KS2 Literacy unit
Split your class in half or have one class against the other.
Focuses on:
Fronted adverbials
PEE argument structure
Rhetorical questions
Relative clauses
There is an oracy element to the unit as well where pupils practice saying their sentences and debate out loud.
Lesson structure:
WAGOLL and understanding what a debate is
Looking at graffiti and research
Practice using generalisers and fronted adverbials
Practice using rhetorical questions
Practice using relative clauses
Practice writing within a PEE format
Planning lesson with box up template
Widgit representations for:
sentence starters
Differentiation for B squared with picture orientated task where they need to replace some of the words with synonyms
Pre/Post assessment for decimals
Understanding tenths
Understanding hundredths
Comparing and ordering decimals
Rounding to the nearest whole
Rounding to the nearest tenth
Mastery style teaching with teaching slides, sentence stems, pictorial and visual representations to support teaching
How to train your dragon isntructions writing unit
Can be adapted for year 3- year 5
Time conjunctions
Compound sentences
Complex sentences
Sub headings
Imperative verbs
Daily 5 for a 8 week period
4-6 questions based on the end of year 5 test requirements.
Timer included on slides
Includes a celebration slide with all of the questions that need mastering.
Year 5 PSHE career bundle
Lesson 1: How can money be borrowed and what are the risks with this?
Lesson 2: What is enterprise?
Lesson 3: What influences peoples decisions about careers?
Two lessons bundle
Lesson 1: Flights and hotel
Lesson 2: Luggage and items
Engaging topic great for summer term
Calculator use
Can be used in upper ks2 and KS3
Challenges for higher ability children
Teaching slides and worksheets
3 lesson bundle
suitable for year 5 and year 6
engaging maths lessons based on saving for a holiday.
lesson 1: Pupils must pick flights and hotels
lesson 2: Pupils must pick items they are taking on holiday
lesson 3: Pupils must pick the activities that they are completing on the trip
pupils have a budget and they must then calculate the total cost
Teaching slides
differentiated questions
modeled questions
answers for questions
Year 5/ year 6 plan
1 week worth of lesson plans
Teaching slides
Differentiated worksheets
Links to the European football championships
Day 1: Multiple equations mental maths
Day 2: Division using factors
Day 3: Long division 3 digits
Day 4: Long division 4 digits
Day 5: European football championships
Higher ability summer maths revision pack
slides for answering HA questions and LA questions.
Daily revision/intervention questions.
Aids for getting children to greater depth.