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I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.




I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.
Jupiter Hammon    (c,1711-1806)

Jupiter Hammon (c,1711-1806)

Jupiter Hammon is known as the founder of African - American literature. His poem An Evening Thought;Salvation by Christ, with Penitential Cries (EVSCPC), published in 1761, was the first by an African-American in North America. (Read copy of poem) Born into slavery he became a devoted Christian evangelist preacher. He was also a commercial clerk on long island. New York. He was a slave of the Lloyd family. He was born at the Lloyd Manor (now Lloyd Harbor). He served 4 generations of the Lloyd family for his entire life Like the Lloyds family Jupiter was a fervent Christian. Aged 22 he bought a bible from his master for 7 shillings and 6 pence. His writings reflected his spirituality. I Jupiter received rudimentary education through the Anglican Church’s Society of the Gospel in Foreign parts system. His ability to read and write aided the Lloyds in their commercial businesses and helped him exhibit a level of intellectual awareness through literature. EVSCPC was his first published poem. Composed on 25th December, Christmas day 1760 it appeared as a 'broadside in 1761. An Address to Miss Phillis Wheatley, 18 years later, was his second work to appear in print. The dedicated poem, to a fellow black slave, contained 21 rhyming quatrains (4 lines) , each accompanied by a Biblical verse -thinking it would help her Christian journey. On 24th September 1786, aged 76, and still a slave, Jupiter said this famous quote during his speech at the inaugural meeting of the African Society in New York City , If we should get to heaven, we shall find nobody to reproach us for being black, or for being slaves. He knew that slavery was deeply entrenched in American society and that immediate emancipation of all slaves would be difficult to achieve, The exact year of Jupiter Hammon’s death is unknown but it is believed he died in 1806. He ranked 327 in the top 500 poets. Sources All poetry Wikipedia
Olaudah Equiano    (c1745-1797)

Olaudah Equiano (c1745-1797)

Olaudah Equiano, known for most of his life as Gustavus Vassa, He was probably born in the Eboe region of the kingdom of Benin province, in the area that is now southern Nigeria. ( He twice listed his birthplace in the Americas) Most of what he wrote in his book The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa (published in 1789)can be verified. ( See Amazon notes) As a child he was kidnapped with his sister, aged about 11, and sold to local slave traders and shipped across the Atlantic to Barbados and then Virginia. In Virginia he was sold to a Royal Naval officer, Lieutenant Michael Pascal. Pascal renamed him Gustavus Vassa - the name of a 16th century Swedish king ( he had already been called Michael and Jacob). He travelled the oceans with Pascal for 8 years. In his book he give eye witness accounts of the Seven Years War with France. Pascal favoured him by sending him to his sister-in-law so that he could attend school and learn to read and write. Olaudah was converted to Christianity and was baptised at St. Margaret’s Westminster on 9th February, 1759 Pascal then sold him to Captain James Doran of the Charming Sally at gravesend, from where he was transported to the Caribbean. Doran sent him to Montserrat where he was sold to Robert King, a prominent American Quaker merchant from Philadelphia who traded in the Caribbean. He worked as a deckhand, barber and valet for King. He earned enough money over 3 years, by trading on the side, to buy his freedom. He then spent the next 20 years travelling the world. He made trips to Turkey and the Arctic. He took care not to be captured and sold again as a slave. In 1786 he came to London, He became involved in the movement to abolish slavery and joined the Sons of Africa - a group of 12 black African men. (See notes) In 1789 he published his book. which depicted the horrors of slavery. he spent many months speaking in public about his life. It went through 9 editions in his lifetime and helped gain passage of the British Slave Trade Act of 1807 On 7th April 1792 he married Susannah Cullen, an English woman. They married in Soham, Cambridge and settled there. They had 2 daughters -Anna Maria and Joanna Susannah died in February 1796 Olaudah Equiano aged 52, died on 31st March 1797 just over a year later. The register reads Gustus Vasa, 52 years, St Mary Le Bone He was buried at Whitefield’s Tabernacle on 6th April. (burial place now lost). Anna Maria died in 1797 aged just 4 Joanna went on to marry Revd. Henry Bromley Amazon Timelines from Black History BBC History
Oxford Martyrs  1555 Latimer & Ridley

