Inequalities Worksheet
A worksheet with starter, main and extention on inequalities, including representing them on number lines
Standard form starter quiz
A quiz where students have to say which is bigger a or b, first with pictures then numbers, finally with numbers in standard form, hopefully highlighting the idea tha tstandard form helps compare and work with very big or very small numbers
Solving linear equations wksheet - Maziarz Mapped
A simple worksheer for solving equations, extention includes brackets and starter has some simple substitution.
Metric Conversions homework
A simple homework sheet on metric conversions
Proportions of Amounts worksheet
A simple worksheet, starter has simplifying fractions, multiplying by 100 and some conversion. Extension is asking students to write questions to give certain answers.
Cancelling / equivalent fractions matching cards
A set of 36 cards for students to try to sort into piles by cancelling them down to find equivalnet fractions.
Find the mistake (factors)
10 questions where some are incorrect, students have to try to spot the wrong ones, answers at the end with a link so you can go back to the questions to talk about what has gone wrong. All are statements about factors.
Simplifying Ratio starter / quiz - Maziarz Mapped
a ten question quiz on simplifying ratios where student have 10 seconds to answer a question, answers are at the end so easy to mark
Squares and square roots starter
A 10 question multiple choice quiz on squares and square roots
GCSE Maths worksheet- finding coordinates.
A simple worksheet about using y=mx+c to find coordinates and test to see whether a coordinate is on a line or not, will be using it with a low ability GCSE group.
Angles Test
A little angles test, covering accute,obtuse and reflex angles, angles on a line and around a point, angles in triangles (isosceles and equilateral).
Multiplying Binomials PowerPoint
Quick 10 question test on multiplying binomials, set on a timer, with answers at the end.
Equivalent fractions starter
10 multiple choice equivalent fraction questions for starter or wrap up.
Negative numbers starter / wrap up quiz
ten question on adding and subtracting negative numbers, 10 seconds for each, then answers at the end, something nice to through up at the end of a lesson
Perimeter, Circumference and Volume test
A simple test covering perimeter, circumference and volume of prisms, hope you find it useful. Could be used as revision or homework.
Scientific Notation
Scientific notation and converting centimeters to metric units
Simplifying Radicals
A powerpoint with examples and questions for simplifying surds.
Plotting curved graphs sheet
A sheet with tables to help pupils to find coordinates to plot quadratic and cubic graphs.
Quadratic simultaneous equations
A walkthrough of how to solve simultaneous equations where one is linear and the other is quadratic. There is also a starter getting students to practise thier factorising.
Sequences Test
A test on sequences and Nth term, with a pattern sequence question at the end.