Barclayfox's Shop. Ready to use KS3 & KS4 lessons.
Average Rating4.41
(based on 76 reviews)
No preparation required! Physics, Chemistry, Biology also Maths
Complete and ready to use high quality science lessons that automatically navigate you and your class expertly through the lesson and activities.
All answers are built in.
No preparation required! Physics, Chemistry, Biology also Maths
Complete and ready to use high quality science lessons that automatically navigate you and your class expertly through the lesson and activities.
All answers are built in.
On sale at £1.95 for 1 week only! Hurry!
Best seller, great fun Christmas Activities, games and Quizzes. Great value, Over 300 slides, pick and choose from 12 interesting, fun and entertaining Christmas rounds: *Maths *English *Christmas itself *Films & Video *Observation *Physics *Geography *Pop music *Sport/PE *Thinking *Biology *Chemistry *Identify the song * Xmas songs. Lots of Christmas cracker Jokes throughout. Very Christmassy from start to finish ! This is ALL you need for ALL your Christmas lessons from ages 8 to 18, buy and relax !
Lots of xmas quiz questions, activities, high quality Christmas images, videos, music, up and about games etc, 300+ fun power point slides (which took approximately 35+ hours of work to create although this was spread over many years as I have happily and successfully used this every Christmas for many years). Fun, enjoyable, entertaining. All answers are provided and different students take turns to run the show, so you can catch up and relax for a change ! Based around Christmas throughout, fun and engaging, you choose which of the 12 rounds you like the best, or use them all with different classes, or better still, let the kids vote for which of the 12 rounds they would like to do!
Great fun for you, great fun for your classes !
Can be used with all abilities and all age groups from 8 to 18 !
Happy Christmas, and most sincere best wishes of the season to you all !!! :-)
Happy teaching,
SEARCH WORDS – does this help people who are searching?
Holidays, Santa, fun, Christmas assembly, Christmas, Christmas quiz, christmas quizzes, Christmas activities, Noel, advent, Xmas, xmas, Navidad, nativity, Santa Clause, Reindeer, sleigh, snow, snowman, xmas science, Christmas maths, Christmas English, Christmas Geography, Santa clause, Reindeer, Sleigh, snow, snowman, mince pie, turkey, trimmings, Christmas lights, decorations, White Christmas, King’s speech, boxing day, cold meat and pickles, Christmas crackers, Christmas jokes.
A complete and ready to deliver KS3 lesson.
Lesson title: Cells, tissues and organs (also known as - Levels Of Organisation).
Lesson objectives:
Define and give examples of “tissues”, “organs” and “organ systems”.
Explain the “hierarchy” of organisation in a “multicellular” “organism”.
(“xxxx” is a scientific literacy word reviewed in the lesson).
This is a complete lesson from start to end, you do NOT need to spend hours carefully planning and resourcing this lesson – I have already spent those hours preparing this lesson for you ( I have used and improved it with my classes many times).
There is nothing to do but give it a quick read through and familiarise yourself with it. You may wish to remove a few slides to reduce its length if required for your particular group of learners - this is very easy to do as it is grouped into clear sections.
The lesson contains:
* Need list – telling you what to photocopy or what kit to order - if required.
* Notes to help the teacher
* Title and lesson objectives (as below).
* Starter task where students self-assess themselves against each objective
* Scientific literacy activity
* Homework (you choose whether your learners need to do it)
* Questions –** all** answers are provided.
* Video clip (carefully selected)
* Paired work activities with answers.
* Theory slides (minimal – inter-spaced with thinking activities - not ‘death by powerpoint’).
* Gap fill fun activity – answers are provided
* Plenary formative/summative assessment activity / quiz
* Student self-assessment versus objectives activity – so learners can judge for themselves how much they have learnt
As teachers we all work ridiculously long hours each week. Give yourself a break, spend some life with your wife / husband / children / friends / family by purchasing more lessons created by ‘Barclayfox’ once they appear on TES.
Please purchase this lesson, and leave a positive review.
About this lesson:
This lesson is one of a set of 4, these are titled:
L1 Cells, tissues and organs.
L2 Gas exchange and alveoli.
L3 Breathing (inhale and exhale).
L4 Skeleton, joints and muscles.
You may find it useful to buy all lessons in the set as they are linked together (for example a homework maybe given in one lesson and then tested in another)…
Thank you for your time.
Happy teaching!
Save Christmas! This is a very entertaining, complete and ready to use, Christmas lesson full of fun activities. It also includes a fully scaffolded activity where students build and fire simple catapults made from lolly (popsicle) sticks. This is done in the classroom (no need to go outside). You do NOT need to know how to build the catapult, the lesson carefully guides students so they can have the joy of discovering how to do it with or without your help !
