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Planning Year 5 Literacy Imaginary Worlds

Planning Year 5 Literacy Imaginary Worlds

Three notebooks. Two weeks of plans. Some worksheets. Nouns ending in a consonant and y (e.g. party, army) change y to i and add es. Nouns ending with a vowel and y (e.g. day, boy) just add s. Whole Class Shared Reading - Mister Monday Read Chapters 1 - 3 S & L opportunity Pupils will discuss what a fantasy setting is. Most will have seen or read Harry Potter for example. The theme for lots of them is that the central character enters another world but lives in a world we can all relate to. Pupils to give their opinion. What do they think is going to happen? How do they feel about the characters Irregular plurals: goose, man, mouse, woman, tooth, child, person, foot test understanding of different endings during morning work Read chapter 4 WALT: know how an author creates mood and atmosphere. Pupils will focus on a passage of text that creates mood and atmosphere. What does the author do to build tension? How does he make us empathize with the character and be interested enough to want him to be safe. CT to work with MA to encourage deep thinking about language and sentence structure
Back To School Autumn Short Term Lesson Plans Reception to Year 6 Timesaver

Back To School Autumn Short Term Lesson Plans Reception to Year 6 Timesaver

14 weeks of short term plans Great for cutting and pasting into your own personal school timetable. I’ve included a sample week in the visible upload. The zip contains the lot. sample year 2. Register Activity Chn finish work from Meet Your New Teacher day. 9am: Input: Welcome the children to their first day of year 2! Talk about how we were feeling before coming into school, did we get very much sleep last night? Share with the children how you were feeling too! Introduce the chn to the text of the week: First day jitters by Julia Danneberg. Read the story together and discuss the twist at the end. (Ask questions throughout) T focus for morning: x2 groups of 6 L.O. To use features of a non-chronological report W.I.L.F I can… Include a heading Use subheadings to organize my writing Talk about the difference between facts and fiction (All about me) Chn create a 3D profile, including a self-portrait drawing of their head, to be used for display. Chn complete section boxes all about their family, friends, hobbies etc. Cut out the sections and arrange them inside the folded top. Put together the body parts on colored backing card, ready for the head to be attached later. Label with name sticker. 9am: Input: Quickly recap the story for this week and remind ourselves of the main character, how she was feeling and why? Introduce class bear, explain that he was also feeling very nervous about meeting new chn and starting year 2. Display a page from (bear’s) diary, ask the chn to highlight the adjectives they can see. (perform an action when they hear an adjective word) T to highlight them in a colour as they read. Explain the independent challenge is to match up the adjective words to the different emotion cards. T focus for morning: x2 groups of 6 L.O. To use adjectives W.I.L.F I can… Use capital letters and full stops Use first person Use commas between adjectives Check my sentences make sense (Writing it in the present tense) Chn to write a short diary entry about how they were feeling the night before they came back to school, include adjectives to describe how you were feeling. *Have Monday’s 3D profiles out on a table to finish off. TA focus for first thing: To assess SPP chn against current targets, make notes and set up folders for works to begin.
Photosynthesis Unit Science Biology Powerpoints Planning worksheets

Photosynthesis Unit Science Biology Powerpoints Planning worksheets

Thus unit deals with Photosynthesis for year 6. Plus other Science topics. 8 nice powerpoints plus planning plus worksheets. Example planning : To understand that green plants need light in order to grow well To know that green plants make their own food using light in a process called ‘photosynthesis’ Sc1 To make careful observations of plant growth and explain these. To make simple oral predictions PUT CHILDREN IN GROUPS Begin lesson by showing ch. 2 plants; a green plant that has been kept in the dark for several weeks and a healthy plant. Give ch. time with talk partners to discuss the differences they observe and why these might be. Also ensure ch. can name all the parts and functions of the plant. Lead these observations into a discussion about what plants need to be healthy. Take suggestions and write on board. Ensure ch. understand that plants need light, water, air, warmth and minerals. Explain to ch. that plants need light the most of all the above to be able to grow well but seeds don’t need light to germinate. Why? Lead ch. into discussion about plants needing light to feed themselves and if they don’t get light they won’t grow just like if we don’t eat properly we won’t grow. Ask ch. to talk to talk partners about how plants feed themselves. Introduce term on board ‘PHOTOSYNTHESIS’ Explain that ‘PHOTO’ means light and ‘SYNTHESIS’ means making something. Explain how photosynthesis works and demonstrate through ppt. (See below) Ensure ch. understand the leaves are vital for photosynthesis and then pass around some leaves so ch. can observe the detail. Ask the ch. to make oral predictions about what would happen to the un-healthy plant at the beginning if it was left on the widow-sill for a few weeks. Ask the ch. what would happen to the healthy plants leaves if they were covered. Plenary Explain to ch. that we are now going to leave the un-healthy plant on window-sill and observe what happens over a period of the week. Take a photograph of it and allocate somebody the job of taking a photograph of it every day. At the end of the week, show photos on board as a slide show and ch. can write an explanation of what has happened. Discuss however that the plant will also need water, warmth and minerals. (Use a geranium plant as these perk up quickest when exposed to more light) Ask ch. to discuss what minerals are. Explain that next lesson we will be discussing the need for good minerals to aid growth.
Display Materials For Primary School Collection Maths English

