I am an assistant head who has over 10 years teaching experience. I have created resources to support you with your own wellbeing and to help you manage a healthy work-life balance so that you can focus on your class. You will find a variety of lessons and templates to support your year group as well as the whole school. I hope you enjoy these well designed sessions.
I am an assistant head who has over 10 years teaching experience. I have created resources to support you with your own wellbeing and to help you manage a healthy work-life balance so that you can focus on your class. You will find a variety of lessons and templates to support your year group as well as the whole school. I hope you enjoy these well designed sessions.
All the spelling words broken down into the twelve rules that year 5 and 6 need to know. Available as a list of words (chunked into rules) or as a check list to highlight the words each child can spell. Perfect for moderation to prove that children can spell some/most of these words.
Designed to save time, enhance progress and increase pupil independence.
This handy resource comes with a:
Powerpoint including the spelling rules and word lists.
Checklist format of the spelling words.
Sectioned year 5/6 spelling word bank (broken into the rules)
These sheets could be used as a teaching tool, for assessment or homework or simply as ordinarily available provision - stuck into their books or in the middle of their tables.
All reviews welcome.
If you like this you may also enjoy my progressive spelling overview, broken into graphemes for the whole school:
My writing assessment checklists also go hand in hand with this resource:
An engaging sequence of four reading lessons for easily teaching the skills:
Fluency of reading (prosody, intonation, fluency and expression through FASE reading).
Contains all you need for active reading sessions, where the children can confidently discuss and generate ideas. This resource is excellent in engaging children in conversations, they will need to reflect on what they already know as well as as what they see inside the book.
Each lesson builds and expands on the previous one. Based on the book Leon and the Place Between, children are motivated by the vibrant pages and engaging storyline.
If you like this resource you may also enjoy my writing session based on the book:
You might also want to try my guided reading lessons on The Savage:
Feel free to review!
Have you ever been ill and had supply cover you short notice? Have you ever worried that someone has covered you and not known anything about the school or children? Don’t fear, this helpful resource will ensure that anyone who takes your class has all the information they need!
A clear and concise resource that identifies:
Who SLT are
School timetable
Plan of the building
General information
Health and safety (fire points etc)
Essential medical information
Essential SEN and behaviour information
Feedback of the day - chance for the supply to share how the day went.
Feel free to review my resource!
You might also like my inexpensive transition booklet:
Take a look at my shop now for more exciting and supportive resources:
A complete lesson on identifying and writing relative clauses. Written for a higher ability Year 4 class but easily adaptable to suit your classes needs. A detailed lesson, with engaging activities on how to use who, whose, which and that relative pronouns. **All you need to make your class confident and secure at using relative clauses in their writing. **
Based on the book Leon and the Place Between, it is sure to enthuse your children and bring the magic into the classroom!
Slides explain how to use a relative clause, models examples of using each pronoun as well as giving children the opportunities to add some into sentences before beginning their work. With the help of a washing line activity, scaffolds, model of excellence and word banks the children are bound to thrive in their writing.
All reviews welcome on this free resource.
If you like this you may also like my Leon and the Place Between speech sequence of lessons:
Or how about some editing support with my free editing guidance and CPD:
Take a look at my online store for many more exciting free and inexpensive resources! https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Teach_wise?p=2
**A simple, easy to use proforma to track your SLT meetings. **
Reviews welcome.
This goes hand in hand with my free rapid action template:
Alternatively, you might like my performance management/pupil progress resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/pupil-progress-meeting-data-pack-analysis-13014100
or how about my Personal Development template:
If your focus is on behaviour, you may like this resource:
Each time a child (spontaneously- meaning using their own hands) draws a pre writing shape, they are creating or further developing:
Pathways in their brain.
Strengthening their muscles inside of their hands.
Developing the understanding of how hand or soft the press down (sensory development)
Therefore it is essential to give children the opportunies to create pre handwriting shapes.
