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I'm a Geography teacher with experience educating at various levels, ranging from mainstream schools, SEN and extra-curricular tuition. I also have experience in teaching humanities, English and PSHE topics. My resources are designed primarily as schemes of works for mainly Geographical topics with all levels considered




I'm a Geography teacher with experience educating at various levels, ranging from mainstream schools, SEN and extra-curricular tuition. I also have experience in teaching humanities, English and PSHE topics. My resources are designed primarily as schemes of works for mainly Geographical topics with all levels considered
India's Climate

India's Climate

As India is such a large country it’s not surprising to find that the climate varies from place to place and that these variations have different impacts of people’s lives. These worksheets help students to understand climate graphs, how to read and draw them. They also give them a chance to develop their own graph and peer mark eachothers ideas with supporting comments.
Thar Desert - India

Thar Desert - India

The Thar Desert is otherwise known as the Great Indian Desert, is the seventh largest desert in the world and acts as a natural boundary between India and Pakistan. It is the most hostile region within the Indo-Pacific, however around 4500 years ago it was home to one of the world’s oldest tribes, the Mohenjo Daro and Harappa. These worksheets look at how plants and animals adapt to life in the desert with the students designing the ultimate desert animal which is then peer assessed by their classmates
India's Wealth And The Cycle Of Poverty

India's Wealth And The Cycle Of Poverty

The cycle of poverty is a phenomenon where poor families, more severely in LEDCs, become trapped in poverty for generations due to limited or no access to fundamental resources such as education, financial and subsequent generations also being underprivileged. These worksheets look at the devision of wealth within India and has the students look at life through the eyes of a poor family as to whether they should move from the country to the city, where they should move to and how to make money. One way of making money in the city is by making paper bags, they are sold to shop and stall holders who sell rice and spices. Ten bags will earn them 1 rupee (1p)! In groups they make as many bags as they can in thirty minutes…
Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal

These worksheets helps the students to discover the background to the building of the Taj mahal and to develop their skills of field sketching
Transnational Companies In India

Transnational Companies In India

These worksheets look at the large companies and their locations around the work, then focus primarily on a Nike case study in India and the positives and negatives it brings to LEDCs
The Cycle Of Poverty

The Cycle Of Poverty

The cycle of poverty is a phenomenon where poor families, more severely in LEDCs, become trapped in poverty for generations due to limited or no access to fundamental resources such as education, financial and subsequent generations also being underprivileged. These worksheets look at life through the eyes of a poor family as to whether they should move from the country to the city, where they should move to and how to make money. One way of making money in the city is by making paper bags, they are sold to shop and stall holders who sell rice and spices. Ten bags will earn them 1 rupee (1p)! In groups they make as many bags as they can in thirty minutes…
The Himalayas

The Himalayas

Part of the world’s largest mountain range can be found in north India, the Himalayas. The mountains act as a natural barrier preventing the cold wind from Central Asia entering India and stopping southwest winds which carry monsoons, helping to fertilise India’s soil with the rain it pours down. These worksheets look at life living in the mountains in a place called Uttarakhand through a student lead activity
Sight Seeing In Russia

Sight Seeing In Russia

Tourism is an important contributor to many countries’ economies. This worksheets has the students researching the main tourist attractions within Russia and putting together a range of interesting places to visit on holiday which needs to include: A major city (not Moscow) A seaside resort A historic town A countryside area
Where In Russia?

Where In Russia?

This worksheets helps students to produce a map with the main cities and physical features of Russia, including rivers and mountain ranges
What Is The Route Of The Tsars - The Trans-Siberian Railway

What Is The Route Of The Tsars - The Trans-Siberian Railway

In the late 19th century, Japan, Britain and America gained footholds on the Chinese coast as bases for their trade with China and the Orient. Russia needed to secure a foothold in the east as well as securing the vast expanses of Siberia, so in 1891 Tsar Alexander III approved a plan for a trans-continental line linking Moscow and St Petersburg with Vladivostok on the Pacific coast, as this was the only year-round ice-free port in Russia. These worksheets allow the students to study the Trans-Siberian railway, study its timeline and produce a suitable logo an slogan which could be used to advertise the journey.
Russia's Climate

Russia's Climate

Due to Russia’s vast size and compact shape its climate spans many environments, European Russia and Asian Russia have continental climates; apart from the extreme southeast and the northern tundra. These worksheets look at four locations within Russia and learn how to draw climate graphs and how to read them
The Galapagos Of Russia - Lake Baikal

The Galapagos Of Russia - Lake Baikal

Located in the southern Siberia area of Russia, Lake Baikal is the world’s largest freshwater and deepest lake in the world and in 1996 became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Sometimes referred to as the Sacred Sea, the lake represents the unspoilt beauty of Russia and is the central part of many local myths and folklore. Lake Baikal is also known as the ‘Galapagos Of Russia’ due to its exceptional biodiversity and importance to evolutionary science. The freshwater ecosystem is one of the world’s richest dues to its age, isolation and deep oxygenated water. These worksheets have the students research some of the unique flora and fauna which is found Lake Baikal and discusses the best stratagies to help protect these from the increasing number of visitors to the area.
Russian Matryoshka Dolls

Russian Matryoshka Dolls

Matryoshka dolls are wooden stacking dolls originally painted to look like a traditional Russian woman or ‘babushka’ wearing a sarafan. They are a popular souvenir and over time have become a symbol of Russia itself. These worksheets discuss the history of the dolls and the story believed to be behind it which the students up date to a modern day and design their own dolls
What Happened To Princess Anastasia? Conspirasy Theories

What Happened To Princess Anastasia? Conspirasy Theories

We all believe in something. It may be one thing; it may be lots of things. Some may be easier to believe than others, but this is down to each person’s opinion. These worksheets help students to question what they believe and why, and which sources can be relied upon to support those opinions. Using the legend surrounding the reported survival of the Russian princess, Anastasia, after the Russian Revolution of 1917, the students research the evidence behind the myth and assess them for their reliability. Discussions are also held regarding how we decide what we believe in. Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation, Instagram @willsoneducation and Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
The Moscow Metro

The Moscow Metro

Moscow’s metro opened in 1935 with just eleven stations and attracted 285,000 inquisitive riders on its first day. Today it has expanded to include 206 stations and carries up to nine million passengers a day. These worksheets help the students to question photographs and research the Moscow Metro through producing a Trip Advisor style review
Who Makes Up Russia?

Who Makes Up Russia?

These worksheets look at the Russian language and the others which are spoken within the country as well as the religions and ethnic groups which make up the people
The United Nations

The United Nations

After the atrocities of the Second World War (millions of Jews were killed and many others) some countries got together and decided that something like that could not happen again. They formed the United Nations. The United Nations drew up a list of basic Human Rights (1948) that everyone should be entitled to – this is called the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These worksheets help the students to discuss what they consider essential to living and compare their thoughts to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. In addition they look in detail at the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and discuss whose responsibility it is to uphold these
Christmas Kindness Calendar

Christmas Kindness Calendar

Christmas seems to arrive earlier each year and become more frantic to-boot! I saw this idea a few months back and thought it could be a fun activity with a tutor group or clubs – Especially as my partner pointed out that so many advent calendars appear to have no reference to Christmas apart from the twenty-four little doors. The idea is a fun and selfless way to celebrate the countdown to Christmas Day, giving us all time to pause and think about the season’s true and original meaning. I have included twenty-four ideas of my own, however you may have some of your own personal ones to include. Your students may wish to make their own up as a class, in group or individually.