Oxford Martyrs 1555 Latimer & Ridley

Hugh Latimer and Hicholas Ridley were burnt at the stake in Oxford on 16th October 1555 during the reign of Queen Mary ( 1553-8). In 1534 the Act of Supremacy was passed in England. It made Henry V111 head of the English Church instead of the Roman Catholic Pope in Rome. It was the beginning of the English Reformation. There was a rapid advance towards Protestantism after the accession of King Edward V1 Henry V111 was followed by Edward V1 1547-53,and Lady Jane Grey 1553 both protestants. Mary (1553-1558) was Roman Catholic and wanted the church in England to return to Roman Catholicism. Those in high places who opposed her were arrested for treason and some were martyred for heresy - refusing to subscribe to certain articles of faith such as the existence of purgatory an the need to venerate saints. Hugh Latimer had become the bishop of Worcester in 1535. Forced to resign his see in 1539. He popularized the idea of the reformation Nicholas Ridley was appointed bishop of Rochester. In 1550 he became bishop of London. he denied the doctrine of transubstantiation - that Christ’s natural body is present in the bread of the Eucharist after consecration.blood. The trial happened at the University Church of St. Mary the Virgin. They were imprisoned at the former Bocardo Prison. They were burnt at the stake just outside the city walls to the north, where Broad Street is now located. Latimer , at the stake is said to have immortalized himself by exhorting his fellow victim Ridley with these words - we shall this day light a candle, by God’s grace, in England as I trust shall never be put out If you visit Oxford a cross on Oxford’s Broad Street marks the site of the execution. Thomas Cramner - see more information available under his name. Act of Supremacy - see more information under Henry V111 and Act of Supremacy Sources used Britannica Online Encyclopedia History Today Wikipedeia
Henry V111 and the Act of Supremacy 1534

Henry V111 and the Act of Supremacy 1534

Henry V111 wish to divorce Catherine of Aragon. He decided to remove the Church of England from the authority of Rome. The 1534 Act of supremacy recognized Henry as 'the only Supreme Head on earth of the Church of England.
Thomas Becket  (1118-1173)

Thomas Becket (1118-1173)

Thomas Becket is one of the most famous men in English History. Henry11 asked, ‘Who will rid me of this traitor?’ Four of his knights took at his word and went to Canterbury Cathedral and in front of the high altar murdered Thomas. Henry 11 and Thomas had been friends. Henry 11 had appointed him to be his royal chancellor. He performed his duties very capably and became the king’s trusted servant and friend. On the death of of Archbishop Theobald of Canterbury Henry11 appointed Thomas his successor. He believed Thomas would serve the state as well as the church. On appointment Thomas changed his allegiance and his life style. He abandoned his worldly materialistic ways and became a saintly soul living a disciplined , pious and austere life. He steadfastly resisted all efforts to impose the royal will on the church. Discord developed over how the church and state dealt with clerics convicted of crimes. Following a quarrel Thomas, the Archbishop of Canterbury, was forced into exile in France (1164-1170). On his return to England in 1170 he met with his death. Henry11 when he heard the news was distraught - what he had said in anger he now regretted. Henry was forced to do penance because there was such an outpouring of rage from the public Thomas was sainted in 1173 and became the most popular saint in English History. His Legacy is enormous. In the ‘Canterbury Tales’ by Chaucer a group of pilgrims are on their way to worship at his shrine. (Read Legacy) Sources used Great Leaders of the Christian Church - Woodbridge contribution from Robert G. Clouse wipedia BBC History
Thomas Cranmer     (1489-1556)

Thomas Cranmer (1489-1556)

