
Finding the slope PowerPoint
A powerpoint going through how to find the slope between 2 points with some examples and questions and answers at the end. Shows the difference between positive and negative and large and small slopes.

Perimeter of Sector worksheet
A simple worksheet for finding the perimeter of a sector, with a starter and extention

Mega Circles PowerPoint (20 circle lessons)
Here is a collection of circles powerpoints, not just questions but examples and instruction. Includes answers. Covers what is pi, area and circumference, sectors, segments, perimeters, compound shapes, volume of cylinders, cones and spheres, equation of a circle, simultaneous equations, circle theories, pretty much all circle stuff i could think off. Includes a bit of rounding practise.

Direct Proportion Handout
A handout with starter, main, and wrap up about direct proportion, finding constant of proportionality and writing equations linking variables.

Algebraic Equations/Worksheets
Algebra: substituting, multiplying brackets, y=mx+b, slope, solving equations, collecting like terms, writing expressions.
Hope you find them useful.

GCSE Maths worksheet- finding coordinates.
A simple worksheet about using y=mx+c to find coordinates and test to see whether a coordinate is on a line or not, will be using it with a low ability GCSE group.

Decimal Division activity
A worskheet where students have to pick from a selection of numbers to try to create a division question which will give one of the answers at the bottom of the page.

Fractions; Decimals; Percents Conversion Checklist
A series of questions on converting between Fractions, Decimals, and Percents, so students can make sure they can do all the various conversions.

Fraction; decimal percentage conversion test
A short end of topic test where students have to convert between fractions; decimals and percentages. Aligned to: 6.RP.A.3 , 4.NF.C.6 , 7.RP.A.2

Collecting like terms multiple choice starter
10 multiple choice collecting like terms questions, correct answer goes green when clicked! I've tried to get all the common wrong answers that I could think of into it. Hope you find it useful.

Mutually exclusive events quick test
Ten sets of events on a timer, students have to put an M if they are mutualy exclusive or N if they are not. Answers are at the end for self assessment. Nice and easy to use stick at the start or end of a powerpoint

5 harder number trials (4 ops)
Easy to use starter. 5 slides with 3 by 3 number grids. Students have to start at the top get to the number at the bottom using any of the 4 operations. Hints appear after a click. 3 puzzles on each grid.
Hope you find it useful

10 Number Trails Starters
A series of 3 by 3 grids where students have to find path from the top to the bottom, adding as they go, trying to reach the total at the bottom. Nice easy starter to use.

Experimental Probability Worksheet
A worksheet for experimental probability with a starter main and extention, hope you find it useful

Experimental Probability PowerPoint
A simple experimental probability PowerPoint; little starter with multiple choice questions on multiplying decimals; an example and then some questions.

Probability of event not happening quizzes
2 little quizzes giving the probability of events. Students have to say the probability of that event not happening. I use the multiple choice one at the start of the lesson so we can talk about it. Then I give them the timed quiz with answers at the end of the lesson as a wrap up.

Find the mistake (factors/primes/multiples)
10 statements; some are true & some are false: students have to find the false ones.

Find the mistake (negative multiplication)
10 questions where some are done incorrectly; students have to try to spot the wrong ones; answers at the end with a link so you can go back to the questions to talk about what has gone wrong.

Find the mistake (angles in triangles)
10 triangles with angles displayed; students need to work out which ones are impossible.