All resources
Water Quality Survey
A data collection sheet to help students record water quality by using the Trent Biotic Index as part of a geography fieldwork investigation.
Zingg Classification Survey
A data collection sheet to help students classify the shape of river bedload or coastal sediment as part of a geography fieldwork investigation.
Meteorology Survey
A data collection sheet to help students record weather phenomena as part of a geography fieldwork investigation.
Mass movement survey
A data collection sheet to help students investigate coastal mass movement as part of a geography fieldwork investigation.
Soil Texture Triangle
A triangular graph that helps students to identify different soil types by knowing their constituent parts (following a soil sedimentation enquiry).
Landscape Survey - Rural
A tick sheet survey helping students to note different aspects of the rural environment they find themselves in.
Landscape Survey - Urban
A tick sheet survey helping students to note different aspects of the urban environment they find themselves in.
River form survey
A data collection sheet which allows students to record various dimensions of a river as well as its gradient and velocity.
Dirty Hands Test
A key to use in the field which helps students identify different soil types.
Beach profile survey
A data collection sheet for the recording of gradients along different sections of a beach. It includes graph paper for students to draw their beach profile alongside the data.
Levels of Independence in the NEA
A simple graph which can explain to students undertaking the NEA in which sections they should be working independently and where they might be able to collaborate.
Creating Research Questions (NEA)
A series of key words students should consider when formulating their research questions for their NEA.
Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient Calculator
An Excel spreadsheet which automatically calculates the critical value for the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient.
A good way for students to check their long-hand working, or a way to analyse primary data for students who are not confident in their maths skills.
Simpson's Diversity Index Calculator
An Excel spreadsheet which automatically calculates the final value for Simpson’s Diversity Index.
A good way for students to check their long-hand working, or a way to analyse primary data for students who are not confident in their maths skills.
Presenting ArcGIS data (beginner plus)
A step by step guide to going beyond the most simple data presentation methods in ArcGIS.
Interquartile Ranges
A student guide to this simple statistical test. This worksheet gives examples of a variety of geographical investigations which can use interquartile ranges as well as a fully worked example for students to follow.
Personal Safety in Fieldwork
A quick guide for students about to undertake fieldwork, highlighting some of the key ways they can keep themselves and others safe.
Chi Squared Test Significance Table
A full significance table for use with the Chi Squared test. This version shows five different levels of significance.
Building Independent Research Skills at A Level
This book offers advice to A Level geography teachers looking to create higher and more sustainable levels of independent research skills in their students, specifically for those looking to complete the NEA (Independent Investigation). The book also contains nine classroom-ready worksheets which provide tasks and guidance to students.
Z Scores
A student guide for the use of Z scores within geographical research. Includes a step-by-step guide showing students how to calculate them.