With these fun and easy to use templates, children are always able to access and improve their fine motor skills.
Be ready to surprise everyone and have the best formation you’ve seen yet!
Two engaging guided reading lessons focusing on the VIPERS skills inference and explain. Save time using this resource, complete with a PPT, video and questions. A short burst lesson that is guarenteed to engage.
All the neccessary resources needed to inspire your children: enhance vocabulary, engage the children and enjoy teaching. Questions will prompt higher order thinking and answers will be scaffolded naturally by the children.
I’d love to hear what you liked about this resource.
Feel free to check out my 6 week writing unit on the war:
If you like this, you may also like my short, free VIPERS lessons on the book, Leon and the Place Between:
Please find this helpful template for a rapid action plan (RAP). It covers all the things you need to map out staff meetings, teacher training, CPD and subject specialist time for your staff across each term. It can also help with tracking cover and supply teachers on days where your teachers will be out of class.
Enjoy this free resource and feel free to review.
If you like this, you may also find my personal development template helpful:
You might also like my subject monitoring forms:
Check out my other resources and supportive documentation on my online shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Teach_wise
Handwriting lines to demonstrate the sizing of letters to all children.
Have the best handwriting class in school with this useful resource!
All reviews welcome.
Check out my online shop for more amazing and easy to use resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Teach_wise
Here is a clear, concise overview template of all the subject monitoring you have completed across the year. They can be used as they are or edited to make it more specialist for your subject and school.
This would work perfectly alongside my in depth monitoring forms, which include:
Monitoring report
Questions for Pupil Interview
Subject Leader Progress Reports
Lesson Observation Proforma
Work Scrutiny Proforma – 2 templates
Action Plans
Take a look here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/subject-leadership-monitoring-forms-evaluation-schedule-and-supporting-questions-13012343
All reviews welcome.
Relevant English pupil conferencing questions for primary school children but easily adaptable for secondary. Choose from over 60 deep and meaningful questions, clearly split into topics of these main areas:
General Lessons,
Exercise Books,
Each section have a summary box for the strengths and next steps for each area.
Be confident that when Ofsted arrive you can clearly discuss what the understand, what they can do and what the children are likely to say.
These questions could be adapted to other subjects easily.
All reviews welcome.
If you like this free resource, you may also enjoy my monitoing log:
or other subject specialist monitoring forms:
Two engaging guided reading lessons focusing on the VIPERS skills retrieval and inference. Save time using this resource, complete with a PPT, video, questions and worksheet. All the neccessary resources needed to inspire your children: enhance vocabulary, engage the children and enjoy teaching.
Questions will prompt higher order thinking and answers will be scaffolded naturally by the children. All reviews welcome.
If you like this, then check out my sequence of guided reading lessons on Leon and the Place Between:
Don’t forget to check out my other useful and engaging lessons at my shop:
Here are some examples (including photos) of warm up activities to support fine motor skills and tool control with children. I would suggest completing these at the beginning of each handwriting and art session in order to develop children’s muscles and support the steadiness of their grip.
You may also want to see my assessment of art guidance, which is completely free: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/art-assessment-guidance-what-makes-good-art-13012093 or my whole school CPD on diversifying artists: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/art-cpd-for-primary-school-teachers-diversify-the-artists-you-study-13012106.
Don’t forget to make a review!
Have you or your staff ever wondered what makes a good piece of art work? Have you ever found it difficult to assess a child’s art pieces?
Michelle Gaugy sums it up pretty nicely by saying: Every work of art has two primary elements: technical skill and creative imagination, which can be thought of as graph lines that meet somewhere.
Generally, we say that an artwork is “better” - the higher the meeting point is of these two elements for a particular work, that is, maximum imaginative skill combined with maximum technical skill gives the best art…mostly.
So on that note… here is some free guidance on how to support you and your staff in having the confidence to assess children’s art!
Reviews are welcomed.
