LO: How can money can be borrowed and what are the risks with this?
Teaching slides with pre assessment included
Links to useful videos
Pictures to support text
Lesson 1: Column addition
Lesson 2: Column addition 4 digits +
Lesson 3: Column subtraction
Lesson 4: Column subtraction more regrouping
Lesson 5: Subtracting from multiples of 100 and 1000
Outstanding mastery style of teaching
Uses pictorial and concrete method of teaching
Sentence stems, context and bar model type questions
Number lines, Addition pyramids, reasoning questions
Bronze, Silver and Gold sheets for each lesson
Writing unit based on making a set of instructions on training a dragon:
Lesson 4: Understanding complex sentences
Lesson 5: Using imperative verbs with adverbs
Lesson 6: Using time adverbials
Lesson 7: Writing an introduction using compound and complex sentences
Lesson 8: Writing the first part of the instructions
Week 1 of planning based on how to train your dragon.
Final piece is a set of instructions based on year 5 expectations.
Lesson 1: Understanding the context of How to train a dragon
In depth analysis of the author
Lesson 2: Understanding the features of instructions
Compound and complex sentences
Numbered instructions
Engage the reader
Imperative (bossy) verbs
WAGOLL based on training a Sleipnir (8 legged Viking horse)
Uses all the features and follows the same structure of the final piece
Lesson 3: Understanding compound and simple sentences
Gives definitions of simple sentences
Gives definitions of compound sentences
Insert the coordinating conjunction in the missing gap
Writing compound sentences based on a stimulus linked to “How to train your dragon”
Wolves in the wall writing plan
5 day lesson unit on writing a descriptive narrative that slightly changes the features of the Wolves in the walls
Included Wagoll handwritten
Year 5 Mastery style lesson
Includes teaching slides with modeled questions
Sentence stems
Bronze worksheet
Silver worksheet
Gold worksheet
Bar model questions
Missing digit questions
Year 5 mastery lesson
Includes: Sentence stems
Frayer models
Addition on a number line
Adding more than 4 digits
Addition pyramids
Reasoning questions
Bronze Silver and Gold questions.
A week of lessons based on compound, complex and simple sentences.
Can be used for lower key stage 2 or with a lower ability upper key stage 2 class.
Teaching slides
Write simple and complex sentences worksheet
Identify Compound sentences worksheet
To match independent clauses together to create compound sentences worksheet.
Write simple and compound sentences worksheet.
Write a range of sentences worksheet.
1 week of lesson plans
Main events in Shakespeare’s life.
Task 1: Sequencing the events into early life, main work and legacy
Task 2: Writing the events in a chronological order
Recaps some year 4 learning.
Exploring fractions
Finding equivalent fractions.
Exploring fractions greater than 1.
Converting improper fractions into mixed numbers.
Converting mixed numbers into improper fractions.
Throughout the lesson plans:
Concrete activities are planned
Pictorial representations are covered
Abstract forms of fractions are planned
Aligns well with white rose maths style of teaching.
Identifying the 5 w’s based on an exrtract from a newspaper report.
Children must identify if the paragraph has the 5 w’s in the text. If it does they tick the box. Then they must write down the example that they identified.
Converting mixed numbers into improper fractions
Converting improper fractions into mixed numbers
Fraction sequences
Adding fractions with the same denominator
Adding fractions with different denominators
The 5 day lesson plan supports Whiterose maths