
HCF multiple choice starter
10 multiple choice questions on highest /greatest common factors. Good as a quick review to start class.

Limits (upper and lower bounds) worksheet
A worksheet with a starter main and extention for limits. Starter covers rounding to decimal places and significant figures, the extention is a bit tough but that's what they're there for.

Metric Conversions Starter
10 multiple choice questions on metric conversions, incude cm, mm, m, km and kg to g.

Multiplying and Dividing by 10 and 100 starter
Starter with 10 multiple choice questions involving multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100.

Squares and Primes Starter
Multiple choice starter, 10 questions asking students to spot the prime or square number. Last question is what is a googol.

Angles Multiple Choice Starter - Maziarz Mapped
10 multiple choice questions all based on angles, they're all how many degrees in sort of questions.

Scatter Graphs handout
A scatter graphs handout with starter main and extention. Includes correlation , drawing lines of best fit and estimating values using the line of best fit

Blank multiple choice Template in PowerPoint
Useful at any grade level and for any subject, because you customize it.

Fractions of amounts starter - Maziarz mapped
10 multiple choice questions finding fractions of amounts.
Good as a starter activity or quick, in-class game.

Area of rectangles starter
10 multiple choice questions on area of rectangles. This is also a practice for mutliplying by teens.

Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Activity where students apply knowledge and skills for working with lines.

Histograms handout Graphing
A histograms handout with a starter, main and extention. Extention has students working out the numbers on the axis, and filling in blanks on the histogram and table.

The probability line
A handout with starter, main and extention, includes vocabulary of probability and probability lines which use words and decimals.

Bearings handout
Simple bearings handout, with a starter main and extention. Starter has drawing angles and covers rules of bearings, extention asks students to find a link from bearing from A to B and bearing from B to A.