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I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.




I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.
St. Simon & St. Jude   Feast day 28th October

St. Simon & St. Jude Feast day 28th October

Saint Simon and Saint Jude share the same feast day - 28th October. Simon the Zealot, or Simon the Canaanite, or Simon the Canaanean is one of the most obscure among the apostles of Jesus. He appears in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) and the Book of Acts each time there is a list of the 12 apostles without further detail Simon ( also called Peter) then Andrew (Peter’s brother), James (son of Zebedee). John (James’s brother), Philip, Barthlomew, Thomas, Matthew (the tax collector) James (son of Alphaeus), Thaddaeus. Simon ( the zealot) Judas Iscariot (who later betrayed him) . NLT Study Bible Matt 10 v 1-4 Luke 6 v14-16 Mark 3 v13-19 Act 2 v13 Simon may have belonged to the strict group of Pharisees who called themselves the Zealots. Saint Jude was known under various names. In the list of 12 apostles above he is identified as Thaddeus. Elsewhere he is called Jude of James, Jude Thaddaeus, Judas Thaddaeus or Lebbaeus. He is sometimes identified with Jude , the brother of Jesus but is clearly distinguished from Juda Iscariot, the apostle who who betrayed Jesus. In the Roman Catholic church he is the patron saint of desperate and lost causes Most versions of the New Testament in languages, other than French or English, refer to Jude and Judas by the same name this makes Identification difficult. He in not thought to be the author of the epistle of Jude! (Read ‘Identity’) They are both listed in Acts ch 2 when the Holy Spirit fell upon upon the eleven and the other believers (about 120) at Pentecost. They are not mentioned again. It is said that St. Simon might have been martyred in Persia and that St Jude was martyred at the same time.
Alfred the Great    (848/9  -899)

Alfred the Great (848/9 -899)

Alfred the Great was the king of th e West Saxons from 871-886 and king of the Anglo-Saxons c.886-899. He is venerated as a saint by some Christian traditions. The Anglican community venerate him as a Christian hero with a feast day or commemoration on 26th October. He is often depicted in stained glass windows in C of E parish churches. Alfred was the youngest son of King AEthelwulf. Three of his brothers AEthelbald. AEtheberht and AEthelred, reigned in turn before him. After ascending the throne he spent several years fighting Viking invasions. In 878/9 he had a decisive victory at the Battle of Edington. (He did not win all the battles) With the Vikings he created Danelaw in the North of England. He saw the Viking leader. Guthrum converted to Christianity. He became the dominant ruler in England Alfred had a great love of the church. As a child he had made the difficult journey to Rome to be blessed by the Pope. As king he now turned to rebuilding of civilisation and religion among his people. The Danes had destroyed nearly all th churches and schools in the land. He restored communications with Rome and invited scholars and monks from the Europe and Ireland to come and help in the revival of learning in England. He encouraged the building of churches, monasteries and schools. Alfred studied and translated into Anglo-Saxon the Psalms. He also translated from Latin into Old English certain works that were regarded at the time as providing models of ideal Christian kingship and ‘most necessary for all men to know.’ From his followers he won the title ‘Protector of the Poor’. Bishop Asser of Wales was set the task of writing the king’s biography - he emphasised Alfred’s positive aspects. He presented Alfred as the embodiment of the ideal, but practical, Christian ruler. By the time of the Reformation Alfred was seen as a pious Christian who promoted the use of English rather then the Latin He was given the epithet as ‘the Great’ by writers in the 16th century not by his contemporaries. He reigned for 30 years. He died aged just 50.King Alfred was never canonised (although HenryV1 asked Pope EugeneIV in 1441 to canonise him). History Today published an article The Most Perfect Man in History- I have enclosed most of the article. I desire to live worthily as long as I lived, and to leave after my life, to the men who should come after me, the memory of me in good works Alfred’s translation of passage from* Consolation of Philosophy* by Boethius Source used Wikipedia
L'Abri &   the Schaeffers (1912-1984)

L'Abri & the Schaeffers (1912-1984)

