Starter task to consider questions related to zoos.
Analysis of an online source related to the issue of zoos. Evaluation of the effectiveness and reliability of the perspective presented.
Pupils work in groups to explore four different online sources connected to the issue. They consider the perspective, points made, language and evidence used, and the reliability of the source.
Pupils sum up different perspectives and reach a personal conclusion.
Cambridge Global Perspectives Key Stage 4 Resource
Starter task invites discussion of global internet access (exam Q1a)
Evaluation of benefits of internet access for developing countries (exam Q1d)
Analysis of an argument for perspectives and facts/opinons/generalisations (exam Q1b and Q1c)
Evaluation of a source for reliability (IRR)
Follow up activity connected to research for IRR.
Starter task to consider global data about life expectancy. Discussion on why life expectancy might be an important issue for governments.
Pupils consider the requirements of the exam Q4.
Pupils work in small groups to formulate potential benefits and downsides to each of the 3 courses of action and report back to the class.
Pupils then locate useful evidence in the sources to add to their responses.
Each group then creates a model paragraph on one of the courses of action to present to classmates.
Pupils peer mark using the tick-list.
Starter task to consider similarities and differences using pictures related to child labour.
Pupils analyse the perspective of a UNICEF article (exam Q1c)
Pupils investigate individual personal perspectives from children in different countries who have experienced child labour.
Pupils then examine a newspaper report from the USA concerning child labour there. They match the summary with the quotation from the article.
Pupils further examine the causes and consequences outlined in the article and suggest potential courses of action.