A story about an invasion of zombie Santas is told. Christmas is in jeopardy! The learners have to try to defeat the zombie horde, find a cure for the infected and save Christmas. All instructions are included and the lesson teaches the learners almost automatically, any of us can give this fun and imaginative lesson. How can we stop the zombie horde? How do we cure the zombies turning them back into people? Can your class save Christmas?
The length of the lesson is very flexible depending on your needs. There are activities you can miss out and there is also a Christmas cracker based extension you can add in. So, the lesson can easily last anywhere between 0.5 hours and 1.5 hours depending on your requirements.
This lesson gets the learners out of their seats, keeps them happy, focused and engaged as they work in teams building and creating. There’s nothing like zombies to capture the imagination of students! It's a great lesson that teachers of any subject can use with all ages from 6 to 16 and it won't go out of date (like a quiz might) so you can use it for years to come, which makes it excellent value at this price !
As well as being great fun and entertaining it is also educational and includes: literacy, numeracy, SMSC, team working skills, questions with answers, physical coordination skills, activities with answers, play ball game, joke telling etc
High quality, ready to use lesson - great for teachers of all subjects!
Happy teaching !
Key words:
Christmas English, Christmas Geography, Christmas Geog, Christmas History, Christmas French, Christmas activities, Christmas activity, Xmas, saving Christmas, Christmas literacy, quiz, quizzes, Xmas, practical, team work, fun, entertaining, engaging, SMSC, literacy, happy kids, fun learning, catapult, elf, elves, sleigh, reindeer, Christmas maths, Christmas English, Christmas English language, Christmas English literacy, Christmas PE, Christmas PSHE, Christmas RE, Christmas French, Christmas German, MFL, Christmas Sociology, Christmas Psychology, Christmas Physics, Christmas Chemistry, Christmas Biology, Mathematics, Christmas Design technology, Christmas product design, EBacc, BTec, Progress 8, Christmas engineering, drama, ICT, media, computer science, art, business, Spanish, navidad, advent, holiday, holidays, Fun
** Please do not buy I am updating it**
Get a free resource ! Details below. High quality Biology differentiated worksheets and activity sheets with answers from Barclayfox. (3 activity sheets / worksheets + 3 Answer sheets).
This is a KS3 resource, but it also produces excellent results by using it in the following ways:
* As cover work that can be peer marked during cover using the answer sheets provided.
* As differentiated homework that can be peer-assessed next lesson.
* With lower ability KS4
* To revise previous learning with KS4 students
These differentiated worksheets cover:
* Create your own garden food web activity
* Key questions
* Investigate an ocean food web with differentiation
* Matching key words to the definitions
* Word search,
* Who eats who
* Many other key questions etc.
* Differentiated with “challenge missions”
Save yourself the many hours needed to prepare good quality resource with answers - I have already spent those hours preparing these for my students and improving them over many years.
There is nothing for you to do but give them a very quick look through and photocopy for your students.
If you buy - don't forget to claim your FREE resource!
Purchase this resource, leave a review and choose another Barclayfox resource (to the same value) for free! Simply email your tes username and the title of your chosen resource to
Happy teaching!
Great fun Christmas activities, complete and ready to use! Lots of engaging, enjoyable and fun activities and a primary activity of building and firing straw air powered rockets in the classroom (no need to go outside). Please don’t stop reading! This is not a lesson only for science teachers… easy and fully scaffolded, you do NOT need any rocket building skills! But you will have fun too!
The Story:
A story is woven and as part of the lesson the learners build rockets to save Christmas from Safcut - who is Santa’s evil brother. All instructions are included and the lesson teaches the learners almost automatically, this is NOT a lesson only for our friends the science teachers (although it’s excellent for them too!) - any of us can use this fun and imaginative lesson. Who is Safcut? What’s his plan? Can your class save Christmas?
The length of the lesson is very flexible, there are activities you can miss out and on the other hand there is a Christmas cracker based extension. So, the lesson can easily last anywhere between 1/2 hour and 1 and a 1/2 hours depending on your needs.
Better than a boring quiz:
This is definitely not a Christmas quiz, it gets the learners out of their seats, keeps them focused and engaged as they work in teams building and creating. It’s a great lesson you can use with all ages from 6 to 16 and it won’t go out of date so you can use it for years to come, which makes it excellent value at this price !
What do they learn?
As well as being great fun and entertaining it is also educational and it includes: literacy, SMSC, team working skills, cooperation, physical building skills, questions with answers, activities with answers, play ball game, what engineers do, identify parts of a rocket, joke telling etc
High quality lesson, great for teachers of any subject!
Merry Christmas !
Happy teaching !
