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Designed with a deep understanding of the classroom dynamics and curriculum requirements, my resources inspire engagement, promote critical thinking, and foster academic growth. Join me on this transformative learning adventure and discover a treasure trove of resources that will empower both teachers and students to thrive in their educational journey.
Ancient Egypt - Pyramids & Ruins - Lesson 10 - KS2
With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Egyptians. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians.
This lesson focuses on the ancient Egyptian ruins such as the Karnak Temple Complex, Luxor Temple, Valley of the Kings, Kom Ombo Temple, The Philae Temple Complex , Edfu Temple, and the Abu Simbel Temples. The focus them shifts on the Construction of the Pyramids, their importance, Types of Pyramids (step, bent, and the straight pyramid). Pharaohs Djoser, Sneferu, Khufu, and Khafre. Also covered are the Step Pyramid, Bent Pyramid, Great Pyramid of Giza and the Great Sphinx of Giza
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 24 slides.
This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is to complete an evaluation sheet after creating a pyramid with the materials provided. Please note materials can be changed or altered to your class’ needs. For this task materials needed are mini marshmallows, Blu tack, PVA glue, cocktail sticks, paper straws and craft sticks.
Learning objectives
To learn about ancient Egyptian ruins.
To learn about the ancient Egyptian Pyramids.
With the non‑statutory guidance of 2010 for Religious education in mind, I have formulated my lessons to investigate religions and beliefs. So children can develop a mutual understanding of the world around them and respective view of others differences in beliefs.
This lesson is about the Islamic Prayer, key topics discussed as follows prayer, Wudu, Salah, the Fiver Pillars of Islam, five daily prayers, Kabaa, ritual prayers, Fajr, Dhur, Asr, Maghrib, Isha, prayer beads, Tasbih, routine and prayer mats. The lesson is straight forward and reliable sources were used to write religious Islamic facts.
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as it is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 15 slides.
This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The tasks for this lesson is drawing a picture to represent different times
Learning objectives
• To learn about the Islamic Prayer
Writing - Season Poetry - Autumn - Acrostic Poem - Lesson 5 - KS1/KS2
With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created this season-based lesson. As reinforced by the National Curriculum, children should experience high-quality discussions on a wide range of poems and learn the poetry tools to create their own.
The season focus for this lesson is Autumn, with mention of the Halloween and 5th of November. Many detailed pictures and videos are attached (leaves, types of leaves, natural views of the process of autumn, chocolates, candied apples). Click on the link on the first page, and slowly discuss the imagery on the slides. Children will learn what an acrostic poem is? Children will then create a word mat using the letters A,U,T,M and N to later make an acrostic poem that spells Autumn.
Included in this pack is a fully editable PowerPoint with a learning objectives and and task to start writing an acrostic poem. There are 54 slides. Also included in this resource pack is a filled word mat, a blank word mat, an acrostic poem template and an example of a AUTUMN acrostic poem in the powerpoint.
Learning Objective:
To write an autumn acrostic poem.
Guided Reading- Romans on the Rampage! - Jeremy Strong - Romans - Chapter 3 - Lesson 6 - KS2
This is lesson 6 is based on Pages 24 - 29 of Chapter 3. I recommend to follow the powerpoint first which has a game of Skim and Scan that encourages children to quickly search for a particular word on a particular page. The second part of the lesson is a match the definition game, children can use their white boards to match the definition.
This lesson should last about 20-30 minutes as part of the series of guided reading lessons. Try aiming for at least 3 Guided reading lessons weekly to continue developing important reading skills like comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency. Guided reading is like a stepping stone to reading on your own, making children better readers step by step. Guided reading lays a strong foundation for learning across various subjects, contributing to the children’s confidence, development in comprehension, critical thinking, and vocabulary.
Included in this pack is a fully editable PowerPoint with a learning objectives and and task to answer 5 reading questions based on the Romans on the Rampage by Jeremy Strong, pages Pages 24 - 29 of Chapter 3. Also included is a marking sheet. There are 12 powerpoint slides.
Learning Objective:
To read a text and answer comprehension and inference questions
A high-quality geography education should inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. Pupils should name and locate counties and cities of the United Kingdom, geographical regions and their identifying human and physical characteristics, key topographical features (including hills, mountains, coasts, and rivers),
This lesson focuses on England and Mexico, their locations on the world map, the countries’ population, capital cities (London and Mexico City), national dishes (Chicken Tikka Masala and Mole poblano), physical geography (Scafell Pike, River Severn, Chihuahuan Desert and Lacandon Jungle). Human Geography (The Shard, Tower Bridge and Temple of Kukulkan). Mexican Culture and special days, Dia de los Muertos, Quinceañera, Roman Catholicism, Football, Spanish, and Murals. English Culture and special days, New Years’ Eve, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Trooping of the Colour, Halloween, Bonfire Night, 11th November, and Christmas.
