
End of the Year 4 Maths Assessment with answers
End of the Year 4 Maths Assessment with answers modelled on a New Curiculum for Year 4.
Topics include:
a) finding 1000 more or less than a given number
b) rounding any number to the nearest 10,100
c) reading Roman numerals
d) adding and subtracting numbers with up yo 4 digits using the wrriten method
e) multiplying three digit numbers by one-digit and two-digit
f) dividing (bus stop method)
g) recognising families of common equivalent fractions
h) adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator
i) recognising decimals equivalent to 1/4, 1/2, 3/4
j) dividing by 10 and 100
k) comparing decimal numbers
l) reading and writing time
m) elapsed time
n) classifing geometric shapes
o) identifying acute, obtuse and reflex angles
p) identifying lines of symmetry in 2-D shapes
r) converting metres to cm
s) describing position on a 2-D grid as coordinates in the first quadrant
t) translations of a given unit up and down

Maths GCSE higher assessment part1
GCSE higher assessment including surds, recurring decimals, stratified sample, rearranging formula, quadratic graph, quadratic factorizing, fractional and negative indices, compound interest and lower bound. Great revisit for students prepare to the higher GCSE.

Three Times Tables Funpack - games and worksheets
Three Times Tables funpack for learning Times Tables in a very fun way.
Within this pack you will find:
- Three Times Tables
- Three times tables worksheets:
Complete the multiplication facts
Fill the missing boxes
Complete the sequences
Complete the division facts
- A game board " Three Times Tables Game Snake".
Children need a printable"Snake Board" , dice and counters.
Full instruction is included.
This game can be played in pairs or small groups.
- Memory Cards: A great cards game learning times table in a very visual way.
Children can play independently or in small groups.
I use this game during maths intervention or as a maths starter lesson.
Children love this game.
Full instruction is included.
- Rainbow Strength Cards: A great card game for learning Times Tables.
Definitely this game is a favourite for my students.
This game can be played in pairs.
Full instruction is included.

GCSE Algebra Higher Assessment include topics:
expanding brackets
rearanging formulas
solving equations and inequalities
equation of a straight line
tangent to a circle
quadratic equation
simultaneous equations

New Sats 2016 Paper 2 Reasoning - bundle of 5 assessments
Pack of 5 papers modelled on material for Sample 2016 KS2 mathematics:
MLP version of test Paper 2: reasoning
Each one contain 20 questions ( students have 40 minutes to do this test and they can score 36 marks in total).
A great way to get your students ready for 2016 Maths SATs.
Can be used for classwork assessment, homework, practice papers or great Easter revision booklet.

New SATs KS1 Maths 2016 - Key Stage 1 Mathematics Paper 1 and Paper 2 - sample pack
This pack includes two papers:
Papers based on the sample material from Standard and Testing Agency for the new SATs 2016
( part: National curriculum assessments: 2016 sample materials )
A great way to get your students ready for new 2016 Maths SATs.

KS2 2016 SATs MATHs PAPERS in the pack
This pack includes:
3 ARITHMETIC PAPER 1( Each paper contains 36 questions. )
3 REASONING PAPER 2 ( Each one contain 20 questions. Students have 40 minutes to do this test and they can score 36 marks in total).
3 REASONING PAPER 3 ( Each one contain 20 questions. Students have 40 minutes to do this test and they can score 35 marks in total).
Papers based on the sample material for the new SATs 2016 ( 2015/2016 National Curriculum).
A great way to get your students ready for new 2016 Maths SATs.
You can use this pack as a MOCK PAPERS, revision or homework.
These papers are sold separetely too as a:
pack of 6 tests Paper 1 Arithmetic, pack of 5 tests Paper 2 Reasoning and pack of 5 tests Papers 3 Reasoning.

Equations Function Machines Booklet with answers
A function machine is a way of writing rules using a flow diagram.
I designed this booklet to show how easy solving equations can be. My students absolutely loved it.
The equations are the easiest to more difficult.
Booklet contains 6 examples, 42 equations and answers.
At the end is the challenge for the more able children.

Two Times Tables Funpack : worksheets and games
Two Times Tables funpack for learning Times Tables in a very fun way.
Within this pack you will find:
- Two Times Tables
- Two times tables worksheets:
Complete the multiplication facts
Fill the missing boxes
Complete the sequences
Complete the division facts
- A game board " Two Times Tables Game Snake".
Children need a printable"Snake Board" , dice and counters.
Full instruction is included.
This game can be played in pairs or small groups.
- Memory Cards: A great cards game learning times table in a very visual way.
Children can play independently or in small groups.
I use this game during maths intervention or as a maths starter lesson.
Children love this game.
Full instruction is included.
- Rainbow Strength Cards: A great card game for learning Times Tables.
Definitely this game is a favourite for my students.
This game can be played in pairs.
Full instruction is included.

Changing squared and cubic units of area and volume with answers
3 pages worksheets on the topic of changing squared and cubic units. Additional answers included. Classwork or Homework sheets. More able students will need about 30 minutes to solve all of them. There are examples for each kind of converting. At the end is challenge.
Please comment/review.

New Sats 2016 Paper 3 Reasoning - bundle of 5 assessments
Pack of 5 papers modelled on material for Sample 2016 KS2 mathematics:
2016 sample KS2 mathematics Paper 3: reasoning
Each one contain 20 questions ( students have 40 minutes to do this test and they can score 35 marks in total).
A great way to get your students ready for 2016 Maths SATs.
Can be used for classwork assessment, homework, practice papers or great revision booklet.

