At the Spanish Classroom, we provide engaging and exciting resources, lesson plans and activities for the experienced and non experienced Spanish teacher.
At the Spanish Classroom, we provide engaging and exciting resources, lesson plans and activities for the experienced and non experienced Spanish teacher.
PowerPoint to teach numbers from 1 - 10 in Spanish. Includes audio of a native speaking saying each number and five activities.
The five activities are:
Matching - students match the numbers to the pictures.
Picture splat - teacher says the number and two students compete to be the first to splat the picture.
What’s missing - numbers disappear from the slide and students must say what has disappeared
Blockbusters – students complete to say the target vocabulary to cross from one side of the board to another.
Quick flash - pictures are displayed momentarily. Students put their hand up and say what the picture is. Click again and the picture appears. Click a third time and the word in Spanish appears.
Each game includes key phrases the teacher can use in Spanish.
I hope you find it useful!
A home learning pack to revise basic Spanish in case of school closures. The pack includes lots of fun activities: matching, word searches, fill in the missing gap and labeling the picture. Each worksheet covers basic Spanish vocabulary including:
The weather
Questions and answers
The family
I hope you find it useful!
A home learning pack to revise basic Spanish during school closures. Aimed at 9 - 14 year olds, there are eight activities. The pack includes lots of fun activities: matching, word searches, fill in the missing letters, and labelling pictures. Each worksheet covers basic Spanish vocabulary including:
The weather
Questions and answers
The family
The Environment
School subjects
This pack is an extension of ‘Spanish Home Learning Pack’ . It contains extra activities aimed at upper KS2/KS3.
I hope you find it useful!
Numbers 20 - 31 in Spanish - Vocabulary and Games
PowerPoint to teach numbers from 20 - 31 in Spanish. Includes audio of a native speaking saying each number and five activities. Easily adaptable for home learning. Children can play the games with parents or siblings and use the sound files to practice pronunciation.
The five activities are:
Picture splat - teacher says the number and two students compete to be the first to splat the picture.
What’s missing - numbers disappear from the slide and students must say what has disappeared
Matching - students match the numbers to the pictures.
Quick flash - pictures are displayed momentarily. Students put their hand up and say what the picture is. Click again and the picture appears. Click a third time and the word in Spanish appears.
Blockbusters – students complete to say the target vocabulary to cross from one side of the board to another.
Each game includes key phrases the teacher can use in Spanish.
I hope you find it useful!
All the plans and resources you need to teach six, one hour Spanish lessons to upper KS2 or KS3 on the topic of transport. Students will learn ten modes of transport in Spanish and how different children around the world travel to school. They will sort modes of transport; count how many modes of transport there are and ask and answer how they get to school in Spanish. Students will learn how to make nouns plural in Spanish.
Included in unit of work:
Detailed medium term plan
El Transporte PowerPoint - includes everything needed to teach the topic, e.g. presentation of vocabulary (including sound files by a native speaker), games, activities etc.
El Transporte Activity Pack - includes front cover for new topic; travelling to school activity; sorting modes of transport activity; counting modes of transport and a class survey.
End of Unit Self-Assessment – students assess how well the have achieved the topic objectives.
Each lesson plan includes: activities to revise previous learning; new language activities; a main activity; plenary and consolidation activities to be completed during the week.
The plans are designed for non-specialist primary teachers or specialist teachers who are short on time.
The topic includes sound files of a native speaker and five games to practice the vocabulary.
The five games are:
Matching - students match the numbers to the pictures.
Picture splat - teacher says the number and two students compete to be the first to splat the picture.
What’s missing - numbers disappear from the slide and students must say what has disappeared
Quick flash - pictures are displayed momentarily. Students put their hand up and say what the picture is. Click again and the picture appears. Click a third time and the word in Spanish appears.
Blockbusters – students complete to say the target vocabulary to cross from one side of the board to another.
Students will love learning Spanish with this fun topic! Teachers will love how much time they save!
¡Muchas Gracias!
PowerPoint to teach numbers from 11 - 20 in Spanish. Includes audio of a native speaking saying each number. and five activities. The PowerPoint is easily adaptable to be used at home (parents and children playing against one another).
The five activities are:
Picture splat - teacher says the number and two students compete to be the first to splat the picture.
