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Scatter Graphs handout

Scatter Graphs handout

A scatter graphs handout with starter main and extention. Includes correlation , drawing lines of best fit and estimating values using the line of best fit
Histograms handout Graphing

Histograms handout Graphing

A histograms handout with a starter, main and extention. Extention has students working out the numbers on the axis, and filling in blanks on the histogram and table.
The probability line

The probability line

A handout with starter, main and extention, includes vocabulary of probability and probability lines which use words and decimals.
Bearings handout

Bearings handout

Simple bearings handout, with a starter main and extention. Starter has drawing angles and covers rules of bearings, extention asks students to find a link from bearing from A to B and bearing from B to A.