New 2016 SATs Arithmetic Paper - bundle of 6 assessments
Pack of six arithmetic papers (PDF - improved edition) designed on sample material for new SATs 2016 ( 2015/2016 National Curriculum).
Each paper contains 36 questions.
Topics cover addition, subtraction, multiplication( short and long), division( short and long), percentages, fractions ( fractions with the same denominator and with different, mixed numbers), decimals and BIDMAS.
A great way to get your students ready for 2016 maths SATs.
Can be used for classwork, assessment, homework or great revision booklet.

Roman Numerals Card Game
Absolutely kids loved this Roman Numerals cards game!
Deal out all the cards, so that each player has exactly the same number of cards. Players do not look at their cards, but keep them in a packet face down. The object of the game is to win all the cards.
Both players now turn their top card face up and put them on the table. Whoever turned the higher card takes both cards and adds them (face down) to the bottom of their packet. Then both players turn up their next card and so on.
If the turned up cards are equal there is a war. The tied cards stay on the table and both players play the next card of their pile face down and then another card face-up. Whoever has the higher of the new face-up cards wins the war and adds all six cards face-down to the bottom of their packet. If the new face-up cards are equal as well, the war continues: each player puts another card face-down and one face-up. The war goes on like this as long as the face-up cards continue to be equal. As soon as they are different the player of the higher card wins all the cards in the war.
The game continues until one player has all the cards and wins. This can take a long time.

Algebraic fractions with answers
Simplifying algebraic fractions, solving for x, solving for x in terms of y. Revisit with answers. Great worksheet for all lesson as a revisit or assessment.

GCSE HIGHER Paper part 2 / GCSE HIGHER revision part 2 with answers
Assessment includes topics:
vectors, area of triangle using sine, algebraic fractions, simultaneous equations with a quadratic, completing the square. Student can score 46 marks in total.

TIMES TABLES GAMES PACK is dedicated to children in Primary school.
This learning bundle includes worksheets and games to help children learn and understand times tables with lots of fun at the same time.

Twelve Times Tables Funpack - games and worksheets
Twelve Times Tables funpack for learning Times Tables in a very fun way.
Within this pack you will find:
- Twelve Times Tables
- Twelve times tables worksheets:
Complete the multiplication facts
Fill the missing boxes
Complete the sequences
Complete the division facts
- A game board " Twelve Times Tables Game Snake".
Children need a printable"Snake Board" , dice and counters.
Full instruction is included.
This game can be played in pairs or small groups.
- Memory Cards: A great cards game learning times tables.
Children can play independently or in small groups.
I use this game during maths intervention or as a maths starter lesson.
Children love this game.
Full instruction is included.
- Rainbow Strength Cards: A great card game for learning Twelve Times Tables.
Definitely this game is a favourite for my students.
This game can be played in pairs.
Full instruction is included.

Four Times Tables Funpack - games and worksheets
Four Times Tables funpack for learning Times Tables in a very fun way.
Within this pack you will find:
- Four Times Tables
- Four times tables worksheets:
Complete the multiplication facts
Fill the missing boxes
Complete the sequences
Complete the division facts
- A game board " Four Times Tables Game Snake".
Children need a printable"Snake Board" , dice and counters.
Full instruction is included.
This game can be played in pairs or small groups.
- Memory Cards: A great cards game learning times table in a very visual way.
Children can play independently or in small groups.
I use this game during maths intervention or as a maths starter lesson.
Children love this game.
Full instruction is included.
- Rainbow Strength Cards: A great card game for learning Times Tables.
Definitely this game is a favourite for my students.
This game can be played in pairs.
Full instruction is included.

Nine Times Tables Funpack - games and worksheets
Nine Times Tables funpack for learning Times Tables in a very fun way.
Within this pack you will find:
- Nine Times Tables
- Nine times tables worksheets:
Complete the multiplication facts
Fill the missing boxes
Complete the sequences
Complete the division facts
- A game board " Nine Times Tables Game Snake".
Children need a printable"Snake Board" , dice and counters.
Full instruction is included.
This game can be played in pairs or small groups.
- Memory Cards: A great cards game learning nine times tables.
Children can play independently or in small groups.
I use this game during maths intervention or as a maths starter lesson.
Children love this game.
Full instruction is included.
- Rainbow Strength Cards: A great cards game for learning Nine Times Tables.
Definitely this game is a favourite for my students.
This game can be played in pairs.
Full instruction is included.

Seven Times Tables Funpack - games and worksheets
Seven Times Tables funpack for learning Times Tables in a very fun way.
Within this pack you will find:
- Seven Times Tables
- Seven times tables worksheets:
Complete the multiplication facts
Fill the missing boxes
Complete the sequences
Complete the division facts
- A game board " Seven Times Tables Game Snake".
Children need a printable"Snake Board" , dice and counters.
Full instruction is included.
This game can be played in pairs or small groups.
- Memory Cards: A great cards game learning times tables in a very visual way.
Children can play independently or in small groups.
I use this game during maths intervention or as a maths starter lesson.
Children love this game.
Full instruction is included.
- Rainbow Strength Cards: A great card game for learning Seven Times Tables.
Definitely this game is a favourite for my students.
This game can be played in pairs.
Full instruction is included.