We create outstanding learning experiences that engage and excite children in their schoolwork and make teachers' lives easier by saving them precious time, enabling a better work/life balance.
We are committed to promoting creative thinking, cross curricula learning, emotional intelligence and mindfulness to children of all ages. The future is here.
We create outstanding learning experiences that engage and excite children in their schoolwork and make teachers' lives easier by saving them precious time, enabling a better work/life balance.
We are committed to promoting creative thinking, cross curricula learning, emotional intelligence and mindfulness to children of all ages. The future is here.
Great for inspiring reluctant writers or filling a few hours in your class with fun yet challenging learning activities. A complete, engaging, imaginative, creative writing or Big Writing stimuli lesson that can be applied to many different writing genres. Children discuss ideas and then plan by answering the thought provoking questions which enable a wealth of ideas to be generated for the writing. Planning sheet includes 5 sense descriptions, VCOP elements and purpose, audience and genre notes to help meet the new 2014 curriculum. Starter activity + 2 widths of line guides/writing sheets included plus optional paragraph planning sheet, custom art sheet and self-assessment plenary activity mean that this lesson's length is flexible and could easily last for 2 hours if you wanted it to and comes with 3 different options in the teachers' notes for delivery over 1,2 or 3 lessons. Lesson is aimed at KS2 but can be used for more able KS1, or KS3 as it is differentiated by outcome.
Complete lesson with worksheets, discussions, planning, peer-assessment, artwork and a few ideas for follow up work. Designed to meet the new 2014 English curriculum objectives and enable detailed thinking, discussion, planning and writing. Differentiated planning sheets mean it's suitable for everyone from Year 6 to more able Year 2's! includes optional paragraph planning sheet and extension work for early finishers.
Suitable for any seas and oceans or nature based study/topic - or for simply an inspiring writing lesson! This complete, engaging and imaginative, creative writing or Big Writing stimuli lesson that can be applied to many different writing genres. Children discuss ideas and then plan by answering the thought provoking questions which enable a wealth of ideas to be generated for the writing. Planning sheet has space for 5 sense descriptions, VCOP elements and purpose, audience and genre notes to help meet the new 2014 curriculum. Starter activity plus 2 widths of line guides/writing sheets included plus optional paragraph planning sheet, custom art sheet and self-assessment plenary activity mean that this lesson's length is flexible and could easily last for 2 hours if you wanted it to and comes with 3 different options for delivery over 1,2 or 3 lessons. Lesson is aimed at KS2 but suitable for more able KS1 and KS3 as it is differentiated by outcome.
This complete lesson will easily produce some very detailed drawings that would be perfect for display and is very easy to teach. It comes with an extension activity for any early finishers and a reflective self-evaluation sheet for a plenary activity. Brief PowerPoint introduction introduces learning objectives, links to a video, and explains the difference between portrait and landscape. Perfect for KS1 or KS2 and differentiated by outcome. Part of a 6 lesson art & DT unit designed to match local area study, nature or woodland topics - available to buy from the TES. Also suitable for a discrete art lesson any time of year.
A complete, engaging, imaginative, creative writing or Big Writing stimuli lesson that can be applied to many different writing genres. Great for inspiring reluctant writers or filling a few hours in your class with fun yet challenging learning activities. Children first discuss their ideas and then plan their work. Planning sheet has space for 5 sense descriptions, VCOP elements and purpose, audience and genre notes to help meet the new 2014 curriculum. Starter activity 2 widths of line guides/writing sheets included plus optional paragraph planning sheet, custom art sheet and self-assessment plenary activity mean that this lesson's length is flexible and could easily last for 2 hours if you wanted it to and comes with 3 different options in the teachers' notes for delivery over 1,2 or 3 lessons. Lesson is aimed at KS2 but can be used for more able KS1, or KS3 as it is differentiated by outcome.
Complete lesson with starter, teaching input and peer-assessment based plenary all on the included PowerPoint. Children discuss, plan and then create writing based upon an inspiring, historical story starter writing prompt. The planning sheet asks thought provoking questions ensuring an original, well thought out piece of cross-curricula writing that is full of their own ideas. Other writing genres can also be applied to the plan. Suitable for big writing, creative writing, assessment, moderation or just a regular English lesson. There is also a creative drawing sheet included and lined writing sheet. Variable length: can be done in 1 hr or extended to nearer 2 hrs if required. Children will also practice empathy skills and have the opportunity to demonstrate their historical knowledge.