L’ Abri is an evangelical Christian organisation founded by Francis Schaeffer and his wife Edith in Huemoz-sur-Ollon, in Switzerland, on 5th June 1955. Francis August Schaeffer (1912-1984) was an American evangelical theologian, philosopher and Presbyterian pastor. He was the first student to graduate and first to be ordained in the \bible Presbyterian Church (1935). Edith Rachel Merritt Schaeffer (nee Seville) was a Christian author. They married in 1935. When they moved to Huemoz there was no assurance that it would be successful. They opened their alpine home to curious travellers and as a forum to discuss philosophical and religious beliefs. Word of mouth in the summer of 1955 soon led to an increasing stream of visitors, averaging 31 visitors a week. Distribution of Francis’ lectures also helped to raise awareness of their work As is grew the L’Abri organisation began to own and operate several buildings in Huemoz 4 types of people visited - short term guests students who divided their time between study and communal work, workers who participated in discussions and the work of of hospitality, members who were part of the decision making process. The L’Abri day revolves around communal meals, often used as an opportunity for formal open discussion, and students are encouraged to pursue interests in art, music and literature. (Read 'Mode of operation) Francis died in 1984 of hymphoma on 15th May 1984, in Rochester, Minnesota but his wife Edit continued to be associated with the L’Abri organisation. Edith died, at home in Gryon, Switzerland, aged 98 nearly 30 years later, on 30th March 2013. Edith 30 years ago founded The Francis Schaeffer Foundation to receive her husband’s papers and annotated books for scanning and subsequent study. This is run by her son-in-law Udo Middleman - he is also an associate pastor in Hoemoz. The ministry has continued to grow. l’Abri has operations in a number of different countries staffed by workers who encourage visitors to study and consider their religious and philosophical beliefs. Since 2011 l’Abri has residential ‘Study Centres’ in the USA , Canada, South Korea, Australia, the UK, the Netherlanders and Sweden as well as the original centre in Switzerland. It also has non -residential ‘Resource centres’ run by friends of the organisation in Brazil and Germany Today the L’Abri houses are to be found in various parts of the world and continue to offer people a place to stay when they travel. I have included information about both Schauffers and the books they wrote Source Wikipedia
Saint Helena (c.246-c.330)

Saint Helena (c.246-c.330)

Saint Helena was the mother of Roman emperor Constantine the Great, She was born outside of the noble classes, a Greek, possibly in the Greek city of Drepana, Bithynia in Asia Minor. Saint Helena ranks as an important figure in the history of Christianity, and of the world, because of her influence on her son, Constantine. The parents of Constantine1 were Helena and emperor Constantius 1. There is uncertainty to whether they were actually married. Some scholars suggest they were joined in a common-law marriage, a cohabitation in fact but not in law, or whether they were joined in an official marriage, on the grounds that the sources claiming an official marriage are more reliable. Constatius1 divorced Helena before 289. Helena and her son were dispatched to the court of Dicletian at Nicomedia, where he son grew to be a member of the inner circle. When Constantius1 died in 306 Costantine 1 was proclaimed Augustus of the Roman Empire. Following her son’s elevation Helena in 312 was brought back to public life, returning to the imperial court, She was appointed Augusta Imperatrix which gave her unlimited access to the imperial treasury in order to locate the relics of the Christian tradition. According to Eusebuis her conversion to Christianity followed her son becoming emperor. In 326-8, when Saint Helena was in her 80s , she under took a trip to Palestine. She had heard an old legend that the True Cross - the cross Jesus was crucified , plus the other two, were buried near where the crucifixion actually happened… With great pomp she went to Palestine. She founded a church at Bethlehem, another upon the Mount of Olives. In Jerusalem, according to Eusebius, she had a temple to Venus or Jupiter destroyed. They them chose a site to excavate and found three crosses. Wanting to know which was Christ’s a sick woman was brought to the site. On touching the third cross she was healed. (Read The True Cross and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre) Sozomen and Theodoret claim that Saint Helena found two of the nails of the crucifixion - one was placed in her son’s helmet the other in his horse’s bridal. In 327/8 she left Jerusalem and took large parts of the True Cross back to Rome which were stored in her palace’s private chapel. Saint Helena died around 330 and was buried in the Mausoleum of Helena , outside Rome, on the Via Labicana. Constatine1 later founded the church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The invention of the Cross is celebrated on 3rd May. Source used Wikipedia
Rogation days

