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A Level English Language Revision

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After achieving an A* in 2017, I am sharing my quality revision notes, essays, templates and tactics to help ambitious students reach their goals. These resources have proven a hit across the globe with students and teachers alike - download yourself to see why! Chat with me on twitter @astarlevels or just drop me an email... happy revising!




After achieving an A* in 2017, I am sharing my quality revision notes, essays, templates and tactics to help ambitious students reach their goals. These resources have proven a hit across the globe with students and teachers alike - download yourself to see why! Chat with me on twitter @astarlevels or just drop me an email... happy revising!
Gender Gap Fill

Gender Gap Fill

Fill in the gaps - language and gender. simple way to cement theory into memory learn how to structure an essay on the topic fast highly effective revision includes answer sheet A great starter, or, once complete, model answer packed with AO2!
Accent and Dialect Gap Fill

Accent and Dialect Gap Fill

Fill in the gaps - accent and dialect, A level English Language. easy way to cement theory in memory learn the structure for essays quick and efficient revision includes answer sheet A great starter, or, once complete, excellent revision resource with lots of AO2! FOLLOW me @astarlevels
Language and Diversity Theorist Gap Fills

Language and Diversity Theorist Gap Fills

4 Resources
Test yourself to remember the key theories by filling in the gaps. Once complete, then look at the essay you have filled in to see how the AO2 fits in an essay. This is a great resource to learn theory because it tests memory… and a great resource for exam technique because it is a model essay answer. Four gap fills for £4 - bargain!
English Language Activities

English Language Activities

3 Resources
Data analysis combined with theory application to prepare for A Level English Language, in particular the Year 1 exam. Includes three tasks all based around consolidating theory learning and data analysis skills across the topics of accent/ dialect, language and gender and language and occupation. 9 activities in total so should take a while to work through! Each activity pack contains three activities, which can be generally summarised as. Some kind of card sort/ match up activity which can be referred back to as a bedrock of theories Transcript or data based, students apply the theories they just sorted to real life data or conversations Pulling everything together to plan or write an essay Check out my shop for lots more, including model essays & revision sheets.
Accent and Dialect Activities & Data Analysis

Accent and Dialect Activities & Data Analysis

Data analysis combined with theory application to prepare for A Level English Language, in particular the Year 1 exam. Includes three tasks all based around consolidating theory learning and data analysis skills. Task 1: glossary of 8 studies/ theorists to match up with what they did. Great revision activity, and once complete, bedrock of studies for students to learn for the exam. Task 2: an extract from a school newsletter attempting to ‘ban’ regional dialect, where students are required to think about the message this sends across, what theories relate to this, and then to plan/ write an essay using the data. Task 3: I have selected what I found to be four versatile studies and asked three thought provoking questions about them that open up discussion, encouraging students to say something meaningful about the theory, rather than just repeating what is in every textbook. The poster included complements the activities pack. It is a straightforward resource giving a bedrock of theories, can be used for reference, revision or to support class/ home work.
Countdown to A Level English Language Exam

Countdown to A Level English Language Exam

What is on each A Level English Language exam and when are they? Answer these FAQs with this handy poster. Used as an informative (or taunting!) countdown to the exam. Follow my twitter to stay updated with more essential free resources and news - @astarlevels
English Language Practice Essay Question Workbook

English Language Practice Essay Question Workbook

14 practice essay questions organised in a workbook format for A Level English Language. Includes an essay template for each question to guide students to structure an answer. Questions are written in ‘evaluate’ style i.e.* ‘evaluate the idea that some accents and dialects are viewed more favourably than others’* Why it works: Covers every topic: gender, accent & dialect, sociolect, world English, language change Template helps structure answers Practice recalling AO2 and arranging it with other theories to build an argument Model essays for all topics in A Level English Language
Child Language Acquisition - Written & Multi Modal Revision

Child Language Acquisition - Written & Multi Modal Revision

Complete revision notes including a range of exciting studies, concepts and theories. I achieved an A* in 2017 using these notes alongside practice questions Why they work: Easy to learn, concise, bullet point revision notes Show different lines of arguments that can be used to ‘evaluate’ an idea which is crucial to enter the top bands Omitted endless details on methodology and results Replaced these with meaningful comments on each study to form the basis of your argument in the exam (crucial to enter top bands!) It includes information on: Early writing Stages of writing development Spelling Types of spelling mistake Overcoming these challenges The effects of accent and dialect on spelling Hand writing development Socio economic issues surrounding child language development The ways parents can support children Scaffolding The influence of technology Phonics Genre Practice essay questions Notes on Spoken CLA Model essay for CLA Check out my shop for more
Research Methods Revision Booklet