Designed to meet the new 2014 curriculum, this challenging lesson comes with: starter activity, engaging and interactive lesson input and 2 fun plenary activities to choose from (a game and peer-assessment) all on the included PowerPoint.
The enjoyable yet challenging learning activities have 3 levels of differentiation and are simply explained in the full teachers' notes, which also include answers for peer-assessment. This fantastic lesson has been created with enjoyment and challenge in equal measures.
If you enjoyed this Year 5 Indicating Degrees of Possibility Using Adverbs lesson, we have a full range of over 195 engaging, creative and cross-curricular teaching resources that can be viewed by copying and pasting this link into your internet browser
Please don't forget to keep up to date with our education and teaching resources news by joining nearly 3000 of your fellow educators in "LIKING" our Facebook page too :)
All images either owned by tftf or released through Creative Commons C.O
This bestselling resource on Indicating Degrees of Possibility Using Modal Verbs has been purchased and downloaded over 300 times! This is a fantastic complete lesson pack with everything you need to simply print and teach.
Designed to meet the new 2014 curriculum, this engaging yet challenging complete lesson comes with: starter activity, fun and thorough lesson input and 2 fun plenary activities to choose from (a game and peer-assessment) all on the included PowerPoint. The enjoyable yet challenging learning activities have 3 levels of differentiation and are simply explained in the full teachers' notes, which also include answers for peer-assessment. This fantastic lesson teaches children what modal verbs are and how to use them in writing and has been created with enjoyment and challenge in equal measures. A brilliant way to easily teach a difficult learning objective.
If you enjoyed this Year 5 Indicating Degrees of Possibility Using Modal Verbs lesson, we have a full range of over 188 engaging, creative and cross-curricular teaching resources that can be viewed by copying and pasting this link into your internet browser
Please don't forget to keep up to date with our education and teaching resources news by joining nearly 3000 of your fellow educators in "LIKING" our Facebook page too :)
All images either owned by tftf or released through Creative Commons C.O
This 6 lesson unit comes with an editable MTP plus 6 separate lesson packs. We have endeavoured to use: new, unconventional, creative and modern ideas that will really engage children, but also use familiar materials for teachers that are common to all schools or easy to obtain.
Children will build, discuss, design, plan, create and evaluate throughout, as they construct 3D models including a flint axe, a mask and a Stone Age cave. 2D art includes an impressive Skara Brae scene and a lesson full of experimentation involving studying animal fur. Every lesson has some cross-curricula elements including: reading comprehension, writing, and of course history plus they all come with a custom reflective self-evaluation sheet, all designed to perfectly compliment the new 2014 curriculum.
This whole unit is easy to teach, rewarding and will provide many items that children will treasure for a long time. Adaptable for KS1.
We have more Stone Age resources in our shop - copy and paste the link below
Please don't forget to keep up to date with our education and teaching resources news by joining nearly 3000 of your fellow educators in "LIKING" our Facebook page too :)
All images either owned by tftf or released through Creative Commons C.O
Engaging, fun and challenging complete SPaG lesson that teaches children how to add perfect direct speech to their writing. Pack includes:
- 3 differentiated learning objectives + extra challenge to stretch the most able.
- 3 levels of differentiated worksheets,
- Success criteria sheets.
- Extension activity.
- Homework sheet.
- Answer sheets.
Aimed at Years 3, 4, 5 or 6 and designed to meet the 2014 curriculum guidance, but could be taught to KS3 as well depending on ability. Teachers' notes and answers included along with starter activity, teaching input (including video link) and choice of 2 plenary activities all on the PowerPoint.
All images either sourced from openclipart.com or owned by tftf.
This 3 worksheet pack contains elements of differentiation and an engaging hook that will help children to complete the work with a real sense of purpose.
Children evaluate what is important when compiling facts about Earth - this element is conducive to lots of discussion during the lesson input/introduction.
Children are encouraged to present their fact file in a creative way but support materials are provided for those who find that sort of thing tricky. You could even use this lesson to inspire another lesson of creative or letter writing, based on the hook.
Children will need access to research materials in order to complete this task.
All images sourced and licensed via Creative Commons C.0
These resources can also be purchased as part of our KS2 Mayan Civilization Resources: Creative Cross-Curricula Topic Pack Bonus Edition. For a minimal extra investment you can receive a huge amount of extra learning, worksheets and activities for your class.
These 6 cross-curricular maths activity sheets easily last a lesson each and have been designed to give your class a fun, engaging and independent learning experience, that is super-easy to teach and leaves minimal to no marking - all you need to do is print and hand it over to mixed ability groups!
