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Triangles quick test -- Maziarz Mapped
A quick 10 question test on a timer (20 seconds for each question) includes naming triangles and some easy missing angles. Answers are at the end for easy marking
Addition of decimals test -- Maziarz mapped
10 questions on a timer with answers at the end
Multiplying Decimals Test
10 questions on multiplying decimals, ten seconds for each, answers at the end, good for starter / wrap up.
Expanding Parentheses matching cards
Matching cards activitiy for expanding single parentheses.
Primes; squares and roots puzzle
A puzzle where students answer questions to get letters and clues and have to figure out who the mystery celebrity is. Questions are all related to primes; squares and cubes; roots and triangular numnbers. CC Aligned: 8.EE.A.4
Curved Graphs
A handout where students plot quadratic equations by filling out tables and plotting points. Starter has directed numbers and substitution. Extention brings in cubic euations and investigates negative coefficients of x squared.
Simple linear equations matching cards
A set of matching cards with simple linear equations for students to solve then match up with other cards with the same value of x
Perimeter animation and questions
A powerpoint introducing perimeter with a little animation, and some questions for students to practice.
Multiples and LCM
A simple multiples and lowest common multiples handout, with a starter practising some times tables and a worded extension.
y=mx +c fill in the blanks settler
A simple paragraph to copy and fill in the blanks to settle a group.
Direct and Indirect proportion generator
This excel file gives 2 lists of numbers, one labeled a and one b, we are told that they are directly proportional and students have to work out how to get from a to b, the constant can be hidden and shown, and new sets can be generated. The next sheet is the same except for indirect proportion.
Trig handout (finding lengths-sin;cos tan)
A handout finding the lengths of all sides of a right angled triangles using sin, cos and tan, build on from a previous handout using just sin and cos.
Cumulative frequency graphs (drawing)
A handout for creating CF tables from grouped frequency tables and then CF graphs from the tables. CC: functions overview build a function that models a relationship between two quantities
Goldbach Starter
A simple slide introducing Goldbach conjecture and asking students to try to express numbers 5-50 as a sum of 3 primes, can be used as starter.
Geometry Vocab
A starter where students have to match words to their definitions
LCM multiple choice starter
10 multiple choice questions on lowest common multiples
Powers starter
10 question with ten seconds for each, each question is a number raised to another number. answers at the end
Trig- finding lengths (sin and cos)
A handout for finding lengths in right angled triangles using sine and cosine. Starter has some rounding and 2 pythagoras questions.
Special number cards
Set of cards with numbers. Students have to try and split them into 4 groups. The groups are primes, squares, cubes, triangular numbers. Might be more interesting to not tell them the four groups and see what they come up with first.
Estimation of height starter
Nothing fancy here, just a settler, 5 pictures to estimate length, could be followed up by a discussion on how people estimate or what could be considered a sensible estimate.