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Mr B's Teaching shop

Chemistry specialist and science teacher, currently working in international schools with the Cambridge and IB curriculums

Chemistry specialist and science teacher, currently working in international schools with the Cambridge and IB curriculums
IB Chemistry - Reactivity 1.3

IB Chemistry - Reactivity 1.3

This bundle contains four powerpoint lessons to support the reactivity 1.3 unit of the IB chemistry course. Covering combustion, fuels and fuel cells. All powerpoints are in line with the IB syllabus and contains essential definitions, exam questions and TOK talking points. This bundle also contains instructions for a full method for a biofuel making experiment
iGCSE Biology - Menstrual cycle

iGCSE Biology - Menstrual cycle

A powerpoint resource to support section 16 of the Cambridge syllabus. This lesson covers the hormones involved in the menstrual cycle and includes exam question practice.
IB Chemistry - Reactivity 1.2

IB Chemistry - Reactivity 1.2

This bundle contains four powerpoint resources covering the reactivity 1.2 from the IB chemistry course. Covering Hess’s law, bond enthalpies, born-haber cycles and plenty of calculation practice. Each powerpoint contain essential definition, worked examples of calculations, exam questions and TOK talking points.
3. Factors affecting rate

3. Factors affecting rate

Short lesson on how to explain factors affecting rate at a higher level. Part of the year kinetics topic for AQA AS chemistry. Easily adapted for other exam boards. Free resource as it’s a very short lesson