Each activity easily lasts an hour and some could go on a lot longer! Perfect for those last weeks of term where you want your class engaging with the curriculum but in a more creative, practical and enjoyable way.
Objectives and skills covered include:
- Addition, estimating and rounding of numbers with 2 decimal places ( in the context of money) and using and applying this to real-life scenarios.
- Collecting data, displaying visually and analysing.
- Creating and solving 1, 2 or 3 step worded maths problems.
- Estimating and measuring the perimeter and area of increasingly large shapes and spaces.
- To estimate, round and use numbers up to 10,000,000 and beyond in an engaging cross-curricular way - computer or library access required!
Get your last week and a bit of maths planning done with this superb pack from bestselling primary authors The Future Teacher Foundation.
If you are looking for more end of term solutions then we have lots of super fun and highly educational end of term resources that can be found by : CLICKING HERE
All images either copyright owned by tftf or released through creative commons C.O.
Includes: Starter-PowerPoint-Worksheets-Art Sheet-Plenary-Teachers' Notes
A complete, engaging, imaginative, creative writing or Big Writing stimuli lesson that can be applied to many different writing genres. Children discuss ideas and plan by answering the thought provoking questions which enable many ideas to be generated for the writing. Planning sheet has space for 5 sense descriptions, VCOP elements and purpose, audience and genre notes to help meet the new 2014 curriculum.
2 widths of line guides/writing sheets included plus optional paragraph planning sheet, custom art sheet and self-assessment plenary activity mean that the lesson's length is flexible and could easily last for 2 hours if you wanted it to and comes with 3 different options in the teachers' notes for delivery over 1,2 or 3 lessons. Lesson is aimed at KS2 but can be used for more able KS1, or KS3 as it is differentiated by outcome.
Children will need some historical knowledge of the era.
Designed to be adaptable and flexible in length to suit your needs, this challenging yet engaging mini-project contains 12 separate & complete activities for your class to undertake that result in them creating all the details of a newly discovered remote island complete with a tribe of people. Packed with learning, creativity and the demonstration of acquired skills, the project is designed to keep your class occupied and learning for an entire day, with minimal input from you, but could even be extended over a longer period of time. The project is completely purpose driven with children engaging in research, independent learning, planning, persuasive writing, speaking and listening, art édesign and creative problem solving activities. Designed for pairs or 3’s in upper KS2, and to provide engagement and challenge for even the brightest members of the class whilst being accessible to all. Suitable also for KS3 and higher ability Y4.
This complete and easy to teach lesson comes with 3 levels of differentiated worksheets/activities. Starter, teaching input (with click-able links to video content) and an engaging plenary all included on the PowerPoint. Can be used in a series of lessons based on the new curriculum statutory requirement: compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties. Also suitable for any KS2 science or geography lesson about sedimentary rocks.
This complete lesson could produce some stunning results for display and is very easy to teach. It comes with extension activity ideas for any early finishers and reflective self-evaluation sheets are also included for a plenary activity. Brief PowerPoint introduction introduces learning objectives and links to 2 videos demonstrating suitable skills for the lesson. Perfect for any age as differentiated by outcome. Part of a 6 lesson art & DT unit designed to match local area study, nature or woodland topics - available to buy from the TES. Also suitable for a discrete art lesson any time of year.
Complete cross-curricula lesson with unique, written and graphic instructions that add an element of reading comprehension to this lesson if you wish. Children use different joins to secure and strengthen attachments and create an incredible 3D UFO with easy to source art/DT materials that can be found at home. Children then evaluate and reflect upon their work and the process of creation with a specially designed sheet that meets the new 2014 curriculum.
I found this Christmas Decoration and thought lots of teachers and children would benefit from this great activity so in the spirit of Christmas I shared it. Cut out and stick together to make a Christmas ornament - You could add different pictures, make it A3 or print onto card if you can.
If you are looking for more creative Christmas activities then copy and paste these link to view our larger art based Christmas resources.
Or visit our Bestselling Gold Tiered Resources shop where you can find many resources perfect for the Christmas period as they are unique, creative, fun and highly engaging.
Christmas Decoration Image released through creative commons C.O
Complete lesson with extension activities and follow on work suggestions. Highly creative and engaging 'getting to know you' type lesson but with a fun twist your class will love.
Enables assessment of writing, creativity and artistic ability whilst also finding out about your class in a way that is enjoyable and accessible for all. Suitable for all ages as long as they can write!