Based on Disney’s Inside Out, a health and wellbeing topic for back to school term.
Linked to the CfE Experiences and outcomes for First Level
Suitable for First level, KS1 but could be adapted for older years.
All games suited to the return to school, minimising children touching the same resources and can be played from a distance, or children sitting in their seats.
Circle games can be played with a larger gap to allow for social distancing.
Covers the colours red, blue, yellow and green in french.
Ideal for pre-school and early primary level as an introduction to french colours.
Also game link to online colouring where pupils are given a colour in french and must colour in the picture. (Interactive board required)
Interdiciplinary Learning Topic for preventing panda extinction. For ages 8 - 11. KS2, Second Level CfE.
Includes 3 lesson in literacy and science and one IDL lesson.