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I have a variety of resources covering AQA GCSE Science as well as OCR A level Biology, Chemistry and Physics. There are also some PD resources and whole school assemblies.




I have a variety of resources covering AQA GCSE Science as well as OCR A level Biology, Chemistry and Physics. There are also some PD resources and whole school assemblies.
Using the specific heat capacity equation

Using the specific heat capacity equation

A complete lesson teaching students how to use the specific heat capacity equation. It starts by posing a number of questions about pairs of substances being heated leading students to the idea that it relies on the mass of the substance, the type of substance and the amount of energy provided. It the goes through how to use the equation following the I do, we do, you do model. The calculations are set out using the model I introduced at my school which is designed to support students with rearranging the more difficult equations The lesson includes a starter, full notes, worked examples and independent student activities. All answers provided
OCR Biology Simpson's Index of Diversity

OCR Biology Simpson's Index of Diversity

A complete lesson covering section 4.2.1 c and d of the OCR A level Biology specification- how to calculate and interpret the Simpson’s index of biodiversity. It introduces the index, provides worked examples and an opportunity for students to complete a full calculation. It also introduces the second part of PAG3.1 so students can calculate their own values of biodiversity based on the previous lessons practical work. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various independent student activities and a differentiated summary at the end. All answers provided.
OCR Chemistry CFCs and the ozone layer

OCR Chemistry CFCs and the ozone layer

A full lesson covering point 4.2.2e of the OCR A level Chemistry specification- the environmental issues caused by haloalkanes. It covers the development and use of organohalogens as well as the mechanisms by which CFCs cause damage to the ozone layer. It also includes the other chemicals that may damage the ozone layer and the chemicals that are being used as an alternative. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various student activities and a fully differentiated summary at the end. All answers included.
OCR Chemistry Infrared spectrum

OCR Chemistry Infrared spectrum

A complete lesson covering section 4.2.4 a, c, d and e of the OCR A level specification- the use of infrared spectrum to analyse compounds. It covers how the spectra are formed, what the peaks mean and they can be analsysed. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, lots of independent student activities and exam questions and a differentiated summary at the end. Also includes a worksheet
OCR Physics A module 4 revision lesson

OCR Physics A module 4 revision lesson

A revision lesson covering the electricity and quantum mechanics sections of module 4 of the OCR Physics specification. It includes lots of questions, both written and calculations, with full answers. Covers the photoelectric effect, Einsteins equations, de Broglie, electron number density Also includes a short quiz designed to highlight misconceptions and misunderstandings. All answers provided
Edexcel A level Biology cells revision

Edexcel A level Biology cells revision

A complete revision lesson covering objectives 3.1-3.5 of module 3 of Edexcel Salters Biology- the vice of the Genome. However it would be suitable for any A level course. It covers eukatyote and prokaryote cell structure as well as the functions of the organelles and the functional links between them. It also includes electronmicrographs to ensure students can identify organelles. It includes lots of student activities as well as plenty of exam practice to cover both recall and understanding. All answers included
OCR Chemistry Synthesis and analysis

OCR Chemistry Synthesis and analysis

7 Resources
This bundle covers both the organic synthesis and analysis sections of the OCR Chemistry Specification. It covers: organic techniques including distillation and reflux quick fit apparatus two example PAGs synthetic routes for producing organic products IR radiation spectrum mass spectrum combined techniques for identifying organic molecules All lessons include a starter, full notes, various student activities and a differentiated summary at the end. All answers included


6 Resources
A bundle of resources covering the whole of the OCR Biology specification section 4.2.1- Biodiversity It covers: what is biodiversity Factors threatening biodiversity Reasons to protect biodiversity sampling strategies Sampling PAG 3.1 Calculating simpsons diversity index Conservation techniqes All lessons include a starter, full notes, various student activities and a fully differentiated summary All answers included
OCR Chemistry combining analysis techniques

OCR Chemistry combining analysis techniques

A complete lesson covering section 4.2.4 h of the OCR Chemistry specification- combing IR spectrum, mass spectrum and chemical analysis to identify molecules. It quickly recaps empirical formula and using the two spectra through a worked example. It then provided lots of student practice. A worksheet is included. The lesson includes full notes, a starter, many student activities and a differentiated revision summary at the end. All answers included
OCR Chemistry Kp and the gas equilibrium

OCR Chemistry Kp and the gas equilibrium

This is a complete lesson covering section 5.1.2 a-e of module 5 of the OCR Chemistry specification- The equilibrium constant Kp in gaseous equilibria. It remind students of the difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous equiliibria and how to calculate both mole fractions and partial pressues. It then demonstrates how to uses these figures to calculate Kp and it associated units. in a cross curricular link it also looks at oxygen transport and the role of equilibria with haemoglobin. The lesson includes a starter, full detailed notes, lots of student led activities and a differentiated summary at the end. All answers provided
OCR Chemistry Ka and weak acids