Key words:
Christmas: activities, Christmas activity, Xmas, saving Christmas, Santa’s evil brother, quiz, Xmas. Practical, team work, fun, entertaining, engaging, SMSC, literacy, happy kids, fun learning, rockets, air power, pressure, balloons, elf, elves, sleigh, reindeer, Christmas maths, Christmas English, Christmas PE, Christmas History, Christmas Geography, Christmas PSHE, Christmas RE, Christmas French, Christmas German, MFL, Christmas Sociology, Christmas Psychology, Christmas Physics, Christmas Chemistry, Christmas Biology, Christmas Design technology, Christmas product design, Christmas engineering, drama, ICT, media, computer science, art, business, EBacc, BTec, Progress 8.
Complete and ready to use high quality KS3 Biology lesson. All resources are included in this engaging and fun lesson. Students learn to:
* Understand new key words such as vaccine, smallpox, bacteria etc
* Describe the role of vaccines in fighting disease.
* Explain how vaccines work.
* Analyse the sequence describing how Edward Jenner developed the very first vaccine.
Pupils will start the lessons by thinking and working in pairs in a race to work out a picture puzzle. This leads to revealing the title and lesson outcomes, and then students self assess against their current understanding of this topic (at the end of the lesson they will use this assessment to reflect on how much progress they made during the lesson).
This lesson is ‘chunked’ into discrete sections to support learning and create positive behaviour by keeping students interested and focused as they have fun learning. There are various interesting and fun student activities such as gap fill, matching, video, sequencing, literacy activity, questions with answers, recall, think/pair/share, quiz, self-assessment and peer assessment opportunities, up and about game etc.
In the plenary activity pupils complete a physical (up and about) quiz to uncover how much they have learnt during the lesson. Next they self assess their progress against the lesson outcomes. Students who need further support set themselves additional homework to enhance learning of today’s lesson.
These are provided just in case any group requires them.
Thank you for looking, your positive feedback would be very much appreciated :)
Other Barclayfox lessons in this series:
0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available, not all series are bundled)
1. Vaccinations – lesson 1 (Immunity & Edward Jenner & Penicillin etc).
2. Vaccinations – lesson 2 (Advantages & disadvantages, how pathogens spread etc).
3. Antibiotics - lesson 1 (Medicines, Fleming, penicillin, selecting an appropriate antibiotic)
4. Antibiotics - lesson 2 (Antibiotic resistance, superbugs, MRSA, antibiotic resistant bacteria).
5. DNA & Darwin & evolution & Peer review (Discovery of the structure of DNA, evolution etc)
6. Preventing extinction (conservation, seed banks, gene banks, captive breeding etc)
7. Revision lesson. (Vaccines, antibiotics, DNA, evolution, extinction etc).
For more great lessons please type Barclayfox into the tes resources search engine to see all my lessons.
Happy teaching !
Search Words:
vaccine, vaccination, Edward Jenner, immunity, immune, virus, bacteria, smallpox, cowpox, antibodies, MMR, Mumps, Measles, Rubella, vaccination, German measles, HPV, human papilloma virus.
Get a free resource! Purchase this resource, leave a review and choose another Barclayfox resource (to the same value) for free! Simply email your tes username and the title of your chosen resource to
This resource includes 2 worksheets plus 2 answer sheets. (1 x adaptations in animals with 1 x answer sheet, also 1 x adaptations in plants with 1 x answer sheet). Aimed at KS3 Biology (UK) / Grades 6 to 8 (USA) etc. It could also be used with low ability or SEND learners at 9 -
Complete and ready to use worksheets, excellent opportunity to move the leaning focus to your pupils and allow independent working and then self marking and/or peer marking activities.
Thank you for looking, these worksheets will save you a lot of time and effort. If you choose to buy, your positive feedback on tes would be very much appreciated :)
If you buy - don't forget to claim your FREE resource!
Happy teaching !
Search Words:
Worksheet, activity sheet, answers, with answers, adaptation, animals, plants, polar bear, camel, shark, fur, blubber, teeth, claws, gills, marram grass, stomata, cuticle, transpiration.
Get a FREE lesson! Details below. This is a complete, and ready to deliver, high quality fully differentiated KS3 (for the USA this is grade 7, 8 and 9) lesson from Barclayfox.
Complete from start to end. You do not need to spend a huge number of hours carefully planning it and writing multiple thoughtfully differentiated and unique resources, I have already spent those hours creating this great lesson. Furthermore it has been improved time and again after each use. It is a tried and tested successful teaching resource. A reasonable estimate is that this is 15+ hours of effort.
This is a KS3 resource, but it is more than suitable to teach the topic to lower ability KS4 or to revise previous learning with KS4 students.
