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Teacher's Corner

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A primary school teacher with a passion for creating resources, especially if those resources save you some time! If you enjoy the resources, I would love it if you could leave a review. Thank you!




A primary school teacher with a passion for creating resources, especially if those resources save you some time! If you enjoy the resources, I would love it if you could leave a review. Thank you!
Roman Britain KS2 Knowledge Organiser

Roman Britain KS2 Knowledge Organiser

A clear and detailed history knowledge organiser aimed at Key Stage 2. Perfect for your Roman Britain history topic. This knowledge organiser includes key skills, prior knowledge, key vocabulary and helpful links and resources. It is one side of A4 so it is easy to print and hand out, and as a PDF it is easy to pop up on your school website if needed. We hope you enjoy using it!
Year 1 Reading Comprehension

Year 1 Reading Comprehension

Four simple sheets to help children practise their reading comprehension skills. All three sheets will help the children improve their ‘gathering information’ skills. Each text has 2 levels of difficulty and whilst they are aimed at Year 1, would be suitable for some Year R and 2 children also.
Word Class Lesson

Word Class Lesson

This lesson helps make word classes clear and easy. The resource includes helpful links and examples, which can be used as part of the lesson or even handy lesson starters! It is dyslexia friendly and a powerpoint file so it can be easily edited if need be. If you like this, go and download the free word class poster which can be accessed in the link below! https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/word-class-poster-12582970
Fairy Tale Newspaper Article Lesson

Fairy Tale Newspaper Article Lesson

This lesson stems from the Literacy Shed Three Little Pigs video, looking at the alternative viewpoints of the classic tale. It begins by watching the video and then discussing the different points of view of the story with a debate and some hot seat role play. The children then go on to analyse a WAGOLL to create a checklist and finally create their own article. This lesson comes with supportive material and an optional extension task. The lesson is aimed at Upper KS2, however I have also delivered it to Lower KS2, with great success. The children really enjoyed the debate and created some very imaginative and impressive pieces of writing. If you enjoyed the lesson or found the resources helpful, click onto the downloads button and leave a review, thank you!
Christmas Through the Ages KS2- One off Xmas Lesson

Christmas Through the Ages KS2- One off Xmas Lesson

A great one off history lesson all about Christmas! This is an easy and adaptable lesson (social distance friendly, if needed) all about researching different eras of history and their Christmas traditions. This lesson could also very easily feed into a poster making and analysis English lesson or just as a stand alone history lesson. You can download both the powerpoint and the pdf, making editing and printing easy. This resource is dyslexia friendly! Lesson: Children must act, present or create a poster about different periods Christmas traditions. Extension- Compare the traditions. Curriculum aims covered: ‘Understand historical concepts such as continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity, difference and significance, and use them to make connections, draw contrasts, analyse trends, frame historically-valid questions and create their own structured accounts, including written narratives and analyses.’ ‘A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066.’ (DfE, 2013)
Christmas Around the World KS1/KS2

Christmas Around the World KS1/KS2

Discover what Christmas celebrations are like around the world! This resource can be both saved as an editable powerpoint, perfect for a fun Christmas themed Geography lesson, or as a PDF, perfect for some fun Christmas homework that can be easily printed or uploaded onto your school website. Curriculum aim: ‘Understand geographical similarities and differences through studying the human… geography’ (DfE, 2013). Countries covered: Russia India Australia Italy Brazil Japan Canada Ethiopia
The Egyptians Colouring Sheets

The Egyptians Colouring Sheets

A fun and engaging way to help children learn about the Egyptians, their lives and symbols. These sheets would make great EMW, homework or even an extension task. There are 6 different colouring sheets to choose from including a mixture of simple to detailed designs. Each colouring sheet is a side of A4 and the wives are on a page together.
Halloween Times tables Colouring Sheets

Halloween Times tables Colouring Sheets

A super way of helping children practise their timestables with Halloween colour by number sheets. There are three sets of sheets, each with 5 different designs. 2x, 5x, 10x 3x, 4x, 6x 8x, 7x, 9x An additional blank version of the sheets is also included so that you can personalise these yourself.
The Victorians Colouring Sheets

