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Key Stage 2 (KS2) Computing Scheme of Work
Full Scheme of Work to deliver Computing across Years 3 to 6.
Includes an overview mind map for each unit of work, as well as weekly breakdowns to ensure teachers have all they need to deliver the Computing curriculum effectively.
EYFS and Key Stage 1 (KS1) Computing Scheme of Work
Full Scheme of Work to deliver Computing across the EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2.
Includes an overview mind map for each unit of work, as well as weekly breakdowns to ensure teachers have all they need to deliver the Computing curriculum effectively.
Primary 3-11 Computing Scheme of Work
Full Scheme of Work to deliver Computing across the full Primary phase, including EYFS.
Includes an overview mind map for each unit of work, as well as weekly breakdowns to ensure teachers have all they need to deliver the Computing curriculum effectively.
Each year group is available to purchase separately, this is a discounted bundle for the full Primary phase but there is also EYFS/KS1 and KS2 available to purchase as bundles.
Year 6 - Computing - Full Scheme of Work with Lesson Plans
A full scheme of work including Medium Term Plan and a week by week breakdown for Computing in Year 6. This is everything that you would need to deliver computing for the year.
Film Making
Multi-modal presentations
Research and awareness
Game building (scratch)
Year 5 - Computing - Full Scheme of Work with Lesson Plans
A full scheme of work including Medium Term Plan and a week by week breakdown for Computing in Year 5. This is everything that you would need to deliver computing for the year.
3D structures
Comic design
Research and Awareness
Year 4 - Computing - Full Scheme of Work including Lesson Plans
A full scheme of work including Medium Term Plan and a week by week breakdown for Computing in Year 4. This is everything that you would need to deliver computing for the year.
Research and awareness
Year 3 - Computing - Full Scheme of Work with Lesson Plans
A full scheme of work including Medium Term Plan and a week by week breakdown for Computing in Year 3. This is everything that you would need to deliver computing for the year.
Building computer games (Scratch)
Creating pictures
Recording and editing audio
Year 2 - Computing Scheme of Work - Full Year Planning
A full scheme of work including Medium Term Plan and a week by week breakdown for Computing in Year 2. This is everything that you would need to deliver computing for the year.
Digital stories
Internet and e-safety
Questions and answers
Makey, Makey
Year 1 Full Computing Scheme of Work including Lesson Plans
A full scheme of work including Medium Term Plan and a week by week breakdown for Computing in Year 1. This is everything that you would need to deliver computing for the year.
Labels, Lists and Captions
Images and Pictures
Internet and E-safety
Programmable Toys
EYFS Computing Scheme of Work (Early Years, Reception)
A 6 unit scheme of work for Computing in the Foundation Stage.
Bullying Powerpoint
Suitable for in class or an assembly.
Writing effective observations - staff training presentation and workbook
A training session designed and delivered in a PVI nursery setting, although it applies in any EYFS setting.
The powerpoint takes staff through:
What is an observation
Why we do observations and why they’re important, linked to and explained through the Framework
Comparison of different observations of the same moment to evaluate quality
Effective observations by documenting context, adult interaction, child response, adult response and next step - detailed explanation with examples of how to include these where appropriate
There are then a few slides to set out the expectations of planning and observations in your
This training session would take approximately 30 minutes.
Whole Setting Improvement Plan Template - Linked to Ofsted judgement areas
A highly detailed improvement plan template that is designed to be an ongoing working document that allows you to fully document not only your identified areas of improvement but also improvements that you have made.
The document is broken down into the four Early Years areas from Ofsted: Effectiveness of Leadership and Management, Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment, Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare and Outcomes for Children.
Each area is then broken down into priorities, which are then split into smaller, more bite-sized targets that will allow you to meet that priority and improve that focus area.
Each target gives you the opportunity to be highly detailed in who will meet that target, by when and how and also gives opportunity for evaluation.
It is a working document that is colour coded to show progression over time in each area.
It also has two additional sections to help plan and demonstrate management: a Continuous Professional Development Plan where you can detail the plans for different levels of staff and also parents and then keep a record of CPD and also a schedule for the year for various tasks such as supervisions, appraisals, parent, child and staff voice gathering, parents evenings, parent workshops etc. to help plan these so that they happen in a manageable way.
This document has been through Ofsted inspection where it was highly praised.
I have left a number of early workings on the document to give suggestions for priorities, targets and the other boxes that are there to support the improvement plan but these can be removed or adapted with ease.
MTP for Spring EYFS Gymnastics
MTP for Spring EYFS Gymnastics
Year 1 Gymnastics MTP (Summer term)
Summer Medium Term Planning/MTP for Year 1 Physical Education/PE. The MTP is based around Gymnastics, covering areas such as: shapes, rolling, jumping, balancing, travelling.
Year 2 Poetry Unit 1: Patterns on the page
2 week plan for Year 2 Poetry Unit 1: Patterns on the page
Year 2 Spring MTP - Gymnastics (PE)
Medium Term Planning/MTP for Year 2 Physical Education/PE. The MTP is based around Gymnastics, and covers areas such as: body shapes, performing, rolling, travelling, balancing etc.
Year 3 and 4 word problems for division and multiplication
This is a powerpoint presentation (which can be printed obviously) that has 6 word problems for division and multiplication, aimed at Y3/4. The 6 problems/questions are repeated 3 times to give 3 different levels of questions for differentiation starting with higher ability, then middle, then lower.
Year 2 Numeracy - Finding difference between money
This is a maths/numeracy lesson for a Year 2 class. The learning objective is to find the difference between amounts of money. There are five lots of worksheets for different ability groups as my class has a higher LA and lower LA as well as for MA and a HA group.
Year 2 Maths - Measuring - Weekly Plan
A weeks plan for numeracy/maths lessons in Year 2 focusing on measuring. The week covers estimating, comparing and measuring lengths, capacity and weight as well as problem solving. Each day has a new learning objective and success criteria (WALT and WILF), oral and mental starter, activities, key vocabulary, differentiated tasks and plenary activities.