There is nothing for you to do but give it a quick look through and familiarise yourself with the differentiation.
Lesson objectives:
Be able to
* Explain the differences between animal and plant cells.
* Name some specialised cells.
* Accurately draw the organelles of various specialised cells.
* Describe their function
* Explain their adaptations.
This carefully crafted lesson is over 40 slides long, and is full of learning activities as below:
* Notes to help the teacher.
* Starter - simple task where students self-assess against the objectives.
* Differentiated Activity sheets - 3 differentiated worksheets, PLATINUM (high ability), GOLD (medium ability), SILVER (for students needing Support).
* Differentiated Long Answer (extended writing) questions with answers
* Gap fill activity - all answers are provided.
* Quiz with answers.
* Questions – all answers are provided.
* Peer marking
* Self marking
* Up and about activity - work in groups to collect data from stations around the room.
* Theory slides (carefully sculpted, interspaced with learning activities, not ‘death by powerpoint’).
* Play ball.
* Paired work activities – answers are provided.
* Scientific literacy activity.
* Student self-assessment versus objectives activity – so learners can judge for themselves how much they have learnt.
Purchase this resource, leave a review and choose another Barclayfox resource (to the same value as this one) for free! Just email your username and your chosen resource to
Please note: when searching for resources please type barclayfox into the search box/engine and it will show you all our resources.
Happy teaching!
A complete, and ready to deliver, high quality KS3 lesson from Barclayfox.
This is a complete lesson from start to end, you do not need to spend many hours carefully planning, creating, resourcing and improving this lesson after each use. I have already spent those hours preparing this lesson for my students and improving it over many years. This is a very high quality lesson.
There is nothing for you to do but give it a quick look through and familiarise yourself with it.
Lesson objectives:
* Accurately define “species” and other key terms.
* Give examples of variations within humans.
* Describe variations as continuous and discontinuous.
* Be able to define whether a variation is continuous or discontinuous.
* Conduct an experiment to investigate variation.
This carefully crafted lesson is over 35 slides long, and is full of learning activities as below:
* Notes to help the teacher.
* Starter - Picture meaning and unscramble the key word.
* Starter - simple task where students self-assess against the objectives.
* Activity sheet (unique) - simply print this for each student.
* Practical / student experiment.
* Gap fill activities - all answers are provided.
* Questions – all answers are provided.
* Peer marking & Self marking opportunities.
* Up and about activity
* Theory slides (carefully sculpted, interspaced with learning activities, not ‘death by powerpoint’).
* Play ball opportunities
* Paired work activities – all answers are provided.
* Scientific Literacy activity.
* Plenary formative/summative assessment quiz / activity.
* Student self-assessment versus objectives activity – so learners can judge for themselves how much they have learnt.
* Extension activity – just in case additional activities are required.
As teachers we all work ridiculously long hours each week. Give yourself a break, spend some life with your wife / husband / children / friends / family by purchasing more lessons created by “Barclayfox” once they appear on TES. Please note: when searching for resources please type barclayfox into the search box/engine and it will show you all our resources.
Please purchase this lesson, and leave a positive review.
This lesson is part of a series, whilst they all work very well as standalone individual lessons you may wish to buy others from the series:
0. Bundles – contain 3 or more of these lessons at a discounted price (however please note not all my series are bundled).
1. Variation
2. Adaptation
3. Effects of the environment (environmental variation).
4. Effects on the environment (organisms effects on the environment).
5. Transfers in food chains
Thank you, and happy teaching!
A complete, and ready to deliver, high quality KS3 lesson from Barclayfox.
(For USA - this lesson is for use between 6th to 8th grade).
This is a complete lesson from start to end, you do not need to spend many hours carefully planning, creating, resourcing and improving this lesson after each use. I have already spent those hours preparing this lesson for my students and improving it over many years. This is a very high quality lesson.
There is nothing for you to do but give it a quick look through and familiarise yourself with it.
Lesson objectives:
* Represent food chains using Pyramids of numbers.
* Describe how energy is lost as it transfers down the food chain.
* Calculate biomass and create pyramids of biomass.
* Explain bioaccumulation of pesticides and the effect.
This carefully crafted lesson is over 30 slides long, and is full of these learning activities:
* Notes to help the teacher.
* Starter - complete the food web.
* Starter - simple task where students self-assess against the objectives.
* Matching game - answers are provided.
* Role play - spread of pesticides up the food chain.
* Questions – all answers are provided.
* Peer marking & Self marking opportunities
* Up and about activity - role play
* Theory slides (carefully sculpted, interspaced with learning activities, not ‘death by powerpoint’).
* Activity sheet - with answers - simply print it off for each student if required.