The Victorians Colouring Sheets

A fun and engaging way to help children learn about the Victorians, their lives and monarchs. These sheets would make great EMW, homework or even an extension task. 7 different colouring sheets to choose from including Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, various Victorian inventions and Victorian outfits. Each colouring sheet is a side of A4 and the wives are on a page together.
KS1 and KS2 Music Knowledge Organisers

KS1 and KS2 Music Knowledge Organisers

Clear and useful music knowledge organisers aimed at Key Stage 1 and 2. Perfect for children, teachers, parents and also music subject leads. This knowledge organiser includes key skills, key vocabulary, and helpful links. They are each one side of A4 so are easy to print and hand out, and as a PDF are easy to pop up on your school website if needed. I hope you enjoy using them!
Word Class Poster

Word Class Poster

A free poster defining word class to help make clear and simple the different word classes. If you like this, go and download the lesson for some super links and helpful examples. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12582976
Year 1 Plants Lesson

Year 1 Plants Lesson

A fully resourced lesson covering the National Curriculum Science aims for Plants in Year 1. This lesson includes two fun activities and it is therefore recommended it be done either in two lessons or over an afternoon. Activities: Label the part of the flower (sheets included) Wild Flower Scavenger Hunt (sheets included) Leaf Rubbing Task (sheets included) Aims Covered: Identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees Identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants For the Knowledge Organiser and Lesson, follow this link! https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12614654 For the corresponding Knowledge Organiser, follow this link! https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/yr1-plants-knowledge-organiser-12614415
Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole Knowledge Organiser

Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole Knowledge Organiser

A clear and useful history knowledge organiser aimed at Key Stage 1. Perfect for your Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole history topic. This knowledge organiser includes key skills, important facts, key vocabulary and helpful links and resources. It is one side of A4 so it is easy to print and hand out, and as a PDF it is easy to pop up on your school website if needed. We hope you enjoy using it!
Ancient Greeks KS2 Knowledge Organiser

Ancient Greeks KS2 Knowledge Organiser

A clear and detailed history knowledge organiser aimed at Key Stage 2. Perfect for your Ancient Greeks history topic. This knowledge organiser includes key skills, prior knowledge, key vocabulary and helpful links and resources. It is one side of A4 so it is easy to print and hand out, and as a PDF it is easy to pop up on your school website if needed. We hope you enjoy using it!
The Victorians KS1 Knowledge Organiser

The Victorians KS1 Knowledge Organiser

A clear and useful history knowledge organiser aimed at Key Stage 1. Perfect for your Victorians history topic. This knowledge organiser includes key skills, prior knowledge, key vocabulary and helpful links and resources. It is one side of A4 so it is easy to print and hand out, and as a PDF it is easy to pop up on your school website if needed. We hope you enjoy using it!
The Stone Age KS2 Knowledge Organiser

The Stone Age KS2 Knowledge Organiser

A clear and detailed history knowledge organiser aimed at Lower Key Stage 2. Perfect for your Stone Age history topic. This knowledge organiser includes key skills, prior knowledge, key vocabulary and helpful links and resources. It is one side of A4 so it is easy to print and hand out, and as a PDF it is easy to pop up on your school website if needed. We hope you enjoy using it!
The Victorians KS1 & KS2 Knowledge Organisers

The Victorians KS1 & KS2 Knowledge Organisers

Two clear and useful history Knowledge Organisers. This resource contains a more detailed Victorians Knowledge Organsier aimed at KS2 and a second more basic Victorian Knowledge Organiser aimed at KS1. Perfect for your Victorian history topic, whatever Key Stage you are teaching to. This knowledge organiser includes key skills, prior knowledge, key vocabulary and helpful links and resources. It is one side of A4 so it is easy to print and hand out, and as a PDF it is easy to pop up on your school website if needed. We hope you enjoy using it!