Rogation days

Rogation days are days of prayer and fasting in Western Christianity. The word rogation comes from the latin verb ‘rogare’ which means to ask. This reflects the beseeching of God for the appeasement of his anger and for the protection from calamities - for example a poor harvest. The Christian major rogation replaced a pagan Roman procession known as Robigalia where a dog was sacrificed to Robigus, the deity of Agricultural disease, to stop their crops getting wheat rust. So -called major rogation is held on 25th April.The minor rogations are held on Monday to Wednesday before Ascension Thursday. Rogation days date back to Mamertus, Bishop of Vienne in 470. who ordered processions at the time of many volcanic eruptions. Rogation Day ceremonies are thought to have arrived in the British Isles in the 7th century. In the old Sarum texts (1173-1200) processions were initially led by a dragon representing Pontius Pilate who was followed by a lion, representing Jesus, followed by images of saints. In later processions the lion went first. Many heavy torches were present - bought jointly by the church and parishioners, Beating the bounds happened in the Middle Ages. The procession used to move around the parish boundaries so the young people might know where they lay - this was before detailed maps. Sometimes important spots were impressed on the boys by bumping them on the ground or beating them! The practice of beating the bounds has continued in a few places to the present day, simply as an old custom. Rogation Days are observed in the Roman Catholic church with processions and the Litany of the Saints, Sources used The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander Wikipedia
The Annunciation of Mary,  25th March

The Annunciation of Mary, 25th March

The Annunciation also referred to as the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Annunciation of Our Lady or Annunciation of the Lady The Annunciation of Mary is when the Archangel Gabriel visits Mary to say that she is going to have a son, who she was to call Jesus. * (See Luke ch. 1 verses 26-38) Mary is surprised because she asks, How can this be I do nor know a man? She is still a virgin who has only recently become betrothed to Joseph. The angel replies with these words The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God. Gabriel goes on to explain that her cousin Elizabeth, in old age, is going to give birth to a son. (This son is John the Baptist) Mary says Behold the maidservant of the Lord!. Let it be to me according to your word. Gabriel then departed. This is how Mary learned that she was going to give birth to Jesus, the Son of God. Brief information about Mary and the Archangel Gabriel included. Sources The Bible Wikipedia
Candlemas February 2nd

Candlemas February 2nd

Candlemas(s) is a Christian festival also known as Feast of the Presentation of Jesus Christ, Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Feast of the Holy Encounter.*** Candalmas(s) commemorates the presentation of Jesus, as a baby, at the Temple in Jerusalem - Luke ch.22 verses 22-40 ( see notes). This would have happened after the traditional 40 day period of purification of the mother. In the Biblical story Simeon picks up the baby in his arms. When he said theNunc Dimittis he included the phrase a light for revelation to the Gentiles .* It is for this reason that this event is called Candlemas. Many Christians consider Jesus as ‘the light of the world’ so it is fitting that candles are blessed on this day. A candle-lit procession precedes the mass. Many Orthodox Christians celebrate the event by bringing beeswax candles to their local church so they can be blessed to be used in the church or home. Crepes are eaten at Candlemas in such places as France. The idea of Candlemas is believed to have started in the 4th century, with the lighting of candles coming in the 5th century. In the USA and Canada it is also *Groundhog Day. *
Epiphany, the Feast of the 3 Kings

Epiphany, the Feast of the 3 Kings

Epiphany means ‘revelation’, ‘manifestation’ or ‘showing forth’ - it was the revealing of Jesus to those who were not Jewish - the magi, 3 kings, or 3 wise men were Gentiles. January 6th is the feast day January 6th originally was used to celebrate the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. When Jesus received the Holy Ghost it was manifested to the people. The 3 kings are part of the Nativity plays, along with the shepherds, which are part of the birth story of Jesus. Tradition suggests that they arrived days following Halley’s Comet, maybe weeks after, the birth of the baby Jesus. Tradition has named them as Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar and they brought gifts of gold (kingship), frankincense (godship0 and myrrh (for burial0. In orthodox churches Epiphany is also known as The Feast of the Holy Theophany and is important as Christmas. Special cakes are eaten in Spain, France and Mexico. This is also the time that some children from Spain and Italy receive their Christmas presents from the 3 Magic Kings. (Read Epiphany, the Feast of The Three Kings) ( Winter swimming is even mentioned!!) January 6th is also Twelfth Night when the Christmas decorations normally are taken down. Sources used Wikipedia Church Dates for Children by Tony Batchelor


