adwatkinsOutstanding Observation lesson on Money and adding decimal numbers(0)Rated as outstanding lesson Lesson plan Flipchart PowerPoint Activity sheet Ext sheet
adwatkinsYear 3 Autumn Term homework(0)Reading focus, spelling practice, Literacy and Numeracy activity
adwatkinsYear 3 Spring Term homework(0)Reading focus, spelling practice. Literacy and Numeracy activities
adwatkinsYear 3 Summer Term homework(0)Reading focus, spelling practice, Literacy & Numeracy activities
adwatkinsGuided Reading resource pack(0)Guided Reading timetable Group reading comment sheet Book band-age-colour Assessment Focus sheet (colour coded) Group reading jobs Guided Reading activities grid Useful websites to be used during Guided Reading
adwatkinsAround the World project(0)A series of Flipcharts with different facts and activities from countries around the world. Links to youtube clips and music.
adwatkinsReading Matters(0)Why reading matters presentation with book band to age sheet and book recommendations for each year group.
adwatkinsD&T Castle Construction(0)Flipchart about different types of castles and designing & building a castle using recycled materials.
adwatkinsMindfulness Meditation Session(0)Mindfulness Meditation Session ideal for in class or whole school assembly
adwatkinsDisney/Mary Poppins Themed activities(0)A few exciting Disney themed activities. Quite a few centered around Mary Poppins!
adwatkinsCreative Comics(0)PowerPoint and comic template to get boys writing! Great for after-school club or enrichment