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The Christmasaurus Novel Study
A complete novel study for The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher.
Includes 24 differentiated worksheets covering a range of comprehension skills.
I created this resource to use with the novel as a shared class text.

Space Lander STEM Investigation Worksheet
Get your class buzzing about space exploration with this FREEBIE STEM recording worksheet.
Includes space for planning a space lander project, thinking prompts and reflection questions.

Multiplication HERO Bundle x 2 x5 x10
A bundle of 36 superhero themed activities to master x2 x5 x10 facts including repeated addition, arrays, products and factors, multiples, practice games, word problems and speed test.
Includes cover pages to turn the sheets into booklets.
Each set (x2 x5 x10) includes activities such as:
*Multiplication as Repeated Addition
*Multiplication on a Number Line
*Super Products and Factors
*Awesome Arrays
*(More) Arrays
*Fantastic Factors
*Roll and Multiply
*Spin and Dab
*Find the Factors
*Comic Strip Problems
*Super Speed Test
Flying Multiples (x5)
Multiple Message (x10)
Double Trouble (x2)
*Starred activities appear in all three packs.
This pack would be useful for introducing multiplication or to support children who are finding the concept challenging.
Printables can be used in isolation or use the included cover page to turn into a booklet.

Pirate Themed Position and Direction
Three Pirate themed worksheets focusing on position and direction.
Suitable for KS1. Uses North, South, East and West on a grid.
Includes: Follow the directions to Scutari, Design and write directions to the hospital and a design prompt for a floor robot grid.

Florence Nightingale Position and Direction
Three Florence Nightingale themed worksheets focusing on position and direction.
Suitable for KS1. Uses North, South, East and West on a grid.
Includes: Follow the directions to Scutari, Design and write directions to the hospital and a design prompt for a floor robot grid.

Multiplication HERO x 2 Activity Pack
A set of 12 superhero themed activities to master x facts including repeated addition, arrays, products and factors, multiples, practice games, word problems and speed test.
Includes a cover page to turn the sheets into a booklet.
The pack includes the following activities:
Multiplication as Repeated Addition
Multiplication on a Number Line
Super Products and Factors
Awesome Arrays
(More) Arrays
Fantastic Factors
Double Trouble
Roll and Multiply
Spin and Dab
Find the Factors
Comic Strip Problems
Super Speed Test
This pack would be useful for introducing multiplication or to support children who are finding the concept challenging.
Printables can be used in isolation or use the included cover page to turn into a booklet.

Multiplication HERO x 5 Activity Pack
A set of 12 superhero themed activities to master x10 facts including repeated addition, arrays, products and factors, multiples, practice games, word problems and speed test.
Includes a cover page to turn the sheets into a booklet.
Activity pack includes the following:
Multiplication as Repeated Addition
Multiplication on a Number Line
Super Products and Factors
Awesome Arrays
(More) Arrays
Fantastic Factors
Flying Multiples
Roll and Multiply
Spin and Dab
Find the Factors
Comic Word Problems
Super Speed Test

Multiplication HERO x 10 Activity Pack
A set of 12 superhero themed activities to master x10 facts including repeated addition, arrays, products and factors, multiples, practice games, word problems and speed test.
Includes a cover page to turn the sheets into a booklet.
The pack includes the following activities:
Multiplication as Repeated Addition
Multiplication on a Number Line
Super Products and Factors
Awesome Arrays
(More) Arrays
Fantastic Factors
Multiple Message
Roll and Multiply
Spin and Dab
Find the Factors
Comic Strip Word Problems
Super Speed Test
This pack would be useful for introducing multiplication or to support children who are finding the concept challenging.
Printables can be used in isolation or use the included cover page to turn into a booklet.

Discussion Prompt Cards {Thinking Skills}
A set of 28 discussion prompts including debate topics, science/world around us concepts, cause/effect and thinking skills.
Colour and black and white versions are included. Full size of cards is A4, however they can be printed smaller. Ideal for printing on card and laminating for long term use within the classroom.
Could be used as an early finisher activity, for written response/persuasion tasks or group discussions. I have used these cards with middle primary but could be used in a variety of ways with all year groups.

THINK Poster {Watercolour Theme}
Encourage your class to think before they speak with this watercolour theme THINK poster.
I display this poster in my classroom and refer to it throughout the day or during circle time.

The Creakers Novel Study
A complete novel study for The Creakers by Tom Fletcher.
Includes differentiated worksheets covering a range of comprehension skills.
I created this resource to use with the novel as a shared class text. Used with a year 3/4 composite class but would be useful further nto KS2.