* Play ball opportunities
* Video clip links - several (carefully selected – this alone can save you 20+ minutes of searching).
* Paired work activities – all answers are provided.
* Homework - optional / at your discretion using the activity sheet.
* Scientific Literacy activity.
* Scientific Numeracy activity
* SMSC opportunity - use of pesticides & effect on organisms.
* Student self-assessment versus objectives activity – so learners can judge for themselves how much they have learnt.
* Extension activities – just in case additional activities are required.
As teachers we all work ridiculously long hours each week. Give yourself a break, spend some life with your friends and family by purchasing more lessons created by “Barclayfox” once they appear on TES. Please note: when searching for resources please type barclayfox into the search engine and it will show you all our resources.
Please purchase this lesson, and leave a positive review.
This lesson is part of a series, whilst they all work very well as standalone individual lessons you may wish to buy others from the series:
0. Bundles – contain all of these lessons at a discounted price.
1. Variation
2 to 6 - please see inside the powerpoint for the list
Thank you, and happy teaching!
Complete and ready to use lesson covering: Skeleton + Joints + Muscles
This is a KS3 lesson, in this lessons students learn among other things:
To describe the functions of the skeleton and the role of joints.
To name bones and understand where within the skeleton specific bones are located.
To understand the different types of joints.
To investigate and also explain antagonistic muscle pairs.
Activities for students include:
3 short starters based on picture for thinking, SPaG/literacy and thinking about what the skeleton is for (use 1 or all as you see fit).
Differentiated activity sheets.
All answers are provided throughout.
Gap fills.
Animated game - via a link to an excellent site that is well worth finding !
Questioning (all answers provided).
Label the skeleton activity sheet (diagrams and answers are included in this download).
Joints gap fill.
Practical experiment.
Plenary quiz.
Further information:
This lesson covers 3 topics, skeleton and joints and muscles. Consequently it covers all the important points but is not as detailed as spending 1 full hour lesson on each of these 3 topics (3 hours total). This lesson is very useful, even more so if you want to get ahead and build a buffer to allow for a revision lesson before the test or end of year exams, or if you have fallen behind were you should be in comparison to your teaching rota, or in case students find things more difficult later. If you need deep detail and to spend a total of 3 hours on these three topics then you could easily add some of your own content to this powerpoint.
Happy teaching !
key words
skeleton, muscles, joints, muscle, joint, bones, skeleton, antagonistic muscles, antagonistic pairs, femur, clavicle, rib cage, ks3, yewar 7, year 7, y7, Y7, pelvis, skeleton, musckle, joints, the skeleton, muscles and the skeleton, skeleton worksheet, skeleton activity, skeleton and joints, skeleton joints, human body, human skeleton, KS3, year 7, function of the skeleton, joints and teh skeleton, function of the skeleton, human skeleton.
A complete and ‘ready to deliver’ KS3 lesson.
Lesson title:
Breathing (inhaling and exhaling) and lung capacity.
Please note this is KS3 - breathing mechanism.
It is not KS4 / G
Lesson objectives:
Describe the “process” of “inhaling” and “exhaling”.
Describe how a “bell jar” can be used to model what happens during breathing.
Explain how to measure lung “volume”.
Measure lung volume in the classroom (simple experiment)
CHALLENGE MISSION: Calculate your own lung capacity
This is a complete lesson from start to end, you do NOT need to spend hours carefully planning and resourcing this lesson – I have already spent those hours preparing this lesson for you.
There is nothing to do but give it a quick read through and familiarise yourself with it, and if necessary, take some simple decisions the lesson guides you to make before delivering it. You may also wish to remove a few slides to reduce its length if required for your particular group of learners - it’s modular design makes this very easy to do.
The lesson contains:
* Need list – telling you what to photocopy or what kit to order etc
* Notes to help the teacher
* Title & lesson objectives (as above).
* Starter task where students self-assess themselves against each objective
* Scientific literacy activity
* Homework (you choose whether your learners need to do it)
* Questions – all answers are provided.
* Paired work activities with answers.
* Theory slides (minimal – interspaced with thinking activities - not ‘death by powerpoint’)
* Practicals in groups – with scaffolding text
* Equipment list - to give to your technicians (excel file).
* Numeracy activity
* Gap fill activity – answers are provided
* Plenary formative/summative assessment activity / quiz
* Student self-assessment versus objectives activity – so learners can judge for themselves how much they have learned
As teachers we all work ridiculously long hours each week. Give yourself a break, spend some life with your wife / husband / children / friends / family by purchasing more lessons created by ‘Barclayfox’ once they appear on TES.
Please purchase this lesson, and leave a positive review.
Thank you for your time.
About this lesson.
