension Worksheets - Famous Lives

Nelson Mandela - KS2 Reading Comprehension Worksheets - Famous Lives

Use these KS2 reading comprehension worksheets to teach your children about the civil rights activist Nelson Mandela. The text covers Mandela’s early life as a lawyer, the introduction of apartheid and Mandela’s imprisonment and release, before his election as president. A set of comprehension questions are included, which tackle key reading skills such as inference and retrieval. This is a great resource for topics of famous lives, key historical figures and Black History Month.
KS1 And KS2 Writing Templates For English Lessons

KS1 And KS2 Writing Templates For English Lessons

This KS1 and KS2 writing template pack contains a range of templates to support children with planning stories and other written work. They are ideal for helping pupils to organise their thoughts. The templates included are: Mind map Story map Storyboard Comic strip pages Report research Report plan
KS2 Conjunctions: Sentence Maker Grammar Game

KS2 Conjunctions: Sentence Maker Grammar Game

Use this KS2 grammar game to help children learn how to use conjunctions - including the FANBOYS coordinating conjunctions, and a list of subordinating conjunctions. The pack contains 24 sentences that can be arranged in different combinations as a fun way to explore connective clauses in writing. Using the resource, children can assemble simple sentences, or sentences which include a relative clause.
Pop-Up Christmas Card Art Pack

Pop-Up Christmas Card Art Pack

The resources in this pop-up card pack can be used by children to create simple but striking 3D pop-up cards depicting landscapes. A video tutorial to share with pupils can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=bpiCc2xqwwk&feature=emb_logo
Y1 Display Pack: Rules for Writing Sentences

Y1 Display Pack: Rules for Writing Sentences

This display pack is perfect for supporting Year 1 children as they learn to write simple sentences. Two sets of materials are included: Set 1 reminds pupils to use a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop, and to read their final sentence to check that it makes sense. Set 2 builds upon this and includes the information above plus reminders to form letters correctly and use ‘and’ to extend sentences. Each set could be used at different stages as sentence writing progresses throughout year 1. It also enables you to easily differentiate by giving pupils resources appropriate for their stage of development in writing.
Year 6 Tier 2 Words: Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Cards

Year 6 Tier 2 Words: Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Cards

Tier 2 words are ones which children might encounter in text but are less likely to use in everyday conversation. As these words are often unfamiliar to children, they can sometimes act as a barrier to reading. We have chosen 48 Tier 2 words for this Year 6 pack. The Tier 2 words in this pack (provided as small cards for table sharing, and larger for display) can be used by children to add more adventurous or formal vocabulary to their writing. The worksheets can also be used as a reading comprehension activity.