This lesson comes with a fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Objectives, and Engaging Premium Quality Slides). There are 21 PowerPoint slides for this lesson.
The task for this lesson is to complete a worksheet that requires the children to fill in the worksheet and compare the two countries.
Learning Objective:
• To learn and compare England and Mexico’s culture, population, and capital city.
Ancient Rome - Roman Fortifications - Lesson 9 - KS2
With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Romans. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians.
This lesson focuses on the Roman Fortifications (forts) in Britannia built by the ancient Romans. In this lesson, children will learn about the two walls; Hadrian’s Wall and the Antonine Wall. Their locations and their purpose, and how they helped expand their Roman Empire.
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 10 slides.
This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is to complete a worksheet about Roman Fortifications particularly Hadrian’s Wall and the Antonine Wall.
Learning objectives
To learn about Roman Fortifications in Britannia
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG)
Imperative Verbs - KS2. Since the 2014 national curriculum, when the SPaG test was introduced and updated to became more challenging. Now, children are taught and officially tested on these specific skills in spelling, punctuation and grammar in year 2 and 6.
Children are expected to learn and develop essential English skills that improves their speech and writing quality overall. Hence, it is important children learn these skills such as using imperative verbs to add depth to children’s writing.
This lesson comes with a fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Objectives, and Engaging Premium Quality Slides). There are 13 PowerPoint slides for this lesson.
The task for this lesson is to complete a worksheet that requires the children to identify and write sentences with imperative verbs.
Learning Objective:
• To identify and use imperative verbs.
Ancient Egypt - Religion- Gods & Goddesses - KS2 - Lesson 4
With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Egyptians. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians.
This lesson focuses on Ancient Egypt’s religious belief, polytheism, worship through life and the afterlife. Some of the gods and goddesses that are discussed include Ra (Atum), Bastet, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, Isis, Horus, Neith, Anubis, Nephthys, Geb, Nut, Bes and Tefnut.
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 18 slides.
This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is a complete a fact file on one of the Ancient Egyptian god/goddess.
Learning objectives
To learn about religion in Ancient Egypt.
To learn about Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses.
Reading Resource - Zones of Relevance - KS1/KS2
These reading resources are editable and in the word document format. This resource comes with two documents one with the Zones of Relevance template and a list of Zones of Relevance (descriptive words, adjectives). This activity requires children to visually sort a set of words based on how relevant they are to a given subject, such as a piece of writing based on a character or an image. Words are sorted in three groups irrelevant, relevant and most relevant.
The activity can be extended by asking the pupils to write down their own descriptive words (adjectives) related to the character of study. Children can use a dictionary to explore more vocabulary.
This reading activity can be used as partner, group, and individual work. The Zones of Relevance template can be printed in A4 and A3 formats.
Victorians - The Rich and Poor Children and their Differences (KS2)
This lesson focuses on the differences in lifestyles and jobs of the poor Victorian children. The lesson demonstrates how rich Victorian children were raised compared to the life of poor Victorian children, who needed to work to survive. The job environments discussed are chimney sweeps, coal mines and factories.
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as it is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 16 slides.
This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is a Venn diagram task that encourages children to compare and find similarities and differences.
Learning objectives
• To learn about the jobs Victorian children had
• To compare the lifestyles of the poor and rich Victorians
With the non‑statutory guidance of 2010 for Religious education in mind, I have formulated my lessons to investigate religions and beliefs. So children can develop a mutual understanding of the world around them and respective view of others differences in beliefs.
This lesson is about Quran, key topics discussed as follows Allah, Prophet Muhammad, Jibreel , Sunnah and how the Quran influences Muslims’ everyday life. The lesson is straight forward and reliable sources were used to write religious Islamic facts.
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as it is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 15 slides.
This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The tasks for this lesson is an interactive true or false, then a writing activity as shown and lastly an extension writing your own book of rules.
Learning objectives
• To learn about the Quran
Ancient Egypt - Hieroglyphics - Lesson 9 - KS2
With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Egyptians. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians.
This lesson focuses on the ancient Egyptian system of writing, hieroglyphics, the Invention of writing, Scribes, the use of hieroglyphics in temples, the use of hieroglyphics in tombs, the use of Record-keeping & the Government, the discovery of the Rosetta Stone and the writing materials (wood, papyrus and limestone) and examples of hieroglyphics.
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 12 slides.
This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is to complete a worksheet.
Learning objectives
To learn about hieroglyphics.
Ancient Rome - Roman Inventions - Lesson 10 - KS2
With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Romans. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians.
This lesson focuses on the Romans inventions, development and spread such as the arch and vault in their architecture, concrete, Aqueduct, Sewer Systems, Roads, Towns, Julian Calendar, Roman Numerals, Latin, Newspapers, Postal Service, Roman Sculptures, Mosaics, Glassware, Roman Baths, Public Parks, Libraries, Roman Fruits & Vegetables, Wine and the screw press.