This lesson is one of a set of 4, these are titled:
L1 Cells, tissues and organs.
L2 Gas exchange and alveoli.
L3 Breathing (inhale and exhale).
L4 Skeleton, joints and muscles.
You may find it useful to buy all the lessons in the set as they are linked together (for example a homework maybe given in one lesson and then tested in another).
Key words
Breathing mechanism, breathing, diapgragm, lungs, lung caopacity, lung capacity, how we breath, muscles, rib cage, diaphragm, inhale, exhale, lung capacity, lung capacity experiement, lung capacity experiment, numeracy, literacy, Breathing , inhaling and exhaling, and lung capacity,
Complete and ready to use high quality KS3 Biology lesson. All resources are included in this excellent lesson, save yourself lots of lesson preparation time!
Students learn to:
* Know what extinct, stewardship, exert etc mean and create a list of extinct animals.
* Describe different way in which animals can become extinct and give examples.
* Explain various ways to prevent extinction.
Pupils start the lessons by working together to work out what today’s lesson is about. This leads the pupils to think about the Los and self-assess against their current understanding of this topic and then undertaking a scientific literacy activity.
This lesson is ‘chunked’ into discrete sections to support learning and create positive behaviour by keeping students interested and focused. There is a very good variety of interesting student activities such as: up and about, gap fills, unscramble, literacy activities, questions, video, discussion, recall, think/pair/share, questions with answers, self-assessment and peer assessment opportunities etc etc.
Learners self assess and reflect on their progress against the lesson outcomes.
Several extension activities are provided in case any group you teach requires them.
Thank you for looking, this lesson will save you a huge amount of time and effort. If you choose to buy, your positive feedback on tes would be very much appreciated :)
Other Barclayfox lessons in this series:
0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available, not all series are bundled).
1. Vaccinations – lesson 1. (Vaccinations, immunity and Edward Jenner)
2. Vaccinations – lesson 2. (Advantages & disadvantages of vaccinations, how pathogens spread etc)
3. Antibiotics - lesson 1. (Medicines, Fleming, penicillin and selecting an appropriate antibiotic)
4. Antibiotics - lesson 2. (Antibiotic resistance, super bugs, MRSA, resistant bacteria)
5. DNA & Darwin & evolution & Peer review. (Discovery of the structure of DNA, evolution etc)
6. Preventing extinction. (Preventing extinction, conservation, seed banks, captive breeding etc)
7. Revision lesson. (Vaccines, antibiotics, DNA, Evolution, extinction etc)
Happy teaching !
Search Words:
Extinction, conservation, seed banks, gene banks, zoo, safari park, captive breeding etc etc
A complete and ready to deliver lesson GCSE/KS4 lesson on survival and classification.
This is a complete lesson from start to end, you do NOT need to spend hours carefully planning and resourcing this lesson – I have done this for you. :-)
There is nothing to do but give it a quick look through and familiarise yourself with it.
Lesson objectives / students learn:
* about factors that affect survival in some organisms
* how organisms are grouped (classified) into 5 kingdoms
* to describe some subgroups of the animal kingdom.
* to explain the main characteristics of the 5 kingdoms.
* key scientific terminology.
Student activities included in the lesson:
- differentiated worksheet
- card sort (grouping/classifying)
- gap fill
- matching
- think, pair, share activities
- questions to answer
- quiz
- video link
All answers are provided to make the lesson easy to use (as are notes to help the teacher).
As teachers we all work ridiculously long hours each week. Give yourself a break, spend some life with your wife / husband / children / friends / family by purchasing more lessons created by ‘Barclayfox’ on TES. Please note: when searching for resources please type barclayfox into the search box/engine and it will show you all my resources.
I hope you will purchase this excellent lesson and please leave positive feedback.
Thank you for your time.
A complete and ‘ready to deliver’ lesson on Genes, alleles (dominant and recessive) and inheritance and punnett squares. In other words, how we are made.
This is a complete lesson from start to end, you do NOT need to spend hours carefully planning and resourcing this lesson – I have done this for you. :-)
There is nothing to do but give it a quick look through and familiarise yourself with it.
Lesson objectives:
* Describe the difference between dominant and recessive alleles.
* Understand how characteristics are inherited.
* Learn how to use and then use punnett squares.
Activities this lesson contains:
Notes to help the teacher.
Starter task - tongue types.
Gap fill.
Questions (with answers).
Up and about activities.
Quiz questions with answers.
Think, pair, share.
Punnett squares activity.
All answers are provided to make things easy for you.
As teachers we all work ridiculously long hours each week. Give yourself a break, spend some life with your wife / husband / children / friends / family by purchasing more lessons created by ‘Barclayfox’ once they appear on TES. Please note: when searching for resources please type barclayfox into the search box/engine and it will show all our resources.
