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Solving equations with brackets
A powerpoint with examples of how to solve equations with brackets, by multiplying out the brackets first. There are some questions and answers at the end.
Solving linear equations wksheet - Maziarz Mapped
A simple worksheer for solving equations, extention includes brackets and starter has some simple substitution.
X factor line up puzzle
Students have to decide how many ways the judges can decide to line up their remaining acts for the next live show, has answer and little explanation.
Inequalities Worksheet
A worksheet with starter, main and extention on inequalities, including representing them on number lines
GCSE Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
A GCSE algebra powerpoint activity showing how to work out the equations of a line which is paralllel or perpendicular to another line and passes through a certain point. Some questions and answers at the end.
Quadratic equation handuot
A simple quadratic equation handout, starter has substitution, negative number multiplication and square roots. Extension has students looking at the discriminant.
Factors and GCF handout -- Maziarz Mapped
A simple factor handout, starter is 3 sets of division questions of various difficulties and extention get students looking at factors of square numbers.
Simultaneous equations worksheet
A simple simultaneous equations worksheet, with starter main and extention, starter has negative number questions and solving simple linear equations, extention is a worded simultaneous equation. I've tried to stagger the difficulty in the main bit. Hope you find it useful.
Solving simultaneous equations graphically
KS3 / GCSE PowerPoint activity. A simple couple of slides showing what we mean by solving simultaneous equations and how to solve them graphically. Assumes students can plot y=mx + c style equations. Some questions and answers at the end.
Gradient and Intercept Matching Cards
Some cards where students have to match the equation of a straight line to the correct slope and intercept, some of the harder ones include rearranging and dividing through by a common factor.
Finding the gradient (slope)
A sheet with starter main and extention. Main has finding the gradient/slope of a line connecting two coordinates.
Surface Area of Prisms and Cylinders
A simple worksheet, starter has circumference and area of circle question. Main has triangular and hexangonal prisms, and cylinders. The extention activity is finding the height or radius of cylinders with given surface areas.
Counting in 2’s Handout
This is a Handout I made for a girl in my class for her to work through with her paraprofessional. It includes odds, evens, and a game at the end.
Permutations and combinations questions
Nothing fancy just a few questions on a powerpoint.
FDP Matching Cards - Maziarz Mapped
Some fraction decimal and percentage matching cards. Cut them out and have students try to match them up.
Simplifying Radicals
A powerpoint with examples and questions for simplifying surds.
Lines Test
A test on plotting straight lines and quadratic graphs as well as solving simultaneous equations graphically.
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions handout
A handout I made because my students either tried to simplify everything in sight or nothing at all. A series of questions where students are only asked to work out the ones which can be simplified before they answer the sum.
10 Number Trails Starters
A series of 3 by 3 grids where students have to find path from the top to the bottom, adding as they go, trying to reach the total at the bottom. Nice easy starter to use.
Equivalent fractions starter
10 multiple choice equivalent fraction questions for starter or wrap up.