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Phoenix Education's Shop

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An Australian primary-trained teacher with over 20 years teaching experience covering primary, secondary and special-needs education. All the resources in my shop have been used within my own teaching experience. I hope they may be of some use to you.




An Australian primary-trained teacher with over 20 years teaching experience covering primary, secondary and special-needs education. All the resources in my shop have been used within my own teaching experience. I hope they may be of some use to you.
Square Numbers

Square Numbers

A simple starter for an able group or a class worksheet for those just learning the topic of square numbers.
3D Shape Properties

3D Shape Properties

<p>A simple poster with a range of shapes listing their properties. Also, a cut-out-and-use-as-you-want sheet with outlined images of various 3D shapes. I’ve used the first in an introductory lesson and the cut-out sheet for a range of starter activities.</p>
SEAL Poster

SEAL Poster

Explaining SEAL as - 'The underpinning qualities and skills that help us manage life and learning effectively.'
Keywords 4 Display

Keywords 4 Display

Words associated with Number, Geometry & Handling Data to use as displays or as part of the lesson. Simply cut them out, back them, laminate them and use them over and over and over or with a display.
Learning Styles Activity

Learning Styles Activity

Ever wondered how much your students are actually learning? Ever thought some students just weren't 'getting it'? Ever felt like your students haven&'t been listening to you? Do this simple activity with them (individually or as a whole class) and see if you find any answers. Basic questions to see if students prefer to learn visually, by listening, or by getting 'hands-on'.
Multiplication Stars

Multiplication Stars

<p>Two sheets with multiplication questions based around the 2, 3, 4, 5 & 10 times tables.</p><p>Other topics covered : Numbers</p>
Brain Gym Activity

Brain Gym Activity

After printing out the sheets in colour, you have a quick 2-3min activity for warming up the brains of your audience. Holding the sheets behind your back, show one sheet at a time asking your audience (students or a fun staff room teaser) to call out what colour the word is written in. NOTE: If they call out the word that is written down they are wrong. :)
End of Year RE Exam on Islam

End of Year RE Exam on Islam

Some simple activities compiled into an exam format to test students' understanding of Islam. Adapt for baseline or cater to your students with a little differentiation on the activities themselves...easily changed to suit your needs.
Fitness Testing

Fitness Testing

A range of fitness tests, including instructions and comparison information, for upper secondary aged students. Giving detailed descriptions on how to perform the tests and what, if any, equipment is needed, these sheets can be given to your students as an independent task, group work or peer-on-peer teaching tool. Use these as baselines for circuit training or as a part of a more comprehensive Health-related Fitness scheme of work. Complete with an editable record spreadsheet, so you can track your students progress.
Leisure & Tourism End of Year Assessment

Leisure & Tourism End of Year Assessment

This booklet is a short assessment tool that can be used to ascertain students progress or understanding of various topics covered in Leisure and Tourism. Created for a Year 10 class in an EBSD school, it can be easily adapted to suit your classroom.
Ordering Thousands

Ordering Thousands

Six questions… Least to greatest… All using numbers in the thousands… Extra challenge at the bottom of the sheet.
Fun End of Year Geography Assessments

Fun End of Year Geography Assessments

These test papers have a wide range of tasks and topics, and are differentiated to give all KS3 students some degree of success. Created for the EBSD school I work at, they can be easily adapted to suit your classroom.
End of Year Assessment for a range of sports

End of Year Assessment for a range of sports

Fun assessment booklet covering Swimming, Football, Badminton and Cricket with a wide range of tasks, from a word-search to multiple choice questions. Format can be easily adapted to you needs. Created for Year 7 students at an EBSD school but the activities can be differentiated for a wider range of abilities/experience.
Fun End of Year History Assessment

Fun End of Year History Assessment

Created for my EBSD History class, this End of Year assessment "exam" could be used at any stage throughout the year. Easily adapted to suit your scheme of work or used simply as a baseline.
Need to write an IEP?

Need to write an IEP?

The first of two files is an example proforma which can be used by schools to develop adequate and effective IEPs for their students. The second file is a bank of comments that I have been using for the past decade in completing IEPs at the EBSD school I work in. These can be easily adapted to your needs. I hope it proves helpful.
Sports Assessment Sheets

Sports Assessment Sheets

One-page assessment sheets covering a range of sports. Each covers sports-specific skills and their application in the activity. These sheets can be an invaluable resource in building up a students portfolio of evidence. Easily adjusted to individual requirements they can be made compatible to ELC, GCSE or possibly even to cater for sports award criteria. Have fun!
GCSE Assessment Sheets for P.E.

GCSE Assessment Sheets for P.E.

Assessment sheets covering a range of sports compatible with AQA's old GCSE specification but easily adjusted to suit their new specification. I no longer teach P.E. full-time otherwise I would adjust them myself and add more sports. Perhaps I'll get around to it one day :) Have fun!


A one-page worksheet giving an explanation of sequences followed by 7 simple sequence questions to work through. Not the prettiest worksheet for 3rd - 5th Grade but it'll work as a starter :) Enjoy.
9 Level Descriptors for P.E.

9 Level Descriptors for P.E.

With the recent freedoms on tracking student progress and leveling attainment, schools have been searching for easily understood templates and proforma. This document splits general skills and knowledge of physical education and sport into simply monitored stages/levels for easy tracking. Use this document to inform, complement or replace your existing policies on student progress tracking. Hope this proves helpful. Enjoy!