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Mira 2 Express Modulo 4 Unidad 3; to do, you do
To be used with Mira 2 Express. Use stem-changing verbs. Que haces.

VIVA 3 ROJO Mod 1 Somos asi - TARSIA JIGSAW puzzles
A total of 4 Tarsia Vocabulary puzzles based on the key vocabulary for each unit in VIVA 3 ROJO Module 1 Somos asi. Students simply have to match up the English word to the TL to create a big shape. Every puzzle contains the activity itself and the puzzle solution in pdf . I usually use this resource with students working in pairs, or in groups of 3/4. This is a great activity that engage students straight away and recap easily in previous knowledge. You can use the solutions to display on board as a way of AFL or give clues if students need a bit of help.

VIVA 3 ROJO Mod 3 En forma Tarsia Jigsaw puzzles
A total of 6 Tarsia Vocabulary puzzles based on the key vocabulary for each unit in VIVA 3 ROJO Module 3 En forma. Students simply have to match up the English word to the TL to create a big shape. Every puzzle contains the activity itself and the puzzle solution in pdf . I usually use this resource with students working in pairs, or in groups of 3/4. This is a great activity that engage students straight away and recap easily in previous knowledge. You can use the solutions to display on board as a way of AFL or give clues if students need a bit of help.

VIVA 3 ROJO Mod 5 Una aventura en Madrid Tarsia Jigsaw puzzles
A total of 4 Tarsia Vocabulary puzzles based on the key vocabulary for each unit in VIVA 3 ROJO Module 5 Una aventura en Madrid. Students simply have to match up the English word to the TL to create a big shape. Every puzzle contains the activity itself and the puzzle solution in pdf . I usually use this resource with students working in pairs, or in groups of 3/4. This is a great activity that engage students straight away and recap easily in previous knowledge. You can use the solutions to display on board as a way of AFL or give clues if students need a bit of help.

VIVA 3 ROJO Mod 4 Jovenes en accion Tarsia Jigsaw puzzles
A total of 4 Tarsia Vocabulary puzzles based on the key vocabulary for each unit in VIVA 3 ROJO Module 4 Jovenes en accion. Students simply have to match up the English word to the TL to create a big shape. Every puzzle contains the activity itself and the puzzle solution in pdf . I usually use this resource with students working in pairs, or in groups of 3/4. This is a great activity that engage students straight away and recap easily in previous knowledge. You can use the solutions to display on board as a way of AFL or give clues if students need a bit of help.

VIVA3 ROJO Mod2 Orientate TARSIA puzzles
A total of 6 Tarsia Vocabulary puzzles based on the key vocabulary for each unit in VIVA 3 ROJO Module 2 Orientate. Students simply have to match up the English word to the TL to create a big shape. Every puzzle contains the activity itself and the puzzle solution in pdf . I usually use this resource with students working in pairs, or in groups of 3/4. This is a great activity that engage students straight away and recap easily in previous knowledge. You can use the solutions to display on board as a way of AFL or give clues if students need a bit of help.

Viva 2 Module 2 Todo sobre mi vida TARSIA Jigsaw with SOLUTIONS
A set of Tarsia Vocabulary puzzles based on the key vocabulary from the VIVA 2 Book Module 2 Todo sobre mi vida . Students simply have to match up the English word to the TL to create a big shape . I usually use this resource with students working in pairs, or in groups of 3/4. This is a great activity that engage students straight away and recap easily in previous knowledge. It works well as a starter activity to settle down or as a revision activity. You can use the solutions to display on board as a way of AFL or give clues if students need a bit of help.
As an extension activity, as students to select 3 to 5 words from the triangle and create some meaningful sentences in Spanish.

Studio 2R Mon album photos
Whole lesson Power Point on this unit-
Lesson has been differentiated and includes links for WordWall, Kahoot and Quizlet activities as retrieval practice exercises. It includes the analysis of a postcard to identify regular and irregular verbs and some activities to practice past tenses. Answers included on slides.