What’s missing - numbers disappear from the slide and students must say what has disappeared
Matching - students match the numbers to the pictures.
Quick flash - pictures are displayed momentarily. Students put their hand up and say what the picture is. Click again and the picture appears. Click a third time and the word in Spanish appears.
Blockbusters – students complete to say the target vocabulary to cross from one side of the board to another.
Each game includes key phrases the teacher can use in Spanish.
I hope you find it useful!
All the plans and resources you need to teach six, one hour Spanish lessons to upper KS2 or KS3 on the topic of the environment in Spanish. Students will learn about environmental problems facing Spanish speaking countries; they will learn about solutions to the problems and what materials to recycle in Spanish. Students will listen to someone talking about the environment in Spanish and use their language learning skills to translate the text. Listening activity can then be used for assessment. Finally students will create a poster in Spanish, telling students how they can help the environment.
Detailed medium term plan
El Medioambiente PowerPoint - includes everything needed to teach the topic, e.g. presentation of vocabulary (including sound files by a native speaker), games, listening activities etc.
El Medioambiente Activity Pack - includes front cover for new topic; categorising materials for recyclying and speaking activities.
End of Unit Self-Assessment – students assess how well the have achieved the topic objectives.
Each lesson plan includes: activities to revise previous learning; new language activities; a main activity; plenary and consolidation activities to be completed during the week.
The plans are designed for non-specialist primary teachers or specialist teachers who are short on time.
The El Medioambiente topic includes sound files of a native speaker and five games to practice the vocabulary.
The five games are:
Matching - students match the numbers to the pictures.
Picture splat - teacher says the number and two students compete to be the first to splat the picture.
What’s missing - numbers disappear from the slide and students must say what has disappeared
Blockbusters – students complete to say the target vocabulary to cross from one side of the board to another.
Quick flash - pictures are displayed momentarily. Students put their hand up and say what the picture is. Click again and the picture appears. Click a third time and the word in Spanish appears.
Students will love learning Spanish with this fun topic! Teachers will love how much time they save!
¡Muchas Gracias!
Labelling activity for family vocabulary, with and without word bank. Family vocabulary: madre, padre, hermano, hermana, abuelo, abuela. Suitable for ages 7 -14.
All the plans and resources you need to teach six, 15 minute Spanish lessons to EYFS on the topic of numbers. Students will learn vocabulary for numbers up to 10. They will learn to count, say and recognise numbers and sing a traditional Spanish counting song.
Detailed medium term plan with links to EYFS objectives.
Los Números 1-10 PowerPoint - includes everything needed to teach the topic, e.g. presentation of vocabulary (including sound files by a native speaker), games and activities.
Los Números 1-10 Activity pack - includes front cover for new topic; large flashcards; small flashcards; counting elephants activity.
Songs to help children remember the vocabulary.
The plans are designed for non-specialist primary teachers or specialist teachers who are short on time.
The Los Números 1-10 topic includes sound files of a native speaker and four games to practice the vocabulary.
The five games are:
Picture splat - teacher says the number and two students compete to be the first to splat the picture.
What’s missing - numbers disappear from the slide and students must say what has disappeared
Quick flash - pictures are displayed momentarily. Students put their hand up and say what the picture is. Click again and the picture appears. Click a third time and the word in Spanish appears.
Blockbusters – students complete to say the target vocabulary to cross from one side of the board to another.
Students will love learning Spanish with this fun topic! Teachers will love how much time they save!
¡Muchas Gracias!
All the plans and resources you need to teach six, one hour Spanish lessons to KS2 or KS3 on the topic of family. Students will discuss different types of families and learn how to describe their own family. They will learn to say who each family member is and what their name is. They will also practice asking each other about their families.
Detailed medium term plan
Mi Familia PowerPoint - includes everything needed to teach the topic, e.g. presentation of vocabulary (including sound files by a native speaker), games, activities, dialogues etc.
Mi Familia Activity Pack - includes front cover for new topic; labelling family members; fill in the gap listening and speaking activities and listening comprehension.
End of Unit Self-Assessment – students assess how well the have achieved the topic objectives.
Each lesson plan includes: activities to revise previous learning; new language activities; main activities; plenary and consolidation activities.
The plans are designed for non-specialist primary teachers or specialist teachers who are short on time.
