Lesson introducing the structure of Congress and constitutional requirements to be a senator or representative in addition to asking pupils to think about extra-constitutional requirements that may be expected by the public.
Revision aid for pupils for parliament topic examining the roles of parliament covering;
1. The two-House system
2. Checking the work of government
3. Legislation
4. Debate
5. Rules and customs
6. Traditions of parliament
7. Parliament and government
8. Parliament and crown
9. Devolved Parliaments and assemblies
10. Europe
11. Evolution of Parliament
Independent Research Task for pupils to research key landmark cases and rulings and then present to class. Handout gives brief summary of each case.\nQuiz can be used as a plenary/independent homework task.
Lesson introducing the idea of federalism and its effects on the USA (accompanied by a 'rough guide' handout that can be used as homework before or after the lesson to prepare/consolidate).
Lesson examining the relationship between the federal government and state governments, accompanied by a handout pupils can make more detailed notes using)
Lesson introducing the presidential system including the features of the presidential system and the provisions in the constitution and guiding principles of the US congressional system.
Lesson examining significance and criticism of committees - prior knowledge of role and powers of the different committees would be essential as this lesson focuses on encouraging analysis, including essay map exercise for group planning of an exam answer.
Project asking students to compare the 113th and 114th Congress - a good way to put the emphasis on students remaining up to date with congressional elections