Thomas Cranmer was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1533- 1556. He was the archbishop responsible for successfully getting HenryV111 's divorce from his first wife , Catherine of Aragon. (He also married his next 5 wives.)Henry then declared himself Supreme head of the English church- Thomas became the first Protestant Archbishop of England. (For this piece of work iI have used two main sources Great Leaders of the Christian Church (GL of CC) Britannica Online Encyclopedia (B.O.E) Thomas was born on 2nd July 1489 in Nottinghamshire. He went to Jesus college, Cambridge and received a fellowship in 1523. Early on he rejected the claims that the Pope had supremacy over the ruler of each country. (read Cranmer the Erastian - GL of CC). In August 1529 a plague known as the sweating sickness swept the country and Thomas went to stay at his father’s house in Waltham, Essex. HenryV111 was visiting the area and two of the king’s councillors met Thomas - they discussed the future divorce. The king called Thomas for an interview. Thomas agreed to create a treatise. (Read* Entry into Royal Service* - B.O.E.) When William Warham, the aged archbishop of Canterbury died in August 1532, a replacement was needed. Stephen Gardiner, the obvious candidate was out of favour. Thomas, now chief adviser on ecclesiastical matters, was chosen. In March 1533 he was consecrated and instituted at Canterbury. In May he declared the marriage to Catherine of Argon void and pronounced the marriage to Anne Boleyn valid. He did as he was told with regards to the other marriages that followed. With regard to church matters he created the Book of Common Prayer in the language of the people - English replaced Latin. He provided the church with one book containing all services for daily, Sunday and occasional use, as well as a Book of Psalms. In the year Henry V111 died, 1517, and Edward V1 became king,Thomas published a Book Of Homilies which was designed to meet the notorious grievance that the unreformed clergy did not preach enough. He was also influential in fixing the doctrinal anchors of the reformed Church of England. The 42 articles of !553 became the 39 articles in 1571. These articles anchor the church in the scriptures , the creeds and Reformed catholicity. On the death of Edward V! and the short 9 day ‘reign’ of Lady Jane Grey - who Thomas had supported Mary1 became queen. Mary was Roman Catholic and wanted Thomas to recant his beliefs on oath. Refusal meant he would be martyred. He briefly agreed but was still burnt at the stake- March 21st 1556 - he made sure his right hand which had signed the paper was first in the fire. Thomas was the leader of the English Reformation and was responsible for establishing the basic structures of the Church of England. He died as a martyr for the English form of R The Britannica Online Encyclopedia article on Thomas Cramner is excellent. .
Martin Luther King  (1929- 1968)   Martin Luther King Day  3rd Monday in January

Martin Luther King (1929- 1968) Martin Luther King Day 3rd Monday in January

Martin Luther King was a gifted African- American Preacher and civil rights leader. His sermonic appeals for justice and personal activism helped change the course of American life. His most famous appeal was* I have a dream* speech - a dream for freedom and equality for black people. ( Read I had a dream speech). I have included a brief bibliography of his life written by History . It highlights all the important events of his public life - from his birth to his assassination ( page 1, of 4, lists the highlights). As a preacher his sermons became more Christ centred with a growing emphasis on the cross. He was one of the most compelling speakers of the twentieth century. Michael Duduit in his list of top 10 twentieth preachers in the world ranked Martin 4th. ( Read 4. Martin Luther King, Jr) Martin considered himself a preacher of the gospel rather than a civil rights leader. Fundamentally he was clergyman, a Baptist preacher. He was tragically assassinated in 1968. May his dream one day be fulfilled. I have also included 2 large print pages I used when teaching. Sources History The 10 greatest preachers of the 20th century
Saint Edmund, King of East Anglia ( c.841-870)  Feast Day  20th November