Lent looks at the 40 days leading up to Easter. We think of Jesus spending 40 days fasting in the wilderness before he began his earthly ministry. The word ‘lent’ is the shortened form of the Old English word ‘lencten’ which means spring season. It starts on Ash Wednesday. The day before Ash Wednesday is Shrove Tuesday which is celebrated as Pancake day or Mardi Gras. On this day, the day before fasting begins, the rich, fatty food are eaten up - the last day of ‘fat eating’ or ‘gorging’, in readiness to start fasting. Pancakes are tossed then eaten. On Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, the palm crosses distributed the previous year at the Palm service, are burnt and the ashes places on people’s foreheads during the service. Lent is a penitential season and many people fast - they cut out/cut down or abstain from eating. It could also include abstaining from drinking alcohol or smoking. it could include praying more, reading more Bible studies instead of watching a favourite television programmes. (Read ‘Fasting and abstinence’) I have included list of other 40 days mentioned in the Bible. Source Wikipedia See also Pancake day & Shrove Tuesday Easter


The British nationality Act of 1948 gave citizens of the UK and Colonies status and the right of settlement in the UK. This resulted that between 1948=1970 nearly half a million people moved form the Caribbean to Britain which faced sever labour shortages after WW11. These immigrants were later referred to as the Windrush generation. because many of them had come to the UK on the ship called HMT Empire Windrush. The only official records of many ‘windrush’ immigrants when they had originally come to the UK were the landing cards which were collected when they disembarked from ships in UK ports. Over subsequent decades these cards were routinely used by British immigration officials to verify dates of arrival for borderline immigration cases. Any one from the Commonwealth, who arrived before 1973 was granted an automatic right to remain, unless they left for more than 2 years. For the next 40 years anyone in that category were never given or asked to provide documentary evidence of their right to remain. In 2009 landing cards were earmarked, by the Labour government , for destruction, as part of a broader clean up of paper records. It was implemented in 2010 by the incoming coalition government. Whistleblowers and retired immigration officers warned managers there would be a problem- these cards were the only record of their arrival. Theresa May was Home Secretary when the hostile environment policy was introduced in October 2012. The idea was to reduce UK immigration figures promised in the 2010 Conservative Manifesto. (See hostile environment policy) In 2018 we had the Windrush scandal. People were wrongly detained, denied legal rights,lost jobs or homes, passports confiscated, denied medical care, threatened with deportation. At least 83 cases cases were wrongly deported -many of those affected had been born British subjects and had arrive in the UK before 1973. These were part of the 'Windrush generation. Since then a hardship scheme has been set up by the Home Office Those classified as illegal immigrants were to be compensated scheme. Very little of the £200 -£570 million set aside has been paid up -just £46,795 ( See Hardship scheme) On 19th March 2020 the Windrush Lessons Learned Review concluded that the Home Office showed an inexcusable ’ ignorance and thoughtlessnes’ and what had happened had been ’ foreseeable and avoidable’. (See W L L Review) November 2020 the Equality and Human Rights Commission said the Home Office had broken the law by failing to obey public-sector equality duties by not considering how the policies affected black members of the Windrush generation. Dexter Bristol and Paulette Wilson are 2 examples of how the ‘Windrush generation’ were seriously let down.
England v France 2024 Rugby Vocabulary

England v France 2024 Rugby Vocabulary

Word search England’s squad v France 2024 A list of phrases and a vocabulary for those wanting to write a report on a rugby match - differentiated easier sheet included. Poetry Aid Word search Rugby Vocabulary List Clip Art
Saint Agatha  Feast day 5th February