Job profiles include Roman Entertainment (sports, theatre and public spectacles), Gladiator fights, Roman Police Officers (lictors) Roman firefighters (Vigiles), and Street Cleaners.
This lesson can be split into two lessons; inventions and job profiles. This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 30 slides.
This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is to complete a investigate worksheet with an article.
Learning objectives
To learn about Roman inventions
Victorians - Industrial Revolution (KS2)
This lesson discusses the events before, during and after the Industrial Revolution. It also analyses the impact the Industrial Revolution had on Victorian society. In addition, the working and living conditions of the Victorian workers is discussed.
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as it is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 18 slides.
This lesson comes with a suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is a sorting activity and has a challenge card.
Learning objectives
• To learn about the Industrial Revolution
Ancient Rome - Roman Emperors - Lesson 3 - KS2
With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Romans. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians.
This lesson focuses the rulers of Ancient Roman. Roman emperors ruled ancient Rome. They made important decisions, like making new rules and taking care of big buildings. Some were really good leaders, while others had some problems. Roman Emperors discussed (Augustus, Tiberius, Nero, Vespasian, Trajan, Hadrian, Marcus Aurelius, Diocletian and Constantine).
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 14 slides.
This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is answer a research based worksheet using the article provided.
Learning objectives
To learn about the rulers of ancient Rome
Ancient Rome - Romans Build New Roads and Towns - Lesson 7 - KS2
With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created a high-quality history lesson with a task attached about the Ancient Romans. The National Curriculum puts forward that history education should help children gain a chronologically secure knowledge, understanding of the past of the wider world. It should also inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and empower them to be confident historians.
This lesson focuses on the benefits of building roads and towns. Children will learn why roads where important to the Roman expansion. Words such as Archaeologists and ruins are thoroughly explained. Also discussed the layers/structure of a Roman road (Statumen, Rudus, Nucleus and Summum dorsum). Groma a Roman building tool is explained. Also included a few ancient Roman road remains in the UK. Importantly children will learn about Britannia before the Roman roads and after. Lastly children will learn about Roman towns and key amenities like public baths, markets, temples, public toilets, theatres, and administrative buildings.
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 20 slides.
This lesson comes with suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson is to complete a worksheet Roman roads and towns, children will plan and design their own Roman town.
Learning objectives
To learn about the reasons why Romans built roads and towns
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG)
Prepositions & Prepositional Phrases - KS2. Since the 2014 national curriculum, when the SPaG test was introduced and updated to became more challenging. Now, children are taught and officially tested on these specific skills in spelling, punctuation and grammar in year 2 and 6.
Children are expected to learn and develop essential English skills that improves their speech and writing quality overall. Hence, it is important children learn these skills such as adding prepositions & prepositional phrases in children’s writing.
This lesson comes with a fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Objectives, and Engaging Premium Quality Slides). There are 13 PowerPoint slides for this lesson.
The task for this lesson is to complete a worksheet that requires the children to identify and add prepositions & prepositional phrases.
Learning Objective:
LO: To know and identify prepositions.
To use prepositions to write complete sentences.
Writing - Season Poetry - Winter - Similes & Alliteration - Lesson 5 - KS1/KS2
With the National Curriculum in mind, I have created this season-based lesson. As reinforced by the National Curriculum, children should experience high-quality discussions on a wide range of poems and learn the poetry tools to create their own.
The season focus for this lesson is winter. Many detailed pictures are attached of snow, snowball, snowman, snow angel, snow fights, snow covered park/mountains, fireplace, hot drinks (hot chocolate), snow in the city and snow in London. With mention of the religious holidays that often occur in the winter months (Hanukkah, Christmas, and Diwali). Click on the link on the first page, and slowly discuss the imagery on the slides. Children will learn what a simile is and how to use them in a poem about winter. Children will also learn about alliteration.
Included in this pack is a fully editable PowerPoint with a learning objectives and and task to start writing a winter poem with similes & alliteration. There are 40 slides (mainly imagery).
Learning Objective:
To write a winter poem with similes and alliteration.
Victorians - Victorian Inventions (KS2)
This lesson discusses the major Victorian inventions and inventors that helped fuel the industrial revolution. It includes a Victorian timeline of inventions. 5 British Victorian Inventors, Alexander Graham Bell, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, James Starley, Sarah Guppy and George Jennings.
This lesson is in PowerPoint format and can be taught as it is or changed to suit individual classes. Detailed PowerPoint Lesson with 13 slides.
This lesson comes with a suggested activity or task that is also attached. The task for this lesson, Children can choose two pictures of Victorian inventions and then fill in a detective/investigative worksheet.
Now updated to include a research article to save time.
Learning objectives
• To learn about Victorian inventions and how they have impacted our lives today