Creative and innovative resources that meet the needs of every learner in every lesson.
Why create numerous resources when one can do it all.
Most resources are for geography lessons, but many are for whole-school too and cross over into numerous subjects.
Creative and innovative resources that meet the needs of every learner in every lesson.
Why create numerous resources when one can do it all.
Most resources are for geography lessons, but many are for whole-school too and cross over into numerous subjects.
A resource that includes all of the key information related to a Delhi case study.
I had my pupils create a mindmap about each key heading (outline included), but pupils could create a city guide or newspaper articles too.
Promotes independent work and allows the teacher to support students as they work.
I printed this on A3 & in colour & laminated them. This way they can be kept & used for many years.
This is a great task that asks students: What would we do if an asteroid was going to hit the earth?
It looks at the countries that would be effected, which involves some mapping & maths work.
It then goes on to looking at what the earths options would be. They choose what to do.
Finally pupils look at who they would choose to save.
A great SMSC or geography KS3 lesson.
A fantastic lesson (covers 3 periods) that introduces the skills needed to explain things well.
This is our introductory geography lesson and always goes down well.
Has a focus upon the enhanced greenhouse effect.
Kids loved doing this.
Took about 6 hours to create & design, so will save you a lot of time.
A simple, but highly effective lesson providing pupils with the skills of how not to copy work out.
This has proved really important in promoting independent learning.
Includes marking sheets to simply print off to save time.
Students get an understanding of key the critical nature of having to understand key vocabulary, in order to re-phrase things.
A super lesson that explores the impact the global food production could have upon the planet. Issues such as water, transportation & population growth are covered.
A great synoptic task.
GCSE style question added to test understanding.
2 styles of teacher feedback (marking) included to save time. Just print off & do yourself or get pupils to peer assess.
Students use the information sheet (no need for books) to create an information sheet. I normally use a large piece of sugar paper & get pupils to work on their own.
I would recommend printing the information sheet in colour & in A3 & laminating it, to be used again. The cartoon strip is best in A3 too.
Links well to much of the new 1-9 specification and was used as part of the KS3 SOW.
A lesson that explores how river features are created.
waterfalls to a gorge
meanders to oxbow lakes
Students use the information sheet (no need for books).
Promotes independent learning.
I would recommend printing the information sheet in colour & in A3 & laminating it, to be used again. The cartoon strip is best in A3 too.
Links well to much of the new 1-9 specification and was used as part of the KS3 SOW.
A lesson that explores how river features & management associated with the Holderness coastline. (3 lessons really)
Pupils have a choice of tasks.
All materals are differentiated to allow access to learning for all pupils.
Students use the information sheet (no need for books).
Promotes independent learning.
I would recommend printing the information sheet in colour & in A3 & laminating it, to be used again.
Links well to much of the new 1-9 specification and was used as part of the KS3 SOW.
A booklet that allows pupils to practice a wide and varied number of skills on school grounds.
It supports pupils in the development of key skills needed for GCSE geographical success. e.g. grid references, mapping, location, data presentation, data evaluation, questionnaires, methods and explaining.
Pupils use the booklet as a step by step guide to work through tasks, after collection of data on the school grounds.
Simple hypotheses are included along with the opportunity for conclusions.
It will require the changing of the Google earth image of the school, with your own.
This takes roughly half a term for year 7.
A great lesson that covers the human, social and environmental impacts of water transfer schemes in the UK.
8 resources in total (took about 10 hours to create).
This is based on the gravity scheme that transports water from the Elan valley to Birmingham.
Pupils have a choice of tasks and promotes independence & creativity.
I have also included marking sheets that just need printing off.
The GCSE links really tests their understanding.
Covers most new 1-9 gcse geography specifications.
All the materials needed to teach pupils about the human & natural causes of climate change.
This took many hours to plan & create.
Students work independently (using the information sheets), no need for books.
A super lesson that explores landfill.
This took roughly 8 hours to plan & create.
Students use the information sheet (no need for books) to create a newspaper article.
All SEND resources created too.
SPaG sheet to cover tricky key words.
I would recommend printing the information sheet in colour & in A3 & laminating it, to be used again. The cartoon strip is best in A3 too.
Links well to much of the new 1-9 geography specification and was used as part of the KS3 SOW.
All the resources needed to teach pupils about coastal features coasts. Based upon the Holderness coastline.
Probably 3 to 4 lessons worth of work, including assessment.
areas covered include;
Crack, cave, arch, stack & stump.
Bays & headlands
Bars & spits
Longshore drift.