I hope you will purchase this excellent lesson and please leave positive feedback to keep us working for you creating lessons.
This lesson is part of a series, and you may wish to buy others from the series:
0. Bundle – contains all lessons. NOTE: not all series are bundled.
1. Genes and genetics – how we are made
2. Inherited (genetic) diseases
3. Cells, DNA, Chromosomes and Selective breeding
4. Genetic engineering
5. Cloning
6. Biotechnology – bread, beer, cheese and wine.
7. Enzymes and biological detergent.
Thank you for your time.
UPDATED AND IMPROVED. Chosen students can (if you wish) lead the class through this powerpoint – so you can focus on whatever (or whoever) needs your attention !
Ready to use – nothing to do.
Have fun this Christmas with these highly entertaining, fun and engaging Christmas quizzes and activities built into one self guiding PowerPoint.
Based on xmas throughout and split into interesting and fun rounds as noted below.
*Biology AND *Music AND *Sport AND * Bonus Round
Great value ! Contains over 70 pages of fun:
Christmas Biology.
Christmas quiz questions.
Sport – identify the sportsperson or the stadium etc.
Geog - cities, flags, country shapes etc.
Christmas cracker jokes.
Huge numbers of high quality Christmas images.
Music Videos (carefully selected).
You’re fired.
Surprise bonus round !
There is more than enough fun and laughter in these 70+ power point slides for a 1 hour lesson. Based around Christmas throughout. Fun, entertaining and engaging
Great fun for you and your classes ! Can be used for all abilities and age groups from 8 to 18
To see all my Christmas resources please type barclayfox Christmas into the tes search engine.
Happy Christmas, and most sincere best wishes of the season to you all !!! :-)
Happy teaching,
Holidays, Santa, fun, Christmas, Christmas quiz, literacy, numeracy, Christmas activities, Christmas assembly, Noel, Navidad, advent, nativity, Xmas science, Christmas maths, Christmas English, Christmas Geography, Navidad, Noel, advent, Santa Clause, Reindeer, sleigh, snow, snowman, xmas lights, mince pie, turkey, trimmings, decorations, Queen’s speech, boxing day, cold meat and pickles, Christmas crackers.
Over 300 PowerPoint slides spread over 12 rounds of quizzes and activities. Nothing to do but open up the PowerPoint and have fun with your classes this Christmas ! Student lead throughout - so you can finally RELAX !!! Movies, maths, pop music, English, up and about, physics, cities and flags, geography, Thinking, chemistry, observation, biology, sport, music clips to identify and sing along to, movie clips etc. Fun, entertaining, engaging. A REAL FUN BARGAIN AT THIS PRICE!!!
Happy Teaching and a Happy Christmas,
Complete and ready to use high quality KS3 Biology lesson
There is nothing for you to do but deliver it !
* Describe how a person develops immunity.
* Explain how vaccinations work.
* Compare the advantages and disadvantages of vaccinations.
* Investigate the spread of a pathogen by doing an experiment / practical
* Analyse the meaning of the experiment.
Pupils will start the lessons by thinking and working in pairs in a race to name as many of the body’s defences against infection as they can.
This leads to revealing the title and lesson outcomes and then students think more deeply as they self-assess against their current understanding of this topic.
This lesson is ‘chunked’ into discrete sections to support learning and create positive behaviour by keeping students interested and focused. There are various interesting student activities such as a practical experiment, gap fills, matching, play ball, literacy activity, questions with answers, recall, think/pair/share, quiz, self-assessment and peer assessment opportunities, up and about game etc.
In the plenary activity pupils complete a gap fill activity to uncover how much they have learnt during the lesson. Next they self assess and reflect on their progress against the lesson outcomes. Students who need further support set themselves additional homework to enhance the learning in today’s lesson.
A good variety of extension activities are provided just in case any group you teach requires them.
Thank you for looking, this lesson will save you a huge amount of prep. time. :)
Other Barclayfox lessons in this series:
0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available, not all series are bundled).
1. Vaccinations – lesson 1. (Vaccinations, immunity and Edward Jenner)
2. Vaccinations – lesson 2 - this lesson.
3. Antibiotics - lesson 1.
4. Antibiotics - lesson 2.
5. DNA, Darwin, evolution and Peer review.
6. Preventing extinction.
7. Revision lesson.
For more great lessons please type Barclayfox into the tes resources search engine to see all my lessons.
Happy teaching !