The Mi Familia topic includes sound files of a native speaker and five games to practice the vocabulary.
The five games are:
Matching - students match the numbers to the pictures.
Picture splat - teacher says the number and two students compete to be the first to splat the picture.
What’s missing - numbers disappear from the slide and students must say what has disappeared
Blockbusters – students complete to say the target vocabulary to cross from one side of the board to another.
Quick flash - pictures are displayed momentarily. Students put their hand up and say what the picture is. Click again and the picture appears. Click a third time and the word in Spanish appears.
Students will love learning Spanish with this fun topic! Teachers will love how much time they save!
¡Muchas Gracias!
A PowerPoint to teach eight words related to Easter in Spanish. The PowerPoint includes recordings of a native speaker saying all vocabulary. All games and activities are suitable for home learning during school closures or for the classroom.
un huevo – an egg
un conejo – a rabbit
un pollito – a chick
una cruz – a cross
una flor – a flower
un cordero – a lamb
un chocolate – a chocolate
una cesta de Pascua – an Easter basket
The PowerPoint contains five games to consolidate knowledge of vocabulary.
The five activities are:
Matching - students match the words to the pictures.
Picture splat - teacher says the word and two students compete to be the first to splat the picture.
What’s missing - numbers disappear from the slide and students say what has disappeared
Quick flash - pictures are displayed momentarily. Students put their hand up and say what the picture is. Click again and the picture appears. Click a third time and the word in Spanish appears.
Blockbusters – students complete to say the target vocabulary to cross from one side of the board to another.
The second PowerPoint includes three worksheets:
A word search
Matching words to pictures
Fill in the missing letters
All answers are included.
All the plans and resources you need to teach six, one hour Spanish lessons to KS2 or KS3 on the topic of classroom objects and instructions. Students will learn give and follow classroom instructions and describe what is in their pencil case. They will sort nouns into masculine and feminine; find out how to make nouns plural and use imperative verbs.
Included in this resource:
Detailed medium term plan
Instructions and Classroom Objects PowerPoint - includes everything needed to teach the topic, e.g. presentation of vocabulary, games, activities, dialogues etc.
Numbers to 10 PowerPoint – games to teach numbers to 10
Activity Pack - includes front cover for new topic; labelling activity; writing template and grid to sort masculine and feminine nouns.
End of Unit Self-Assessment
Each lesson plan includes: activities to revise previous learning; new language activities; main activities; plenary and consolidation activities. The plans are designed for non-specialist primary teachers or specialist teachers who are short on time.
The PowerPoint includes sound files of a native speaker and five games to practice the vocabulary.
The five games are:
Matching - students match the numbers to the pictures.
Picture Splat - teacher says the number and two students compete to be the first to splat the picture.
What’s Missing - numbers disappear from the slide and students must say what has disappeared
Blockbusters – students complete to say the target vocabulary to cross from one side of the board to another.
Quick flash - pictures are displayed momentarily. Students put their hand up and say what the picture is. Click again and the picture appears. Click a third time and the word in Spanish appears.
All resources are included; you just have to print them off!
The ten phrases for instructions are:
• repetid - repeat
• escuchad - listen
• manos arriba – hands up
• manos abajo – hands down
• silencio, por favor – silence, please
• levantaos – stand up
• sentaos – sit down
• escribid - write
• mirad - look
• pásame – pass me
The eight classroom objects are:
• un bolígrafo – a pen
• un lápiz– a pencil
• una goma – a rubber
• una hoja de papel – a sheet of paper
• una regla – a ruler
• un bote de pegamento – a pot of glue
• un cuaderno – an execise book
• un estuche – a pencil case
Everything you need to teach an engaging Spanish lesson before Halloween. The pack includes: Halloween lesson plan; powerpoint to introduce the vocabulary and activities to rehearse vocabulary; matching and sentence writing activity; translations and pronunciation guidance for the non-specialist teacher; flashcards.
Five fun activities for teaching food, ‘La Merienda’ or ‘afternoon tea’. The first slides introduce the vocabulary:
• La Merienda – afternoon tea
• una galleta – a biscuit
• un magdalenas – a cupcake
• un vaso de leche – a glass of milk
• un zumo de naranja – an orange juice
• un chocolate caliente – a hot chocolate
• un té- a tea
• un café – a coffee
• pan con mermelada – bread with jam
• sandwich de queso – cheese and ham sandwich
• pan con tomate – bread with tomato
There is guidance on how to pronounce the words in Spanish for non specialist teachers. The five activities are:
The five activities are:
Matching - students match the words to the pictures.