Research Methods Revision Booklet

I’ve created a comprehensive set of notes for every topic in A Level Psychology. This includes 23 pages of colourful, concise notes & 80 flashcards covering the entire specification . I used these notes only alongside practice questions & achieved an A* in 2017. Why they work: Organised according to, and covering entirely, the AQA specification for year 1 & 2 exams Based off mark scheme points so directly relevant to exams Presented in a concise and memorable way<br /> Includes 80 card flashcard set & link to a quizlet so you also have an interactive version Please note that the booklet only covers first year content & the flashcards cover both years. This shouldn’t make any difference as all information for every part of the specification over both years is provided here, just letting you know its in different formats! Check out my shop for more AQA A Level Psychology resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/astarlevels
Research Methods Revision

Research Methods Revision

4 Resources
Complete set of notes organised by the AQA Psychology specification Content checklist Poster on choosing a statistical test Access to 80 slide quizlet for A2 research methods I used these notes only to secure an A* in A Level Psychology… you/ your students can too with these resources. Click each resource for its detailed breakdown. Research Methods Revision | AQA A Level Psychology New Spec
Issues and Debates Revision Booklet

Issues and Debates Revision Booklet

I’ve created a comprehensive set of notes for every topic in A Level Psychology. They completely cover the specification, condensing all the key theories, studies, applications and evaluations into one booklet. I used these notes only alongside practice questions & achieved an A* in 2017. Why they work: > Organised according to, and covering entirely, the AQA specification. > All AO1 and AO3 ready to answer exam questions > Presented in a concise and memorable way It covers every topic in this area of the spec: • Gender and culture in psychology – universality and bias. Gender bias including androcentrism and alpha and beta bias; cultural bias, including ethnocentrism and cultural relativism. • Free will and determinism: hard determinism and soft determinism; biological, environmental and psychic determinism. The scientific emphasis on causal explanations. • The nature-nurture debate: the relative importance of heredity and environment in determining behaviour; the interactionist approach. • Holism and reductionism: levels of explanation in psychology. Biological reductionism and environmental (stimulus-response) reductionism. • Idiographic and nomothetic approaches to psychological investigation. • Ethical implications of research studies and theory, including reference to social sensitivity. Please do check out my shop as I have over 100 other revision resources. DM me on Twitter @astarlevels if you have any questions. Good luck in your exams!
Paper 2 Mock Exam A Level English Language #2

Paper 2 Mock Exam A Level English Language #2

Paper 2 mock for AQA A Level English Language. Includes Text A and Text B. This time covering the topics of gender, new words, change and slang! Please leave a review & follow my Twitter @astarlevels Young people’s language mock American words mock paper Top band model opinion article I have a model answer for every single question - check them out!
Paper 2 Mock A Level English Language #3

Paper 2 Mock A Level English Language #3

Paper 2 mock for AQA A Level English Language. Includes Text A and Text B. This time on American English. Please leave a review & follow my Twitter @astarlevels. “Mind your slanguage” mock paper Young people’s language mock paper I have a model answer for every single question on my shop, please take a look!
A Level Psychology Revision

A Level Psychology Revision

5 Resources
I’ve created a comprehensive set of notes for topics in A Level Psychology. They completely cover the specification, condensing all the key theories, studies, applications and evaluations into one booklet. I used these notes only alongside practice questions & achieved an A* in 2017. Why they work: Organised according to, and covering entirely, the AQA specification. All AO1 and AO3 ready to answer exam questions Presented in a concise and memorable way - easy to learn The topics included are: Forensic Relationships Schizophrenia Research Methods Issues & Debates Check out my shop for more resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/astarlevels
Model Essays x4 A Level English Language

Model Essays x4 A Level English Language

4 Resources
4 top band model answers for A Level English Language. * Shows how to select, arrange & argue the most important ideas in essays * Produced by a student who achieved an A* in 2017 * Can be reworked as a template for *your* future (brilliant!) essays You may also be interested in 17 model answers for £22.99 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-language-exemplar-responses-aqa-a-level-new-spec-11874400
Paper 2 Mock Exam A Level English Language

Paper 2 Mock Exam A Level English Language

Paper 2 mock for AQA A Level English Language. Includes Text A and Text B. Top band model answer for question 3 on this paper! You may be interested in more mocks for this paper. Follow my Twitter @astarlevels to be notified as they come out. “Mind your slanguage” mock paper American words mock paper
Occupation Transcript and Other Activities

Occupation Transcript and Other Activities

A Level English Language activities to help students become more confident with using theories and studies for the first year exam especially. Task 1: card sort activity with 11 theorists and their theories. Great revision activity, and, once complete, little glossary of AO2 for students to refer back to. Task 2: Jargon activities, main task being to read an article from the guardian (useful overview) and use it as data to write an essay/ or to write an opinion article on the use of jargon. Task 3: a transcript of a doctor/ patient conversation where students should apply the theories to what is being said. Great way to consolidate theories and to think about how occupational language is used and how it affects people outside the group. There is also an essay opportunity. The poster included complements the activities pack. It is a straightforward resource giving a bedrock of theories, can be used for reference, revision or to support class/ home work. Check out my shop for more! Complete Revision Bundle