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Rheol 6: Ateb cwestiynau/Answering questions

Rheol 6: Ateb cwestiynau/Answering questions

Cyfres o bosteri yn tynnu sylw at y ‘6 Rheol Digyfnewid’ ar gyfer disgyblion TGAU Cymraeg Ail Iaith (fel trafodwyd yn hyfforddiant CBAC 05/10/23). A series of posters drawing attention to the ‘6 Unchanging Rules’ for pupils studying GCSE Welsh Second Language (as discussed in WJEC training 05/10/23).
Disiau Trafod - Rhagenwau/Discussion Dice - Pronouns

Disiau Trafod - Rhagenwau/Discussion Dice - Pronouns

4 patrymlun dis i dorri allan gyda rhagenwau er mwyn ysgogi a hwyluso trafodaeth, mynegi barn, rhoi gwybodaeth, newid person/amser y ferf etc. 4 dice templates to cut out with pronouns to stimulate and facilitate discussion, expressing opinion, giving information/ change the person/tense of the verb etc. Dogfen PwyntPwer er mwyn i chi adolygu fel bo angen. PowerPoint document for you to edit as needed.
Disiau Trafod - Cwestiynau/Discussion Dice - Questions

Disiau Trafod - Cwestiynau/Discussion Dice - Questions

Patrymlun dis i dorri allan gyda geiriau cwestiwn er mwyn ysgogi a hwyluso trafodaeth, mynegi barn, rhoi gwybodaeth etc. Dice templates to cut out with question words to stimulate and facilitate discussion, expressing opinion, giving information etc. Dogfen PwyntPwer er mwyn i chi adolygu fel bo angen. PowerPoint document for you to edit as needed.
Disiau Trafod - Hobiau/Discussion Dice - Hobbies

Disiau Trafod - Hobiau/Discussion Dice - Hobbies

2 batrymlun dis i dorri allan gyda lluniau hobiau er mwyn ysgogi a hwyluso trafodaeth, mynegi barn, rhoi gwybodaeth etc. 2 dice templates to cut out with hobby pictures to stimulate and facilitate discussion, expressing opinion, giving information etc. Dogfen PwyntPwer er mwyn i chi adolygu fel bo angen. PowerPoint document for you to edit as needed. Lluniau gan thenounproject.
Disiau Trafod - Technoleg/Discussion Dice - Technology

Disiau Trafod - Technoleg/Discussion Dice - Technology

2 batrymlun dis i dorri allan gyda lluniau technoleg, ffonau symudol, problemau etc. er mwyn ysgogi a hwyluso trafodaeth, mynegi barn, rhoi gwybodaeth etc. 2 dice templates to cut out with pictures of technology, mobile phones, problems etc. to stimulate and facilitate discussion, expressing opinion, giving information etc. Dogfen PwyntPwer er mwyn i chi adolygu fel bo angen. PowerPoint document for you to edit as needed. Lluniau gan thenounproject.
Disiau Trafod - Cyfleusterau/Discussion Dice - Facilities

Disiau Trafod - Cyfleusterau/Discussion Dice - Facilities

2 batrymlun dis i dorri allan gyda lluniau cyfleusterau er mwyn ysgogi a hwyluso trafodaeth, mynegi barn, rhoi gwybodaeth etc. 2 dice templates to cut out with pictures of facilities to stimulate and facilitate discussion, expressing opinion, giving information etc. Dogfen PwyntPwer er mwyn i chi adolygu fel bo angen. PowerPoint document for you to edit as needed. Lluniau gan thenounproject.
Disiau Trafod - Gwyliau/Discussion Dice - Holidays

Disiau Trafod - Gwyliau/Discussion Dice - Holidays

2 batrymlun dis i dorri allan gyda lluniau gwylaiu er mwyn ysgogi a hwyluso trafodaeth, mynegi barn, rhoi gwybodaeth etc. 2 dice templates to cut out with holiday pictures to stimulate and facilitate discussion, expressing opinion, giving information etc. Dogfen PwyntPwer er mwyn i chi adolygu fel bo angen. PowerPoint document for you to edit as needed. Lluniau gan thenounproject.
Disiau Trafod - Chwaraeon/Discussion Dice - Sport

Disiau Trafod - Chwaraeon/Discussion Dice - Sport

2 batrymlun dis i dorri allan gyda lluniau chwaraeon er mwyn ysgogi a hwyluso trafodaeth, mynegi barn, rhoi gwybodaeth etc. 2 dice templates to cut out with pictures of sport to stimulate and facilitate discussion, expressing opinion, giving information etc. Dogfen PwyntPwer er mwyn i chi adolygu fel bo angen. PowerPoint document for you to edit as needed. Lluniau gan thenounproject.
Disiau Trafod - Trefn Ddyddiol/Discussion Dice - Daily Routine

Disiau Trafod - Trefn Ddyddiol/Discussion Dice - Daily Routine

2 batrymlun dis i dorri allan gyda lluniau trefn ddyddiol er mwyn ysgogi a hwyluso trafodaeth, mynegi barn, rhoi gwybodaeth, newid amser/person y ferf etc. 2 dice templates to cut out with daily routine pictures to stimulate and facilitate discussion, expressing opinion, giving information, change the person/tense of the verb etc. Dogfen PwyntPwer er mwyn i chi adolygu fel bo angen. PowerPoint document for you to edit as needed. Lluniau gan thenounproject.
Ymarferion Ansoddeiriau - Gramadeg Uwch Gyfrannol (Cymraeg Ail Iaith): Adjective Exercises – AS Gram

Ymarferion Ansoddeiriau - Gramadeg Uwch Gyfrannol (Cymraeg Ail Iaith): Adjective Exercises – AS Gram

Llyfr gwaith sy’n cyd-fynd â’r Llyfryn Gramadeg yr UG. Mae’r llyfr hwn yn rhoi cyfle i ymafer gramadeg hanfodol am safle yr ansoddair, goleddfu ansoddeiriau a chymharu ansoddeiriau. A workbook to accompany the AS Grammar Booklet. This book provides opportunity to practice essential grammar around the position of adjectives, modifying adjectives and the comparison of adjectives.
Ymarferion Arddodiaid - Gramadeg Uwch Gyfrannol (Cymraeg Ail Iaith): Preposition Exercises – AS Gram

Ymarferion Arddodiaid - Gramadeg Uwch Gyfrannol (Cymraeg Ail Iaith): Preposition Exercises – AS Gram

Llyfr gwaith sy’n cyd-fynd â’r Llyfryn Gramadeg yr UG. Mae’r llyfr hwn yn rhoi cyfle i ymafer gramadeg hanfodol am redeg a defnyddio arddodiaid, a defnyddio ansoddeiriau, enwau a berfau gydag arddodiaid. A workbook to accompany the AS Grammar Booklet. This book provides opportunity to practice essential grammar around conjugating and using prepositions, and using adjectives, nouns and verbs with prepositions.
Disiau Trafod - Mynegi Barn/Discussion Dice - Expressing Opinion

Disiau Trafod - Mynegi Barn/Discussion Dice - Expressing Opinion

4 patrymlun dis i dorri allan gyda lluniau/geiriau mynegi barn er mwyn ysgogi a hwyluso trafodaeth, mynegi barn, rhoi gwybodaeth etc. 4 dice templates to cut out with pictures/words to express opinion to stimulate and facilitate discussion, expressing opinion, giving information etc. Dogfen PwyntPwer er mwyn i chi adolygu fel bo angen. PowerPoint document for you to edit as needed. Lluniau gan thenounproject.com