OCR Chemistry Ka and weak acids

This is a complete lesson covering sections 5.1.2 g and h of the OCR chemistry specification- Ka and weak acids. It goes through how to how to calculate Ka for weak acids including the approximations that can be used to make that calculation easier. It also discusses the limitations of those approximations and where they no longer apply. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various student led activities and a differentiated summary at the end All answers are included I actively try to reduce photocopying, so all of the lesson resources are within the PowerPoint rather than as extra sheets
OCR Biology Reflex reactions

OCR Biology Reflex reactions

This is a complete lesson covering sections 5.1.5 i of the OCR Biology specification-reflex reactions. The lesson starts by introducing the reflex arc and what the events in one are. It also covers the knee jerk reflex and the blink reflex as examples of the survival importance of reflexes. It also offers an opportunity of planning a practical investigating reaction times The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various student led activities and a differentiated summary at the end. All answers are included. I actively try to reduce photocopying, so all of the lesson resources are within the PowerPoint rather than as extra sheets.
OCR Physics Faraday and Lenz's laws

OCR Physics Faraday and Lenz's laws

This is a complete lesson covering sections 6.3.3 c and d of the OCR A level Physics specification- electromagnetism. It opens by considering Faraday’s law both mathematically and verbally including examples. It also discussed how e.m.f. and flux linkage can be calculated graphically. It discusses how magnetic flux can be investigated experimentally. The lesson then moves on to Lenz’s law and how using that, and Flemings left hand rule, you can work out the direction of the e.m.f. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various student led activities and a differentiated summary at the end. All answers are included. I actively try to reduce photocopying, so all of the lesson resources are within the PowerPoint rather than as extra sheets.
OCR Biology Factors affecting photosynthesis

OCR Biology Factors affecting photosynthesis

This is a complete lesson covering sections 5.2.1 g of the OCR Biology specification- factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis. The lesson starts by discussing the limiting factors of photosynthesis. It then discusses how this can be measured and provides some data for a graph drawing and analysis exercise. There is then chance to evaluate a method and table of data to spot how it can be improved. The lesson then looks at how CAM plant and C4 plants alter photosynthesis to suit their environment. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various student led activities and a differentiated summary at the end. All answers are included. I actively try to reduce photocopying, so all of the lesson resources are within the PowerPoint rather than as extra sheets.
OCR Biology anaerobic respiration  and respiratory substrates

OCR Biology anaerobic respiration and respiratory substrates

This is a complete lesson covering sections 5.2.2 I, j, k and l of the OCR Biology specification- anaerobic respiration and respiratory substrates. It starts by introducing anaerobic respiration in various organisms including lactate fermentation and alcoholic fermentation. It then goes on to look at respiratory substrates and respiratory quotients including their use and calculation. There are some summary questions to check for understanding before looking at respirometers. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various student led activities and a differentiated summary at the end. All answers are included. I actively try to reduce photocopying, so all of the lesson resources are within the PowerPoint rather than as extra sheets.
OCR Chemistry fuel cells and storage cells

OCR Chemistry fuel cells and storage cells

This is a complete lesson covering sections 5.2.3 J and K of the OCR Chemistry specification- Fuel cells. The lesson starts be recapping some electrode potential calculations and a method for measuring those potentials. It then introduces cells and discusses the difference between primary and secondary cells along with associated calculations. The lesson then focuses on fuel cells including the difference between an alkaline and an acid fuel cell The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various student led activities and a differentiated summary at the end. All answers are included. I actively try to reduce photocopying, so all of the lesson resources are within the PowerPoint rather than as extra sheets.
OCR Biology Energy for Biological processes

OCR Biology Energy for Biological processes

6 Resources
A set of six lessons covering the specification points from section 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 of the OCR Biology specification- Photosynthesis and Respiration. It covers: Chloroplasts and Chlorophyll Chemiosmsosis The light and dark reactions Factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis the link recation Krebs cycle oxidative phosphorylation anaerobic respiration All answers provided
A level Biology Chi square statistical test

A level Biology Chi square statistical test

A complete lesson covering the calculation of Chi square. It s designed fro specification point 6.1.2c of the OCR course but would be fine for any A level biology course. It starts with a reminder of calculating mean and range before introducing the chi square. The lesson goes through the theory including critical values. It then moves on to a worked example. The rest of the lesson is examples of the calculation including dihybrid inheritance. It also gives a reminder of using a punett square to solve a dihybrid problem. Most examples are based round genetics but one involving mitosis is included. Differentiated summary at the end All answers provided
AQA Biology B7 4.7.2 ecosystems revision

AQA Biology B7 4.7.2 ecosystems revision

A complete revision lesson covering section 4.7.2 of AQA topic B7 from both Trilogy and Biology. the lesson covers: Biotic and abiotic factors The water cycle the carbon cycle Sampling RPA Food chains and webs Predator prey relationships Each has a variety of activities along with exam, questions to help assess students recall and understanding All answers provided
AQA B2 organisation revision

AQA B2 organisation revision

A complete lesson revising the content from AQA Biology and Trilogy specification section 4.2.2- circulation, heart disease and non-communicable disease and 4.2.3- plant tissues and organs. It covers Heart structure Blood vessels Cancer and risk factors Respiratory system Disease interactions Blood CHD Breathing problems Smoking and other risk factors Plant tissues Transpiration All answers included