Picture splat - teacher says the target vocabulary and two students compete to be the first to splat the picture.
What’s missing - numbers disappear from the slide and students say what has disappeared
Quick flash - pictures are displayed momentarily. Students put their hand up and say what the picture is. Click again and the picture appears. Click a third time and the word in Spanish appears.
Blockbusters – students complete to say the target vocabulary to cross from one side of the board to another.
Each game includes key phrases the teacher can use in Spanish.
The PowerPoint can be used repeatedly over a half term to teach and practice key vocabulary.
This resource includes an information pack and quiz, jam-packed full of interesting facts about how Christmas is celebrated in Spain. Students will learn about:
• How ‘Beléns’ that are used as a count down to Christmas.
• What is ‘Noche Buena’
• Traditional food eaten at Christmas
• Why Spanish children get extra presents
• ‘El Gordo’ Christmas lottery
• Strange Christmas traditions
Teachers then have the option to test students knowledge using the multiple choice questions or asking students to complete a quiz sheet. All answers provided. ¡Feliz Navidad!
This pack contains everything you need to teach Christmas words and phrases in Spanish. The pack includes a PowerPoint presentation, introducing eight words and phrases associated with Christmas:
Father Christmas – Papá Noel
Christmas tree – árbol de navidad
baubles – bolas de navidad
elves – elfos
reindeer – reno
presents – regalos
snowman – muñeco
star – estrella
The resources includes translations and pronunciation guidance. There are five games: Picture Splat; ¿Qué falta?; Blockbusters; Matching Activity and Quick Flash to practice the vocabulary. In addition to the PowerPoint there is also a matching activity worksheet and a boardgame.
Entire unit of plans and resources for the weather in Spanish. The plan includes weekly consolidation activities, audio of all vocabulary and information about the language. All resources are included and there are lots of fun games and activities.
Vocabulary taught:
hace frío – it is cold
hace calor – it is hot
nieva – it snows
llueve – it rains
está nublado – it is cloudy
hace viento – it is windy
hay tormenta – there is a storm
hace sol – it is sunny
Students will learn eight phrases to describe the weather. They will practise using the vocabulary by playing games such as, ‘What’s missing’ and ‘Quick flash’. Students will also revise the days of the week and play a ‘quiz’ to test their knowledge. They will then link the vocabulary for weather and days of the week to listen to a weather forecast in Spanish. Using their listening skills, students will compare what they hear, to a picture forecast and say if they think it is ‘verdad’ (true) or ‘falso’ (false). Working in pairs, they will complete weather forecasts for different cities in Spain and the UK, practicing their listening and speaking skills. They will present a weather forecast in front of the class and research what the weather is like in Spanish cities, comparing it to the weather in the UK. Activities are designed to encourage oracy skills and collaborative learning. Each lesson has opportunities for self assessment and teaches language learning strategies. Students will be enthusiastic about Spanish and eager to learn more!
An excellent resource for teaching KS2 or KS3 parts of the body in Spanish. Can be used for the famous head, shoulders, knees and toes song. Includes 5 different activities and games, including ‘Blockbusters’, ‘What’s
Missing’ and ‘Matching’. Also includes language notes and pronunciation of all vocabulary.
Four, fun activities for teaching numbers 11 - 20 in Spanish. The first slides introduce the numbers. There is guidance on how to pronounce the numbers in Spanish for non specialist teachers. The four activities are:
Matching - students match the numbers to the pictures.
Picture splat - teacher says the number and two students compete to be the first to splat the picture.
What’s missing - numbers disappear from the slide and students must say what has disappeared
Quick flash - numbers are displayed momentarily. Students put their hand up and say what the number is. Click again and the number appears. Click a third time and the word in Spanish appears.
Each game includes key phrases the teacher can use in Spanish.
A great resource for teaching KS2 or KS3 Spanish. The powerpoint includes eight phrases for weather in Spanish with translations and pronunciation guidance. There are four exciting games to keep your learners engaged. Can be used over a series of lessons.