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Teaching Resources 100 worksheets Time Passages KS2 Maths Mathematics

Teaching Resources 100 worksheets Time Passages KS2 Maths Mathematics

I have designed 100 worksheets on time passages for primary school children. They have to draw the time hands on the clocks on the sheets. What time will it be? - There are two clocks . The first clock shows a time, the second clock is blank. A question like "What time will it be in 2 hr and 20 min?" appears below the clocks. The student draws the answer on the second clock. You can use your professional judgement to choose the appropriate sheet. Answer sheets are provided for all worksheets.
Year 4 Planning Complete Year's Planning Numeracy Literacy KS2 & Aesop Cloze Worksheets Bundle

Year 4 Planning Complete Year's Planning Numeracy Literacy KS2 & Aesop Cloze Worksheets Bundle

4 Resources
Great mega bundle. A complete year’s planning. Plus great Aesop cloze worksheets. Incredible value. Please look at my shop for individual details. Below is one as an example: Planning for the Autumn term for year 4. You get 160 mb of material so good value imo. I taught mainly in Catholic schools so has a Catholic bent. But as we live in a multicultural society, this should be no problem. You get planning for: creative curriculum Literacy Numeracy P.E. (some) Science (some) R.E. (Advent etc) Loads of great lessons to ease your Sunday afternoons. Just cut and paste into your school template.
Year 5 Autumn Term Numeracy Mathematics Planning & Times Table Worksheets

Year 5 Autumn Term Numeracy Mathematics Planning & Times Table Worksheets

Reclaim your Sundays! Year 5 Autumn planning for Mathematics. Plus great worksheets on Times Tables. This is a different set of Maths plans from all my others that are on TES Adapt them for your school. Cut ans paste and adapt to your needs. Topics include Handling data and measures Securing number facts, understanding shape Addition and Subtraction Methods. and many more Plus great worksheets that help pupils with their Times Tables.
Science Healthy Eating 5 Powerpoints Planning Worksheets Year 5 and 6

Science Healthy Eating 5 Powerpoints Planning Worksheets Year 5 and 6

A great unit on healthy eating. Lovely series of 5 powerpoints plus bits and bobs. sample planning : Keeping healthy In this unit we will learn: · there are many aspects to keeping healthy · about the heart · how heartbeat is affected by exercise · how early ideas about diet & health were tested Enquiry Skill Focus: · repeating measurements · representing data in bar charts and graphs and interpreting these · using results to draw conclusions Begin by discussing ‘science’ with the class. What do they think of the subject? Can they name any important scientific skills? Introduce topic and ask children what they think the word ‘health’ means. Talk with talk partners. Children to find definition in dictionary and write class definition on strips of paper for display wall. Lead into a class discussion on keeping healthy; can the children predict what sorts of topics we might we might be covering? Can the HA children predict what SC1 investigations we might be carrying out? Introduce children to the resources which will be available to help them during this topic; the working wall plus table mats. Explain that each science topic will have a topic page and a glossary. This glossary gives the definitions of important vocabulary which they will come across during the unit. Activity One Children to feed back and complete class prior knowledge map. (Even if facts are not correct, add them on and clear up misconceptions throughout unit.) Children could add to their own map in a different colour any facts they have not got, which their peers suggest.
Year 6 Complete Year's Religious Studies R.E. Planning

Year 6 Complete Year's Religious Studies R.E. Planning

For year 6 complete planning all terms. Easily adaptable up or down, so will save you hours. Catholic in flavour but other religions included. Contains powerpoints, planning, worksheets, info etc. Why not look at the bundles. Incredible value and it’ll save your precious Sundays. Ideal if you have been chosen to deliver R.E. sample planning :
Year 1 Maths English Planning