Please take a look at many other similar resources at my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Teach_wise
This useful document was put together in correlation with the EEF Writing Guidance. It contains the progression of editing skills as stated in the National Curriculum, the implementation needed for successful editing skills as well as examples of how it can be used in lessons.
There is also a PDF Flipchart that can be used to support staff in using this documentation.
Feel free to review this document when you have used it.
Check out other similar and supportive resources in my shop:
3 simple, ready to use templates for your whole class reading folder. Simply add in the names of all the children, highlight any SEND, PP children or those who don’t read regularly so that yourself, any visitors and teaching assistants know who to go to regularly.
Find attached:
A front cover (to keep all the information together)
1:1 readers (to keep track of who you read with daily, weekly or termly)
Weekly reading (to ensure that each child is reading at home each week)
This will ensure that you have read with every child frequently and you can keep track of their progress throughout the year.
Enjoy this simple but essential resource! Don’t forget to review it and give my online shop a glance…
Allow the children to keep track of their weekly arithmetic scores and see their progress. This useful resource will ensure that children are confident that they are making improvements rather than focusing on the number they get each week.
This has worked really well for my lower ability children as they are able to see clearly across each week and term how much their scores have increased.
I hope your children enjoy it as much as my own!
Reviews always welcomed.
You may also enjoy my other assessment trackers:
Writing: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/writing-assessment-checklist-for-whole-school-13012758
NFER/SATS/other test scores: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/excel-sats-test-score-assessment-tracker-13013344
Wave 1 strategy sheets: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/wave-1-strategy-sheet-tracker-for-send-pupils-with-plan-do-review-supporting-sheet-13012052
Pupil progress: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/pupil-progress-meeting-data-pack-analysis-13014100
All of the Year 4 objectives on one handy sheet!
The sheet is spit into Below, Expected and Greater Depth statements with easy colour coding to seperate transcription, grammar and composition statements.
Useful as a planning tool: to see what needs revisiting or even planning altogether, as well as assessing and planning for progress. I would use one sheet per child but this is not necessary.
All reviews are welcome.
You might also like to see other year group writing assessments on my online shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Teach_wise
or alternatively you might want to save money and buy each year groups in one handy bundle!
Five essential resources for improving your own and your school’s behaviour management:
1) Behaviour Rota - Make sure it is clear which member of SLT is on duty for reflection time. This will reduce the anxiety of teachers and pupils as they will know exactly what room to go to and who will be working with them.
2) Behaviour Tracker - For SLT to log behaviour concerns of children who have been in missed play 3x. Keep track of those children who are regularly attending so that you can put in place a behaviour strategy form and involve the parents.
3) Reflection Time Slips - For teachers to give their children to take to reflection time. This will allow the SLT member to clearly identify what happened - think about how many children have ever said to you, “I’m not sure what I’ve done.” This will certainly prevent this happening!
4) Reflection Time Response - Remember: children aren’t sent to reflection time to be told off but to discuss and reflect on their actions when they are calm and ready to explain. There is usually a reason children will act out, so this is the time where they can express their own needs and reflect on what went wrong.
5) ABC chart - Keep track of children who display behaviour issues, can you spot any recurring triggers? You will often find there is a specific time or lesson that triggers specific responses.
You may also find my Wave 1 strategy sheet for SEND pupils beneficial:
You can find more free and inexpensive resources at my shop:
If you enjoyed this pack, make sure you leave a review!
All of the Year 3 objectives on one handy sheet!
The sheet is spit into Below, Expected and Greater Depth statements with easy colour coding to seperate transcription, grammar and composition statements.
Useful as a planning tool: to see what needs revisiting or even planning altogether, as well as assessing and planning for progress. I would use one sheet per child but this is not necessary.
All reviews are welcome.
You might also like to see other year group writing assessments on my online shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Teach_wise
or alternatively you might want to save money and buy each year groups in one handy bundle: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13012758