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I upload resources that I've made for my own use from teaching Year 3, 5 & 6 for many years. Most are free, but I charge what I think is a fair price for resources that took me ages to make!




I upload resources that I've made for my own use from teaching Year 3, 5 & 6 for many years. Most are free, but I charge what I think is a fair price for resources that took me ages to make!
UKS2 writing - 4 lessons based on 'Journey' and 'Quest'

UKS2 writing - 4 lessons based on 'Journey' and 'Quest'

2 extended lessons (2 hours each) based on the books ‘Journey’ and ‘Quest’ by Aaron Becker. Tasks include: Completing an emotions graph for the main character from ‘Journey’ Writing a first-person narrative in role Planning and writing an imaginative narrative inspired by ‘Quest’ Both lessons include links to videos showing the stories, opportunities for discussion and differentiated success criteria to accompany the writing opportunities. I created these for my Year 6 class, but the support and success criteria could easily be adapted to suit another KS2 class or KS3.
World Cup 2018 statistics lesson

World Cup 2018 statistics lesson

Excel document with data and bar charts relating to the 32 countries in the tournament. Worksheet questions were used for a year 3 class, but can easily be edited to suit any age/ability. The Excel document is locked, so that children can use computers to view the bar charts, but can just as easily be printed and handed out.
KS2 UK cities treasure hunt activity

KS2 UK cities treasure hunt activity

Useful activity for an engaging KS2 lesson on location knowledge focusing on UK cities. Both the clues and the map/key can be easily edited to change the locations etc. Also useful for introducing KS2 children to compass points. I have delivered the activity by spreading the clues around the classroom to make the activity more interactive.
KS2 Equator Geography Lesson

KS2 Equator Geography Lesson

Lesson flipchart and activity sheets for a year 3 lesson exploring the equator and briefly touching on seasons. Includes Activinspire flipchart, activity sheet and extension atlas activity.
UKS2 Maths football Top Trump style cards with activities

UKS2 Maths football Top Trump style cards with activities

This resource includes: 24 Top Trump style cards based on popular footballers (2021). Each card includes statistics, attributes and physical information for each player. 3-way differentiated word problems, suitable for recapping UKS2 Maths topics. A help sheet showing the flags/countries to support in answering the questions. A comparing and ordering numbers extension activity. Even more suggested extension activities - The cards can provide several lessons of content for a Year 5 or 6 class! Perfect resource for recap and Maths project lessons, covering plenty of UKS2 Maths objectives. A great value bundle including this activity and other UKS2 resources can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/uks2-english-and-maths-bundle-12544872
Year 4 Maths activity  top trump style cards with questions

Year 4 Maths activity top trump style cards with questions

This resource includes: 24 Top Trump style cards based on popular footballers (2021). Each card includes statistics, attributes and physical information for each player. 3-way differentiated word problems, suitable for recapping Year 4 Maths topics. A help sheet showing the flags/countries to support in answering the questions. Compare and order numbers extension activity sheet. Suggested extension activities The cards can provide several lessons of content across numerous objectives for a Year 4 class! A great value pack including this activity and other fully resourced LKS2 resources can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12544749
Kensuke's Kingdom writing unit

Kensuke's Kingdom writing unit

**20+ fully resourced lessons based on Kensuke’s Kingdom - perfect for any Year 6 class. ** Includes a range of extended writing opportunities, exemplar texts (WAGOLLs), reading comprehension questions, differentiated activities, success criteria checklists, collaborative learning tasks and more.
LKS2 Romans balanced argument writing

LKS2 Romans balanced argument writing

LKS2 balanced argument plans and resources using Mount Snowdon and the Roman army to introduce, plan and write a balanced argument. Included plan, flipchart, scaffolding and WAGOLL.
Year 6 end-of-term lessons and projects!

Year 6 end-of-term lessons and projects!

5 Resources
A great saving on this Year 6 end-of-term bundle! This brilliant resource pack contains more than 20 fully resourced, editable lessons. Bundle includes: Year 6 Maths pie project (10+ complete lessons) Year 6 Maths zoo project (5+ complete lessons) UKS2 setting description mini unit of work (5+ complete lessons) UKS2 writing lessons based on ‘Journey’ and ‘Quest’ KS2 Maths Wimbledon 2022 Top Trump-style cards with editable questions (64 cards)
World Cup 2022 maths dice activities KS2

World Cup 2022 maths dice activities KS2

World Cup 2022 Dice simulation game, with related cross-curricular extension activities. Complete with teaching slides, giving clear instructions and examples! Pack includes: World Cup 2022 dice game booklet (with instructions) (pdf) Teaching slides with instructions, rules, examples and extension activities (PPT) Cross-curricular countries of the world map activity (pdf) Cross-curricular country fact file activity (pdf). Created for KS2, but also suitable for KS3.
UKS2 Shakespeare Tempest unit of work

UKS2 Shakespeare Tempest unit of work

Mini unit of learning (15+ lessons), which includes: an introduction to Shakespeare, life in Elizabethan England and Shakespearan language a summary of the story of The Tempest and related writing tasks to engage students in the play input and WAGOLL setting descriptions to build up to an extended writing task Could be expanded for pupils to write their own playscripts or look at Shakespeare’s other works If you liked this, please have a look at my other resources
One and two step multiplication word problems

One and two step multiplication word problems

A set of multiplication and division word problem worksheets. Made to teach year 3 Inspire Maths as it seems there is a lack of similar resources out there. Variety of difficulty. Make sure you change the names etc. to make suitable.
KS2 Science Measurement Investigation

KS2 Science Measurement Investigation

A Science investigation lesson, suitable for KS2. Links well to working scientifically curriculum onjectives. “Is the length of all of someone’s fingers longer than one of their arms?” Children predict, measure, record and conclude independently. Pack includes: Teaching slides Investigation scaffold Hands template I’ve used this activity succesfully in Year 3 and Year 5!