Saint Agatha Feast day 5th February

Saint Agatha of Sicily (c.231-251 AD) is a Christine saint. She was born in Catania or Palermo in Sicily. According tot the 13th century Golden Legend by Jacbus de Voragine, Agatha, aged 15, from a rich and noble family made a vow of virginity. She rejected the amorous advances and persistent proposals of marriage to the Roman prefect Quintianus. This was during the persecutions of emperor Decius so he reported her to the authorities for being a Christian. In the first place, to force her to change her mind, He imprisoned her in a brothel but Agatha never lost her confidence in God. He tried again. On being rejected he had her imprisoned and tortured - this included cutting off her breasts with pincers. He then sentenced her to be burnt at the stake but an earthquake saved her from that fate. Although her martyrdom is authenticated there is no reliable information concerning her death. She may have died in prison aged just 20. She is buried at the Badia di Sant’Agata, Catania. Her patronage is wide -these are examples. She is the patron saint of breast cancer patients and earthquakes She is the patron saint of Catania, Malta, Molise, San Marino, Gallipoli and Zamarramala. The tradition of making shaped pastry on the feast of St Agatha-5th February, such as Agatha breads or buns Breasts of St. Agatha is found in many countries. Saint Agatha of Sicily is one of the most highly venerated virgin martyrs of Christian history. She is one of several martyrs who are commemorated in the Canon of the Mass.
St.  Anna & St. Joachim   Feast day 26th July

St. Anna & St. Joachim Feast day 26th July

According to Apocryphal tradition Saints Anna and Joachim were the parents of Mary, and therefore the grandparents of Jesus. Anna is the a version of the Hebrew name Hanna. Anna means grace. According to tradition Joachin went to the temple to pray but was not allowed in because he did not have a child. Anna heard, prayed and sacrificed. She promise God she would bring up a child in in God’s name. An angel came to them and were told they would be granted a baby. When the baby was born they named the child Mary Anna became the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Source Saint Anne Facts for Kids
Saint Vincent Feast day 22nd January

Saint Vincent Feast day 22nd January

Saint Vincent of Saragossa, also known as Vincent martyr, Vincent of Hauesca or Vincent the Deacon was deacon of the church of Saragossa, Spain in the 3rd century (died c.302AD). Vincent spent most of his life in the city of Saragossa. He was educated and ordained to the diaconate by Bishop Valerius of Saragossa. Valerius had a speech impediment so Vincent acted his spokesman. When Roman Emperor Diocletian began persecuting Christians the two of them were brought before Dacian , the Roman Governor in Valencia. Both were confined to prison. He was offered release if he would burn the holy Scriptures -he refused. His outspoken manner so offended Dacian that he was tortured in various ways- stretched on the rack and his flesh torn with iron hooks- wounds rubbed with salt - burned alive on a red hot gridiron - cast into prison and laid on a floor of broken pottery - where he died. He preserved such peace and tranquility during these tortures that his jailer repented of his sins and was converted. His broken body was thrown into a sack and thrown in the sea but later recovered by Christians. His body was buried outside of the town. His veneration immediately spread throughout the church. (Read Legacy and Veneration) The aged Bishop Valerius was sent into exile. Sources The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander Wikipedia
Saint  Oswald  Feast day 5th August

Saint Oswald Feast day 5th August

Saint Oswald ( c.604-642)was king of Northumbria (634-642) until his death and is venerated as a saint. As a youth he was exiled to Iona, Columbia’s island, in the Scottish kingdom of Dal Riata in Northern Britain, where he was converted to Christianity. His brother Eanfrith became king of Bernicia but was killed by Cadwallon in 633/4 after attempting to negotiate peace. Oswald fought Cadwallon in the battle at Heavenfiels, near Hexham. He had a vision of Columba before the battle which he described to his council. They all agreed to be baptized and accept Christianity after the battle. Before the battle he erected a wooden cross. He knelt down, holding the cross in position until enough earth had been thrown to make it stand firm. He then prayed and asked his small army to join him. In the battle which followed Oswald was victorious. Cadwallon was killed. The tall, fair, blued eyed King Oswald reunited Norhthumbria and re-established the Berniccian supremacy. He established himself as the most powerful king in Britain. Adomnan describes Oswald as ‘ordained by God as Emperor of all Britain’. He was able to speak the 4 languages of Britain- Britons, Scots, Picts and English. He was on good terms with the West Saxons. He stood sponsor tot the baptism of king Cynegils and married his daughter Kyneburga. Oswald asked for a bishop from the Irish of Dal Riata. The first, an ‘austere’ bishop, was not successful. The second, Aidan proved to be very successful. He was given the island of Lindisfarne as his episcopal see. The Venerable Bede mentions that Oswald initially interpreted Aidan’s preaching because he did not know English well. Bede recounts Oswald’s generosity to the poor and strangers. One Easter, while dining with Aidan. he hears from a servant that there is a crowd in the streets begging for alms from the king. Oswald gives his * silver dish full of dainties* to them and the dish is broken up. Aidan is so impressed he takes Oswald’s right hand and says May this hand never perish. Saint Oswald died fighting the pagan Mercians under Penda in 642 in the battle of Maserfoeld. Bede says he ended his life in prayer when he realised he was about to die. His head and limbs were placed on stakes. His bones were dispersed as relics, but his head was buried at Lindisfarne - later taken to Durham when the monks fled before the Danish invasion. . After his death, according to Bede, the site where he died * Oswestry or Oswald’s Tree became associated with miracles and legend. Sources used The Churches Year by Charles Alexander Wikipedia
14 Holy Helpers