Search Words:
vaccine, vaccination, immunity, immune, virus, bacteria, role, Edward Jenner, medicine, antibiotics, science, scientific methodology, smallpox, cowpox, antibodies, illness, ill, cure, blood, white blood cell, fungus, germ, germs, disease, roll, MMR, Mumps, Measles, Rubella, vaccination,
German measles, HPV, human papilloma virus, cancer, immune system, injection, droplet, pathogen, antibody, skin, stomach acid, primary defences, etc
Great fun Christmas activities, complete and ready to use.
Lots of engaging and fun activities and an excellent primary activity of building and firing straw** air powered rockets** in the classroom (no need to go outside). Please don’t stop reading! This is not a lesson only for science teachers - all instructions are in teh PPT and are simple for students to follow…it fantastic fun for all !
A story is woven and as part of the lesson the learners build rockets to save Christmas from Safcut - who is Santa’s evil brother. All instructions are included and the lesson teaches the learners almost automatically, this is NOT a lesson only for our friends the science teachers (although it’s excellent for them too!) - any of us can use this fun and imaginative lesson. Who is Safcut? What’s his plan? Can your class save Christmas?
Lesson length:
Fantastic fun ! Very flexible length, there are activities you can miss out and on the other hand there is a Christmas cracker based extension. So, the lesson can easily last anywhere between 0.5 hour and 1.5 hours depending on your needs.
Better than a quiz:
This is definitely not a Christmas quiz, it gets the learners out of their seats, keeps them focused and engaged as they work in teams building and creating. It’s a great lesson you can use with all ages from 6 to 16 and it won’t go out of date so you can use it for years to come, which makes it excellent value at this price !
Skills and learning:
As well as being great fun and entertaining it is also educational and it includes: literacy, SMSC, team working skills, cooperation, physical building skills, questions with answers, activities with answers, play ball game, what engineers do, identify parts of a rocket, joke telling etc
High quality lesson, great for teachers of any subject !!!
Happy Christmas !
Happy teaching !
Key words:
Christmas: activities, Christmas activity, Xmas, saving Christmas, Santa’s evil brother, quiz, Xmas. Practical, team work, fun, entertaining, engaging, SMSC, literacy, happy kids, fun learning, rockets, air power, pressure, balloons, elf, elves, sleigh, reindeer, Christmas maths, Christmas English, Christmas PE, Christmas History, Christmas Geography, Christmas PSHE, Christmas RE, Christmas French, Christmas German, MFL, Christmas Sociology, Christmas Psychology, Christmas Physics, Christmas Chemistry, Christmas Biology, Christmas Design technology, Christmas product design, Christmas engineering, drama, ICT, media, computer science, art, business, EBacc, BTec, Progress 8.
Complete KS3 Biology lesson
Recall what antibiotics are and what they do…
Describe some methods for preventing the spread of bacterial infection…
Explain what is meant by antibiotic resistance and superbugs…
Challenge Mission: Demonstrate (using diagrams) how superbugs proliferate.
Pupils start the lessons by working together to unscramble words that lead them to thinking about what the lesson is about. Next they think about the Los and self-assess against their current understanding of this topic and undertake a scientific literacy activity.
This lesson is ‘chunked’ into discrete sections to support learning and create positive behaviour by keeping students interested and focused. There is a very good variety of interesting student activities such as: up and about, gap fill, matching, literacy activities, quick quiz, recall, think/pair/share, questions with answers, self-assessment and peer assessment opportunities etc etc.
Learners self assess and reflect on their progress against the lesson outcomes.
A good variety of extension activities are provided just in case any group you teach requires them.
Thank you for looking, this lesson will save you a huge amount of time and effort, if you choose to buy, your positive feedback on tes would be very much appreciated :)
Other Barclayfox lessons in this series:
0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available, not all series are bundled).
1. Vaccinations – lesson 1. (Vaccinations, immunity and Edward Jenner)
2. Vaccinations – lesson 2. (Advantages & disadvantages of vaccinations, how pathogens spread etc)
3. Antibiotics - lesson 1. (Medicines, Fleming, penicillin and selecting an appropriate antibiotic)
4. Antibiotics - lesson 2. (Antibiotic resistance, super bugs, MRSA, resistant bacteria)
5. DNA & Darwin & evolution & Peer review. (Discovery of the structure of DNA, evolution etc)
6. Preventing extinction. (Preventing extinction, conservation, seed banks, captive breeding etc)
7. Revision lesson. (Vaccines, antibiotics, DNA, Evolution, extinction etc)
Happy teaching !
Search Words:
Superbugs, super bugs, resistance, resistant, antibiotics, Penicillin, Bio, Biology, Alexander Fleming, medicines, virus, bacteria, Doctor, nurse, medicine, syringe, petri dish, microscope, MRSA, science, scientific methodology, smallpox, cowpox, antibodies, illness, ill, cure, pathogen, antibody.