Saint Edmund, King of East Anglia ( c.841-870) Feast Day 20th November

Saint Edmund, King of East Anglia, also known as Edmund the Martyr was England’s original Patron Saint. Aged just 15 in 856 Edmund became king of East Anglia. He rules his kingdom well and spent times restoring churches and monasteries destroyed in previous wars. In 870 the Danes invaded his kingdom, marching on Mercia. Edmund fought them at Hoxne, about 20 miles from Thetford, and was defeated. After the battle the Danish leader, Hingwar, demanded the king to hand over his treasure and accept the position of vassal. The king accepted the terms on the condition Hingwar would become a Christian. What happened next is uncertain. The Danes/Vikings destroyed any contemporary evidence of his reign. Writers later then produced fictional accounts of his life. Fact or Fiction? Edmund may have been killed in battle. It is uncertain where he actually died. OR, according to pictures depicting his death, this angered Hingwar so much that he had him tied up to a tree, shot at with arrows and was then beheaded. King Edmund became Edmund the Martyr. Taking the story even further Edmund’s head was thrown into the forest. The searchers hearing the sound of ethereal wolves calling out in Latin ’ Hic Hic Hic’ - in English ’ Here ,here ,here ’ found his head. Hingwar is referred elsewhere as Ivar the Boneless. Fact - Edmund’s bones in 902/3 remains were moved to Beodricsworth - modern Bury St. Edmunds where King Athelstan founded a religious community to care for his shrine aaaaand it beacame a place of national pilgrimage. ( read ‘Beodericworth’ paragraph) Where are the remains now ? ( read Where is St. Edmund?) King Edmund was a Christian king. He sacrificed his life because he refused to renounce Jesus Christ as his saviour.
Saint / King   Edward the Confessor (c.1003-1066)

Saint / King Edward the Confessor (c.1003-1066)

Edward the Confessor was a king who later became recognized as a saint He lived in the eleventh century . He died shortly before the Battle of Hasting between King Harold, his successor and William 1, William the conqueror. There are differences of opinion as to whether he was a weak or a strong king. Confessor reflects his reputation as a saint who did not suffer martyrdom. Wikipedia uses the work ’ nickname ’ to reflect the traditional image of him as unworldly and pious. He did reign for 24 years It is said because he was unable to fulfill a vow to go to Rome that he built a monastery. The monastery we call Westminster Abbey. He re-established the Abbey of Westminster on a site of a church built 400 years earlier. It was the first Norman Romanesque church in England. Building began in 1042 and consecrated on 28th December 1065. Edward unfortunately was too ill to attend the ceremony and died the following week - 5th January 1066. Edward was buried at Westminster Abbey. His body was exhumed a number of times and was finally given a centerpiece, in a magnificent tomb, in the new thirteenth century ( present day )Abbey. Edward can be seen on the famous Bayeux Tapestry. Edward the Confessor was for many years the patron saint of England until Saint George, during the time of the Crusades, replaced him. HIs feast day is 13th October. Westminster Abbey was finally completed in 1090 some 25 years after his death. In 1245, during the reign of Henry111, it was demolished and replaced by today’s present building.
Travelling by Rail

Travelling by Rail

Two information sheets about travelling by rail -Train journey to London and Travel using the Channel Tunnel. There is also a short crossword/ word search (answers supplied). Clip art sheet for ‘best’ copy Added general Rescue vocabulary sheet.
Ferdinand Magellan

Ferdinand Magellan

Ferdinand Magellan is recognised as being the first person to lead a sea voyage around the world. He started with 5 ships but only ‘Victoria’ returned to Spain. Ferdinand died during the attack on the Mactan island so he personally never completed the voyage - see notes.
Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus

I have included a portrait of Christopher Columbus, plus information about his first voyage with a map. From Google it is possible to download pictures to colour of Columbus and his ships Map and drawings by David Woodroffe


Here are a number of phrase/vocabulary sheets looking at different forms of Flight. I start with Montgolfiers and their balloons and writing about going up in a hot-are balloon . I move onto gliding, hang-gliding and skydiving. I move onto First Powered flights with the Wright brothers, I then move onto aeroplanes and the supersonic commercial Concorde - its brief history and the accident in Paris. There is a phrase/vocabulary page about helicopters, dog fight in the second world war and modern stealth fighters. I have included a Poetry Aid about Flight. There are four A 5 sheets for ‘best’ copy and a crossword/word search.
The stuarts