14 Holy Helpers

14 Holy Helpers is a group of venerated saints in Roman Catholicism. In my research for well known saints this group has been regularly mentioned so rather than add them as an appendage I have given them separate recognition. Saints Blaise, Cyriacus, Eramus, George, Giles, Panteleon and Vitus the rest may only be legends. See separate information on the 6 given. Apparently this group of * helpers in need* originated in the 14th century as a result of epidemic which became known as the Black death.
Saint Blaise   Feast day 3rd February

Saint Blaise Feast day 3rd February

Saint Blaise was a physician and bishop of Sebaste in Asia Minor. it is believed he was martyred in 316 AD. People came ‘flocking’ to him because he was able to cure them of bodily and spiritual ills. Apparently he could also heal animals. l The Roman Emperor Licinius believed that arresting and punishing important leaders like Saint Blaise would prevent other people from becoming Christians. One of the stories told about him was that on his way to prison he cured a boy who had a bone stuck in his throat. The legend reads- As he was being led to jail, a mother set her son, choking to death of a fish-bone, at his feet, and the child was cured straight away. Regardless, the governor, unable to make Blaise renounce his faith, beat him with a stick, ripped his flesh with iron combs and beheaded him Up until 1825 a Bishop Blaize festival and procession were held at Bradford. A child would recite these words- Hail to the day when kind auspicious rays Deigned first to smile on famous Bishop Blaize. He is the patron saint of people with diseases of the throat. On February 3rd many parishes bless the throats of their parishioners in a special ceremony. Two unlit candles are held next to each person’s throat as the priest or deacon says - Through the intercession of Saint Blaise, bishop and martyr, may God deliver you from every disease of the throat and from every other illness: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. His name is found on inn signs in towns which became centres of the wool trade such as Cirencester and Exeter. It is believed he was tortured by having his body torn apart with the iron combs then used by woolcombers, then beheaded. Saint Blaise is one of the 14 Holy helpers and became one of the most popular saints of the Middle Ages.
20th Feb 1962 John Glenn first American to orbit  earth

20th Feb 1962 John Glenn first American to orbit earth

John Herschel Glenn Jr. (18th July 1821-8th December 2016) was the first American to orbit the earth . He orbited the earth 3 times. He named his spacecraft ‘Friendship 7’ it happened on the 20th February because there had been 10 postponements because of bad weather or technical problems. During the flight a warning light came on to say that the capsule’s vital heat shield was loose but entry and splashdown went smoothly. He went on to become a democratic US Senator for Ohio (1974-1998). Aged 77 he flew into space again.


I found on Wikipedia 5 free simple poems about snow. To those I have added a vocabulary of rhyming words (large), a vocabulary and phrase page and a poetry aid. The pictures could be used separately. These might help the children with their creative writing during these cold snowy days. Let them try their sledges first!
13th Feb. Penicillin used for the first time

13th Feb. Penicillin used for the first time

In 1941 penicillin was used for the first time on a human. Albert Alexander was a policeman from Oxford. he had a sever facial infection. His condition improved but supplies of penicillin ran out and died. Alexander Fleming and Ernest Chain shared a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945 for their pioneer work in penicillin. Source used On This Day The history of the World in 366 days