Year 1 Maths English Planning

Planning for English and Maths. 56 files. sample: Text: This is the bear and the scary night Genres covered in this unit: Narrative SPAG focus: Monday: spelling patterns Tuesday: use and to join clauses Wednesday: high frequency words Thursday: high frequency words Friday: time connectives Key teaching input/texts/questions/ clips etc Steps to Success Read the story This is the Bear and the scary night Discuss character, setting, key events etc… Discuss what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story. Explain to the children that this week they are going to write their own story similar to the bear and the scary night. Ask children to describe their character to their partner (can be their favourite toy or the teddy they bought into school on Friday). Ask children to share their ideas about their story. What is the setting? What are the characters doing? What is the problem? How are the characters feeling? How does your story end? Mild: describe your main character Spicy: share your ideas with your partner Hot: listen attentively to your partner Extra Hot: Act out key events from your story LA Activities MA Activities HA Activities Read to Write Mrs Preston Phonics Mrs Simpson Talk for writing and act out their story Photos for books Resources: The bear and the scary night book, cards with questions Give 3 minutes for children to recap their story. Who is their main character? What happens at the beginning, middle and end of the story? Model how to put key ideas onto their plan. Steps to Success Mild: recap your story with your partner Spicy: Identify the beginning, middle and end of your story Hot: Write key ideas onto your story plan for the beginning, middle and end. Extra Hot: Check your partner’s plan is sequenced correctly
year 1 Literacy Fantasy World Planning

year 1 Literacy Fantasy World Planning

Three great powerpoints. Two great flipcharts. Planning. Sample: Discuss fantasy settings we know so far as a whole class using Fantasy PP 1. Reinforce the concept of a fantasy setting by showing lion, witch and wardrobe where child walks into Narnia clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMYU5vSaal8 In talking partners discuss adjectives describe the setting. Beach ball/Bean bag ideas. Feedback to group. Recap yesterday’s learning. Then use the Fantasy PP 2 and go through with the children how to create their own fantasy world. Explain the activity – children to create on paper their own fantasy world and label it. Must include: Setting Characters Magical objects Watch the clip from Harry Potter in the magic shop and encourage the children to look out for all the magic objects: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDR5XgHHLBY and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szEFdhOHtrI (0-40 seconds) Make a list of all the objects they could see, what they could be for, using Fantasy PP 3. Explain the activity; children will be creating a magic object from their setting they created yesterday or a new one. What does it look like? What is it called? Etc
Persuasive Writing Lots of Planning Powerpoints Worksheets English

Persuasive Writing Lots of Planning Powerpoints Worksheets English

Happily retired, decided to put together my Persuasive writing planning from my various schools. there’s a mass of stuff! Save yourself a shedload of time and enjoy your Sundays! Plenty of great powerpoints. From different years but concentrating on years 3 to 6. example planning : Main teaching: Explain that we are now looking at another text under the umbrella of persuasive texts. Explain that we may sometimes need to write a letter to a person or organisation in order to put across our point of view and persuade them to take a course of action or come around to our point of view. Revise what we need to include in a persuasive argument, explain that it is exactly the same in a letter but in a slightly different layout. Read the example of a persuasive letter from page 17 of the L4 study guide. Deconstruct and discuss. Elicit that the opening of the letter needs to be powerful and state the objective of the letter. Talk about the conclusion of the letter and how it also needs to be powerful. Ensure that children understand the structure of a letter (addresses etc). Activity 1 Bring children back together and draw up a list of good opening lines ‘I am writing to express my disgust’ etc. Explain that, tomorrow, children will be writing their own persuasive letter. Show them the title ‘TV adverts should be banned for junk foods’ Briefly discuss what is a ‘junk food’ and brainstorm reasons for not advertising them on TV. Encourages obesity which leads to illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes. Illnesses cost money (treatment on NHS) and days off work. Junk food produces a lot of litter. The packaging cannot be recycled. If children have a bad diet their performance at school is affected. This adversely affects their education and future prospects.
Year 5 to Year 6 Transition Materials Primary School Ideas Last Day