The stuarts

The first Stuart sheet is a Maths sheet. I then look at November the 5th the Gunpowder Plot, and there is a list of Fireworks and a Poetry Aid. There is a sheet about the Pilgrim Fathers 1620 . I have given four pages to the 1642-9 English Civil War. The first sheet is Events and Dates, the second is the trial and execution of Charles I, the map on the third page shows the positions of the king/parliament. The fourth sheet is a very clear picture of a Roundhead and Cavalier There are information sheets about the Plague and the Fire of London. There are poetry aids on both of these plus a Poetry Aid for the Stuart monarchs. Illustrations are by DavidWoodroffe.
The Tudors

The Tudors

I have put together a mixture of material about the Tudors. There is a maths sheet about the Tudors. A gap sheet on Henry VII and Henry VIII and his wives Information and picture on the Mary Rose. Some of Elizabeth I’s sailors were regarded by the French as pirates so there is a phrase/ vocabulary sheet plus a Poetry Aid. There is information and a map explaining the Spanish Armada of 1588 . There are several sheets about haunted houses with two example sheets plus a Poetry aid on Fear. All illustrations/map are drawn by David Woodroffe.
English Civil War 1642-7

English Civil War 1642-7

Just 5 pages Stuarts family - maths, Dates and Events, Execution of Charles I, map and Clip art of Roundhead and Cavalier Illustrations by David Woodroffe
Medieval England

Medieval England

I have created a number(14) of brief History sheets looking at Medieval England. I have covered these topics:- Medieval Monarchs Battle of Hastings Crusades Page to a Knight Thomas Becket Magna Carta 100 year war Richard I I and Peasants Revolt War of the Roses 'family ’ tree War of the Roses Medieval kings -maths sheet Medieval border sheet Medieval vocabulary
Medieval England  3 books

Medieval England 3 books

Whilst browsing in TKMax I came across three excellent books about the Medieval England. Chronicles of the Middle Ages ISBN 978 1 908177 89 6 price £11.99. pub 2015 The book has been created by Book House. book -house.co.uk There are 96+pages to this colourful, interesting informative book . Certain pages open up to give you a 4 page display. I have included the index and a picture of a knight. How to be a knight by Sir Geoffrey de Lance ISBN 9781840119282 price 12.99 pub 2006 The book has been created by Templaf templatco.co.uk It is a 3D book with 12 beautifully illustrated double pages packed with information. Knights by Simon Adams ISBN 9781844420117 price £14.99 pub The book has been created by Carlton books It is a strong 3D book with 14 double pages beautifully illustrated packed with information. A number of years ago, whilst teaching in a Middle school, I created some work sheets -list shown - see Medieval England.
Gregory the Great,  March 12th

Gregory the Great, March 12th

Saint Gregory is best remembered for looking at some English slaves at the Forum in Rome, in the sixth century, and referring to them as angles. He became a prefect of Rome when he was only 30. He decided to become a monk and had his family home changed into a monastery. Later he became Abbot of St.Andrew’s monastery - his former home. When he saw the slaves he decided that he wanted to go on a mission to England to convert them to Christianity. The Pope Pelaguis II refused his request. Twenty years later, when Gregory became Pope, he sent St, Augustine to fulfill his dream. I have included a brief history, some information from Wikipdedia, pictures and a brief crossword and word search with answers


There are 10 main sheets plus two answer sheets. David Woodroffe drew for me a very good outline of a volcano for the children to use. The first vocabulary sheet is a list of interesting useful words. The second sheet is a fuller vocabulary. There are two ‘crosswords’ and two word searches. The next three sheets are about Pompeii AD79. The first sheet encourages the children to think about the event and suggests the children read Willard Prices Volcano Adventure. Twice I wrote pieces for my pupils - once pretending I was there, the second I went back as an observer in a time machine. The final two sheets are poetry aids. The second one was created in 2010 following the eruption of Eyjafallokull in Iceland. 2 pictures added