Display Materials For Primary School Collection Maths English

Looking for a big set of display material for the new academic year? I have collected together all my collection from decades in teaching Primary school level. Aimed a little at the top end as that is where I spent most years. Lots of stuff. Vcop stuff Maths stuff. RE stuff Art. Over 400 files. Word, pdf, excel etc
Back to School Autumn  Year 5 Literacy Planning Harry Potter  Tales of the  Beadle Bard

Back to School Autumn Year 5 Literacy Planning Harry Potter Tales of the Beadle Bard

4 weeks great planning Powerpoints. Sample planning : Share the learning outcome for the unit with the children; share the concept of the working wall. What is narrative? Fact or fiction? Ascertain that this unit is about fiction/narrative/stories. We have three weeks to achieve our learning outcome. Ask children what they know about JK Rowling. Who is she? What is her job? (use correct terminology- she is an ‘author) Where is she from? (Born in Gloucestershire) Can children name any of her books? (Harry Potter series plus several supplements) Etc. Activity One Come back together, show children a picture of JK Rowling – does this help? Children to move to next group’s poster and add any more info that they can now think of. Is there anything they agree/disagree with? Lead into a class discussion on this famous children’s author: Has anybody read any of her books? What are her stories about? What genre do you think her stories are written in? (Clarify what we mean by ‘genre’ if needed). What is the purpose of narrative writing? (Display ‘to entertain and enthrall’ on the working wall). Read first tale from ‘Tales of the Beadle Bard’ – The Wizard and the Hopping Pot. Discuss what is distinctive about this story (what does it remind you of?) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_F-K0gtBLI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nS3heCuh47g Activity Two Recap on yesterday’s lesson. TTYP: What is the name of the author we were discussing? Can you name any of her works? Which book did we start to read? What was the name of the tale from the book? Refer to working wall to prompt children’s memory. Refer to the likes and dislikes boards completed yesterday (to be displayed on the working wall). Read another tale from ‘Beedle the Bard.’ ‘The fountain of fair fortune’ TTYP and discuss likes and dislikes when prompted. Refer to the likes and dislikes board scanned onto IWB. What would you put in each section? TTYP. Read another tale from ‘Beedle the Bard.’ ‘The fountain of fair fortune’ TTYP and discuss likes and dislikes when prompted. Refer to the likes and dislikes board scanned onto IWB. What would you put in each section? TTYP. Show children the story mountain which was used in last lesson’s plenary. Are there any similarities between the tales? Do they follow the same structure? As a class, complete a story mountain for this new tale.
Back to School Holes Louis Sacher Teaching Plans 5 Weeks Literacy Year 6

Back to School Holes Louis Sacher Teaching Plans 5 Weeks Literacy Year 6

Great planning for Louis Sacher’s intriguing book Holes. 5 week’s short plans. Plus great stuff on getting pupils to construct aruments. Two terrific pdfs. Sample planning : Spelling rules. Modifying e. Cope … coping. In pairs write short speech for debate. Shared write persuasive language list. What connectives could be used to link ideas? What about repetition? WALT: organize views in a debate about homework. Debate “Should primary children have homework? All pairs to speak. Comment and question speakers. LA: TB to list points and useful language. HA: to lead arguments Add title paragraphs in example argument about Dogs in Parks. Review plan. Recap form. Read introduction through. Suggest strong openers for sentences and useful connective phrases from chart. Indiv write points for homework in Primary Schools. Paragraph – consider openings. WALT: write a balanced argument in a formal style. Mr Pratt Synonym Circus Recap plan and bullet points. Consider possible connectives to link to opposite view. (e.g. nevertheless) • All write points against - anticipating possible objections homework to balance argument. Use paragraphs and strong openers. Find passive voice in examples. Read example formal discussion regarding homework. Identify language. Useful terms. WALT: Write a formal letter of complaint. All children write complaining letter about a visit to a restaurant. LA: provide opening. Vocab list for feelings and connectives. Example balanced arguments. • the expression, sequence and linking of points • the provision of persuasive examples, illustrations and evidence • pre-empting or answering potential objections • appealing to the known views and feelings of the audience; T16 identify the features of balanced written arguments which: • summarise different sides of an argument • clarify the strengths and weaknesses of different positions • signal personal opinion clearly; T18 construct effective arguments: • developing a point logically and effectively • supporting and illustrating points persuasively • anticipating possible objections • harnessing the known views, interests and feelings of the audience • tailoring the writing to formal presentation where appropriate; T19 write a balanced report of a controversial issue: • summarising fairly the competing views • analysing strengths and weaknesses of different positions.