Year 5 to Year 6 Transition Materials Primary School Ideas Last Day

Ideas for that tricky day. Word doucument with loads of ideas. Lovely powerpoint to guide you into year 6. Plus some other bits and bobs such as French lessons etc sample: Transition day – Year 6 9am – 9.30am: Whole school assembly. 9.30am – 10.45am: Circle time. Worries, concerns, hopes and dreams. Gather children’s thoughts on moving to year 6. Discuss how they are feeling. Discuss with children it is natural to be feeling apprehensive. Send children to table groups to complete table of things in year 6 they are looking forward to and things they are worried about. Discuss as a class and complete class table to refer back to after 1st week. Go through our expectations of them for year 6 and the rewards and sanctions they will receive. Discuss. Also mention Sats and Confirmation. Discuss their personal targets for year and ask them to think of one thing they really want to improve on and aim for in year 6. Reinforce idea of a fresh start. Discuss how we are all going to turn over a new leaf and send ch. to places to do so and write personal target for year on a leaf template. Place anonymously in time capsule. Discuss what one is and how they work. Discuss we will not open until end of year 6. Talk about Year 6. TTYP what are your main thoughts? Come back together and discuss SATs, Confirmation, Easter fair and residential. Star activity. 11am – 11.30am: Class rules 11.30am – 12pm: Expectations, rewards & sanctions. Spare time = ‘Billionaire Boy’.
Wolves in The Wall Planning Plus Literacy Arguments Neil Gaiman

Wolves in The Wall Planning Plus Literacy Arguments Neil Gaiman

Great 4 weeks planning for this Literacy topic. Really nice powerpoints. Plus free bonus. Plenty of argument planning using Olympics. Example planning :  Identify and discuss the various features of a fiction text, including characters, settings, themes and dilemmas, the author’s intentions, the structure and organisation of the text and the way language is used to create effects on the reader. Speaking  Use the techniques of dialogic talk to explore ideas, topics or issues. Creating and shaping texts  Set their own challenges to extend achievement & experience in writing. Understanding and interpreting texts  Understand how writers use different structures to create coherence and impact. Text structure and organisation  Use varied structures to shape and organise text coherently Sentence structure and punctuation  Express subtle distinctions of meaning, including hypothesis, speculation and supposition, by constructing sentences in varied ways  Use punctuation to clarify meaning in complex sentences To produce several pieces of writing based around the focus text. To learn and identify the features of a formal/impersonal text and comment on occasions where this may be necessary. To produce a formal letter, speech and broadcast using appropriate form, features and content. Remind children of last week’s immersion into the focus text. TTYP – what did you think of the text? If you could talk to the author, what would you say to him? Ask him? Display a ‘Likes/Dislikes/Patterns/Questions’ board on the whiteboard. Explain that we are going to focus on the ‘patterns’ section today. Re-read the last few pages of the book and add ‘false endings’ to the patterns section. Have some photocopied pages from the book in the centre of the tables (each table to have different pages). Give groups ten minutes to note any patterns they see on whiteboards. Come back together and note on the board to include: False endings. Simile Lucy asking her Mother, Father and brother for advice, always in that order. Adjectives for the noises she hears. Alliteration and onomatopoeia. Phrase “You know what they say…” Appearance of pig puppet. What effect do these patterns have on the reader? They give the text fluency, a rhythm almost like a poem. They make the text easier to read and digest. The repetition also mimics the repetition of Lucy’s pleas to her family to listen to her about the noises. They make the reader frustrated on Lucy’s behalf. Have one child write a definition of ‘atmosphere’ on a sentence strip for the working wall. A general feeling or mood. There are a few different atmospheres in this book. Discuss. List tension, frustration, relief etc on the board.
year 6 Literacy Fiction Genre To plan, draft, write and improve an engaging short story

year 6 Literacy Fiction Genre To plan, draft, write and improve an engaging short story

