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Substitution Starter
Starter with 10 multiple choice substitution questions
Angles in triangle starter puzzle
There are 13 angles on a slide and they can be grouped to make the angles of 4 triangles with 1 angle left out. Students have to find the odd one out.
Probability of event not happening quizzes
2 little quizzes giving the probability of events. Students have to say the probability of that event not happening. I use the multiple choice one at the start of the lesson so we can talk about it. Then I give them the timed quiz with answers at the end of the lesson as a wrap up.
Shape Vocabulary Test
10 quick questions - all relating to shape words, very simple, answers at the end,I didn't worry too much about spelling with the group i had but its up to you if you want to mark down for poor spelling.
Trigonometry Introduction Lesson
A lesson that introduces sin,cos and tan, with a little quiz and questions at the the end.
Multiplying and Dividing by 10 and 100 starter
Starter with 10 multiple choice questions involving multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100.
Standard form starter quiz
A quiz where students have to say which is bigger a or b, first with pictures then numbers, finally with numbers in standard form, hopefully highlighting the idea tha tstandard form helps compare and work with very big or very small numbers
Mutualy exclusive events
A straight forward handout with a starter, main and extension
Factors starter
A 10 question multiple choice quiz on factors
Multiplication and Division by 10/100/1000 test
quick 10 question test for starter / concluding activity, 15 seconds for each question, answers at the end.
Fractions of amounts starter - Maziarz mapped
10 multiple choice questions finding fractions of amounts.
Good as a starter activity or quick, in-class game.
Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Activity where students apply knowledge and skills for working with lines.
Decimals to percentages starter
10 multiple choice questions converting decimals to percentages
Straight Line Problem
A little activity to practice plotting straight lines and writing equation. Students have to plot 5 straight lines which will make a simple house shape; then try to write some equations of their own which will make a house.
Solving equations- change side change sign
A powerpoint showing the change the side change the sign method, with some questions at the end.
Rearranging Equations handout
A handout with starter main and extention which includes quadratic equations
Finding the mean handout
A simple finding the mean handout with a starter and an extension activity.
Drawing straight lines fast
A new and improved powerpoint with animations showing how to plot lines whose equations are in the form y=mx + c. There are some questions asking students to find the slope and intercept and a load of examples of how to draw the lines, then some lines for them to draw at the end.
Extention asks students to draw lines wih same slope to see if they can spot that they are parallel
Area of rectangles starter
10 multiple choice questions on area of rectangles. This is also a practice for mutliplying by teens.
Improper fraction / mixed number
10 multiple choice questions converting mixed numbers to top heavy fractions and vice versa