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Adding and Subtracting Decimals handout
Nothing fancy, this starter has students practicing addition and subtraction using any method they know. The extention asks students to write out instructions and some questions for someone who wasn't in the lesson.Hope you find it useful.
Find the mistake: mixed numbrs/top heavy fractions
10 questions where some are done incorrectly. Students have to try to spot the wrong ones. The answers are at the end with a link so you can go back to the questions to talk about what has gone wrong.
KS3 Perimeter and circumference powerpoint
A KS3 powerpoint activity showing how to calculate the circumference of circles and the perimeter of shapes with curved sides, with some questions and answers at the end.
Solving Equations powerpoint
A powerpoint showing how to solve linear equations, it encourages students to read the equations and work backwards. There are some questions with answers at the end.
X and Y intercept quiz
Ten multiple choice questions where pupils have to find the x and y intercept of different equations. Nice as a starter or plenary
Drawing straight lines fast
A new and improved powerpoint with animations showing how to plot lines whose equations are in the form y=mx + c. There are some questions asking students to find the slope and intercept and a load of examples of how to draw the lines, then some lines for them to draw at the end.
Extention asks students to draw lines wih same slope to see if they can spot that they are parallel
KS3 Distance Time Graphs PowerPoint
KS3 PowerPoint. A few slides with distance time graphs on them, with some questions, read through them first, good for mini white coard sort of starter.
Midpoints of Line Segments PowerPoint
KS3 / GCSE. A simple powerpoint showing how to find the mid point of line segments, with a little starter about directed numbers. There are somne questions with answers at the end.
Order of Operations Clues
Some Order of Operations questions, each answer gives a letter and the letters spell out clues to a celebrity.found an error on this sheet, but sorted it, hope you find it useful
Solving simultaneous equations graphically
KS3 / GCSE PowerPoint activity. A simple couple of slides showing what we mean by solving simultaneous equations and how to solve them graphically. Assumes students can plot y=mx + c style equations. Some questions and answers at the end.
Adding and Subtracting Fractions Handout
Adding and subtracting fraction handout, going from very simple questions with common denominator to more difficult questions.
Gradient and Intercept Matching Cards
Some cards where students have to match the equation of a straight line to the correct slope and intercept, some of the harder ones include rearranging and dividing through by a common factor.
Ratio handout
A handout for simplifying and sharing with ratios. Starter has division practice, GCF recap and finding fractions of amounts. There is an extention exercise too.
The Quadratic Formula PowerPoint
A powerpoint with examples of how to use the quadratic equation, showing what a,b and c are. Then examples with 2,1 and 0 solutions.Then there are some questions. Little 10 question starter on substitution to start.
Hope you like it
KS3 / GCSE - Scatter Graphs Powerpoint
A KS3 / GCSE statistics. A PowerPoint showing how to create scatter graphs and the different types of correlations. Some data at the end to create scatter graphs from. One question accidently gave the wrong sort of correlation, but the discussion that came from it was really good so i kept the mistake in.
Multiplying and Dividing Decimals handout
Simple multiplying and dividing decimals handout, with starter main and extention, range of questions starting off nice and easy
Solving simultaneous equations graphically
A powerpoint showing how the graphical methods for solving simultaneous equations using the cover up method. Not sure it's the most mathematically sound way of teaching it in the world but worked with the group i had, horses for courses and all that
FDP conversion worksheet
A worksheet with converting between fractions decimals and percentages, maybe best for a revision exercise or a with a group who has seen the work before, have a look, let me know what you think.
KS3 Bearings PowerPoint
KS3 PowerPoint lesson on bearings with explanations and answers. A few slides showing what bearings are and introducing the rules.
Find the mistake (decimal X) Maziarz Mapped
10 questions where some are done incorrectly, students have to try to spot the wrong ones, answers at the end with a link so you can go back to the questions to talk about what has gone wrong.