All resources
How to calculate the age of a tree
A simple field guide that walks students through the steps needed to roughly work out the age of a tree.
How to calculate soil organic content
A field guide that walks students through the different stages needed to calculate the organic content of a soil sample.
Discourse Analysis Framework
A worksheet designed to guide students through an analysis of different forms of discourse (through a series of questions about the source).
Biodiversity Survey Tasks Risk Assessment
A generic risk assessment based around the idea of collecting field data on a range of biotic indicators.
Cliff Stability Survey
A data collection sheet for the recording of data about the stability of different cliffs.
Spatial Sampling
A field guide to spatial sampling, give six examples.
Infiltration survey
A data collection sheet for the recording of infiltration data.
How to collect data offline using ArcGIS Field Maps
A step by step guide for those new to ArcGIS.
How to take photos using ArcGIS Field Maps
A step by step guide for those new to ArcGIS.
GCSE Fieldwork Revision Checksheet
A checksheet to help students revise for the fieldwork questions in their Geography GCSE.
Make your own quadrat
Detailed instructions on how to make a quadrat out of easy to source materials.
Make your own rain gauge
Detailed instructions on how to make a rain gauge out of easy to source materials.
Forty Minute Fieldwork: Soil Types
A complete lesson plan showing how you can teach about different soil types using sedimentation in your school grounds.
Human IA for Fieldwork Activities
A Human Impact Assessment that looks at how different fieldwork activities might be detrimental to communities and individuals.
Environmental IA for Fieldwork Activities
An Environmental Impact Assessment that looks at how hazardous different fieldwork activities might be for the environment.
Ways to reduce the cost of fieldwork
A number of strategies you might use to make fieldwork happen if you are working with a tight budget.
Landscape Observation Grids
A series of bingo grids based around the kind of observations students might make in eight different landscapes (towns, coasts, sand dunes, rivers, parkland, woodland, uplands and rural areas).
Each landscape has both a standard and advanced set of processes, features, issues and opportunities for students to try and spot in the field.
Ideal High Street Survey
Based on a 2018 YouGov poll into what people might think of as an ideal high street, this data collection sheet provides a framework for students studying this topic.
Beach Use Survey
A template data collection sheet for students wishing to study how different groups of people might use a beach and the impact this will have.
Inclusivity and accessibility planning
A guide to the kind of things one might want to consider when planning fieldwork with regards to inclusivity and accessibility.