Caterpillar and butterfly complete display/science investigation area pack bundle
Bundle of resources to create a caterpillar and butterfly investigation area or display.
‘Our Caterpillars’ display bunting
Caterpillar and butterfly fact cards
Caterpillar and butterfly key vocab cards
All items have a matching leaf design
Big set of 30 arithmetic starter worksheets for Year 2 KS1 maths basic skills revision SATS
A big set of 30 arithmetic starter worksheets.
Each sheet has squared paper at the side to allow children to have space to use formal, written methods and/or pictorial methods to work out the answers to the questions.
A range of basic skills are covered such as:
counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s.
place Value
adding/subtracting tens
doubling and halving
finding missing parts on a part-whole model
finding missing parts in addition and subtraction calculations.
2 digit addition and subtraction
multiplication and division (2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables)