Finding the gradient (slope)
A sheet with starter main and extention. Main has finding the gradient/slope of a line connecting two coordinates.
Translation handout
A pretty simple translation handout with starter main and extension
Plan and Elevation worksheet
A worksheet with starter, main and extension, getting students to draw plan and elevations.
Mutualy exclusive events
A straight forward handout with a starter, main and extension
Algebraic fractions Handout
A handout with algebraic fractions.
Mega PowerPoint (97 lessons of questions)
Questions from handouts that cover a variety of topics from 6th - 11th grade. There are about 100 sets of questions organized into a PowerPoint. Topics include fractions, decimals, percents, transformations, trigonometry, area, angles, construction, equations, quadratics, sequences, graphs, sampling, probability and many more).
Cumulative frequency graphs (drawing)
A handout for creating CF tables from grouped frequency tables and then CF graphs from the tables. CC: functions overview build a function that models a relationship between two quantities
Mean,mode,median and range worksheet
A simple worsheet, no decimals or negatives, maybe good for low ability of those new to the topic. Extention asks students to find numbers that have certain mean,mode,median and range.
Reading Cumulative Frequency Charts - GCSE
A GCSE worksheet following on from drawing CF charts/graphs getting students to read of median, UQ, LQ and IQR. Starter goes over making CF tables, and extension asks students to go through the whole process from creating the table and graph to finding IQR and median.
Drawing Bar Charts
A simple handout for drawing bar charts, asks students to peer assess, and gets them to find out data for their own question as an extention.
Mean from grouped frequency tables
A handout with starter, main and extension. Starter has some finding mean questions and finding the midpoint of two numbers. Extension asks students to try and make up a table that will give a mean of 5.5.
Reading bar charts handout
A simple handout with three bar charts and questions about them. Couple of mixed quetions as a starter and a puzzle at the end.
Trigononmetry- finding angles handout
A handout for trigononmetry, finding angles using the inverse of sin, cos and tan. Starter is finding lengths using sin,cos and tan. Extention asks students to design a review sheet for this topic in trigonometry.
Drawing Pie Charts handout
A simple drawing pie charts handout, using simple fractions with common denominators.
Angles on a line handout
Simple angles handout with angles on a line and around a point, extention activity with some algebra type questions.
Simultaneous equations worksheet
A simple simultaneous equations worksheet, with starter main and extention, starter has negative number questions and solving simple linear equations, extention is a worded simultaneous equation. I've tried to stagger the difficulty in the main bit. Hope you find it useful.
Factorizing quadratics handout
A handout for factorizing quadratics, starter has multiplying out pairs of brackets and finding numbers which give a certain sum and product.
Mean from discrete frequency tables handout
A straight forward handout, starter has recap on some mean questions, extension question is about finding missing value from a frequency table for a given mean.
Finding the mean handout
A simple finding the mean handout with a starter and an extension activity.
Solve linear equations (w/brackets) Maziarz Mapped
A handout for solving more complicated linear equations. Starter has questions on collecting like terms, multiplying out brackets and solving simple linear equations , to remind students of the skills they will need. Extension asks students to write their