Hard engineering
Soft engineerng
This really supports pupils working independently and the A3 worksheet provides all of the ingredients needed for all levels of pupil to access the information.
I print the large A3 sheets in colour & laminate them so that they can be used over again. Saves the need for text books.
Suitable for all age groups & easily amended to suit all GCSE geography specifications.
A collection stem question tests that allow pupils to demonstrate understanding through a series of multiple choice (5 possible answers) tests.
At the bottom of the sheet pupils can instantly demonstrate an understanding of misconceptions.
These are not designed to give a score (although you can score it), but are more about a demonstration of understanding of key understanding.
Each one (with feedback) takes roughly 10 minutes.
A great lesson (takes about 3 in total to complete) about the Amazon Rainforest.
Students create a newspaper article related to: why it should be saved, why its destroyed and how it is being sustainably managed.
Resources are high quality and include all of the key ingredients to allow pupils to access the learning.
I have also included a gcse exam style question so as to assess learning and put it into a context.
There is also a feedback sheet that simply needs printing and giving to the pupils.
This is a very highly effective lesson that promotes independence and creativity along with high level literacy.
Planned for OCR, but links to all of the new 1-9 geography specifications.
A superb series of activities linked to the Great Barrier Reef.
Pupils create a case board (like the ones seen in crime films).
They use the info sheet to independently get all of the information needed.
I have also included blah blah questions. These are designed to enable pupils to pick out the key words in a question and still be able to answer it, even if they don’t understand all of what the question is asking.
Designed for the new 1-9 gcse geography specifications.
This is a range of editable resources that are brilliant to evidence the key areas relating to the new OFSTED frame work and subsequent Deep Dive questioning that Heads of Faculty will have to undertake.
They cover most of the curriculum based questions and are a superb way to evidence all of the things that HoDs need to show.
The resources will need your own T&L and content adding to them, but are a framework to a successful Deep Dive process and a fantastic starting point.
Please contact me for further help and support.
Resource 1: Rose Graph. Designed to show that leaders the providers have created a curriculum that is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning. It shows building and links between year groups and themes.
Resource 2: National curriculum content. This resource enables a HoD to map out all of the Nation Curriculum coverage. OFSTED look for this in a curriculum design and plan. This demonstrates very clearly when all areas are covered and amount of NC coverage.
Resource 3: Learning Journey. These are simple, but effective ways to demonstrate the path and direction of learning throughout a half term/term at KS3 or 4. They provide learners with this knowledge and demonstrate a clear end point. I normally end with a mini project type task/activity. e.g. create a board game.
Resource 4: Assessment Mapping. This takes a little time, but is a great way to demonstrate that over the course of study, the teaching is designed to help learners to remember in the long term the content they have been taught. It shows that teachers and leaders use assessment well, is timely, used to check understanding and recall is thorough.
Resource 5: Low stakes testing. This simple format is used (in conjunction with the assessment mapping grid) to make sure that learning from across all half terms is covered thoroughly.
Resource 6: Homework ideas. This allows teachers to demonstrate how they are supporting learners to recover, recap and recall information. It has a section to add QR code links and why the student is undertaking this particular activity. Tasks are also designed to require little to no marking and to be fun and engaging. You will obviously use this same format for your subject area but it will need populating with your own subject materials.
A lesson on the human activity on rivers. Flood defence & causes.
Suitable for all age groups and specifications.
Resources really allow for independent learning and provide all of the ingredients needed for all abilities of students to access the learning.
It also has a quick GCSE style test that puts learning into context.
2 to 3 lessons worth of content.
A great lesson (takes about 3 hours to complete) where pupils look into the impacts that food production has around the world.
These are all resources needed.
Pupils have an information sheet that includes all of the data needed. They use this to complete a mindmap.
One done, they then apply their knowledge in the form of a scaffolded and structured newspaper article. These are all best printed on A3.
It pulls a lot of different skills (data analysis, research, not taking, explaining, literacy, comprehension) and geographical understanding together.
All the resources needed for a series of lessons (3 to 4) about Britain leaving the E.U.
Students create a rough mindmap (using the info on the EU).
Once completed they can create an extended piece of writing.
At the end of the lesson, the class can have their own referendum.
This lesson has been used as part of geography & SMSC and the kids loved doing it.
All the resources needed to teach pupils about the weather in the UK related to air masses, continentality & the North Atlantic Drift. Also included is a GCSE question to test understanding.
Resources are designed to promote independence.
This will take approximately 3 to 4 lessons to complete and has all the ingredients of an outstanding lesson.
Suitable for all age groups & easily amended to suit all GCSE geography specifications.