4 main weeks’s work. Plus powerpoints and resorces. Great for year 6. Sample planning. Learning/Writing outcome: To plan, draft, write and improve an engaging short story in a particular genre using appropriate language and organisational features. Introduce the words ‘fiction’ and ‘genre’. TTYP and discuss the meaning of the word ‘genre’. At this point, introduce the new and improved writing journals where children can make notes during lessons, can jot down words they wish to magpie, jot words that they have generated but which aren’t suitable for the task in hand and can jot questions/things they are unsure about. Explain that I will prompt to use these for the first couple of days but then children need to become more independent. Prizes for most effective use! Ensure the children understand the difference between fiction ‘narrative’ and non fiction ‘non narrative’. Activity One Come back together and do class mind map for working wall. Ask children to think of any titles of books which could fit with any of these genres. Ask children to discuss their preferences and discuss our preferences with them. Activity Two Talk about how they sorted the books in activity two. What clues were you looking for? Talk about words which suggest different genres. Explain activity three. Activity One In lit books complete quick mind map of different types of fiction genre. Activity Two Children to work in table groups. Children to be given a wide range of fiction books from class/school library. Children to sort the books into fantasy, historical, science fiction and mystery by scanning the book, looking at the front cover and reading the blurb. Activity Three Children to have a selection of pictures from books (front covers and insides) and blurbs from a variety of fiction books. Ch to decide which genre they think they book comes from and justify their opinion by highlighting the key words or annotating the pictures. SEN: () to work as a group on this task. MA: In pairs. With teacher to work with ‘Quality Question Marks’ (both groups). HA: Independently. Plenary: What have we learned? What is narrative? Non narrative? What is a genre? Name some genres of narrative? What is your favourite? Why? Least favourite? Why? Does this link to visual literacy (i.e. do films and TV programs split into genres?)
Classic Narrative Poems Noyes Maggie and the Dinosaur Dave Ward The Works

Classic Narrative Poems Noyes Maggie and the Dinosaur Dave Ward The Works

Sample planning : Genre: Poetry Unit 2 – Classic/Narrative poems. Focus Texts: ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes. ‘Maggie and the Dinosaur’ by Dave Ward.‘The Works’ (poetry anthology) by Paul Cookson. ‘The Puffin book of utterly brilliant poetry’ (Anthology) edited by Brian Patten. Prepare to share a narrative poem from an anthology: Maggie & the Dinosaur, p463 in The Works by Paul Cookson. Explain that an Anthology is a collection of poems specially chosen by a person: an anthologist. Highlight that Narrative poems are poems which tell a story. Point out that not all narrative poems have the same structure although each poem will probably have its own! They often have many verses just like a song, with each verse telling the next part of the story. Ask the children to respond to the narrative poem we shared. Which parts, lines & words did they enjoy the most? Did they like the way that the poem was read? Narrative poems are often long so they need to be read in a way that keeps the audience interested from start to finish. Just like a good story reader would make a story sound interesting. Children to be split into mixed ability groups of four and given copies of two poems: ‘Dave Dirt’s Christmas presents’ and ‘GreedyGuts’ both by Kit Wright. Ask the question: how can you be sure that you are looking at a narrative poem? They should decide which they would like to share with the class. How are they going to read it? Altogether, in pairs, individually on rotation? Allow each group time & space to practice for presentation. Groups to present their poems. Other groups to offer constructive feedback. Success Criteria: I know that a narrative poem is one which tells a story. I can contribute to a group activity, taking turns where necessary.
Morning Work Sentence Uplevelling Work Literacy Year 5 Pie Corbett

Morning Work Sentence Uplevelling Work Literacy Year 5 Pie Corbett

Some easy worksheets to get pupils uplevelling. Good exercise to have on the desk when they arrive in class. Plus some nice VCOP and Pie Corbett stuff. Improving Sentences Checklist: improve the verb add an adjective (WOW word) extend with a connective start with an ly, ed or ing word include a simile or a metaphor add an adverbial Sentence up Levelling There was a volcano There were sparks flying Molten lava streamed down the sides