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Benkdavies's Shop

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For years I have been producing high quality PowerPoints to use with my English classes. I have always shared them around my department and now am offering them to you. For a very small fee, you can access these resources to hopefully help you plan or to inspire new lessons. I hope you and your students enjoy them.




For years I have been producing high quality PowerPoints to use with my English classes. I have always shared them around my department and now am offering them to you. For a very small fee, you can access these resources to hopefully help you plan or to inspire new lessons. I hope you and your students enjoy them.
War Speech Writing - KS3 English

War Speech Writing - KS3 English

3 documents. The first is a writing frame to allow students to write a war speech rallying their class to fight in an imminent war. The speech would then be performed as an S+L activity in front of the class. The second document is a learning objectives (WILF) sheet that show what is expected of them in the task. The third is a simple marking sheet to help the marking of the S+L task. Excellent for KS3 English.
A Peasant and In Cardigan Market Revision Resource for NEA WJEC English Literature GCSE

A Peasant and In Cardigan Market Revision Resource for NEA WJEC English Literature GCSE

This is a revision sheet to help students prepare for the WJEC English Literature NEA. It is a list of excellent points to make about the characters of ‘In Cardigan Market’ by Brian Morris and ‘A Peasant’ by RS Thomas. Each point has accompanying textual evidence. A list of excellent similarities and differences are also included to help students effectively meet the vital AO3 marks. This was created after the class had studied the two poems in depth and will allow them to prepare for the important NEA.
WJEC *New* English Language Unit 3 Section B Writing Types - Booklet

WJEC *New* English Language Unit 3 Section B Writing Types - Booklet

A 23 page revision booklet to help students write effective non-fiction pieces in preparation for the new WJEC English Language Unit 3 exam. The booklet helps students understand how to plan, structure and write seven key types of non-fiction writing. Some examples of different writing types are also included to help model the desired form of writing. The booklet teaches how to write formal letters, informal letters, leaflets/guides, speeches/talks, formal reports, articles and reviews. 12 example questions are listed in the booklet to allow students to practise writing each text type. This resource is excellent revision.
Homophones worksheet - Where, were, wear and are and our - Literacy

Homophones worksheet - Where, were, wear and are and our - Literacy

A worksheet to help teach the difference between homophones. On the first side, the difference between were, where and wear is taught and on the second, are and our are taught. Definitions on each word are given as well as tasks to test understanding. An extension task is included where students have to identify other homophones. Great for English KS3, 2 and Literacy lessons.
English Entry Level Formal Letter Writing Booklet -WJEC -Should Mobile Phones Be Banned From School?

English Entry Level Formal Letter Writing Booklet -WJEC -Should Mobile Phones Be Banned From School?

A 6 page booklet booklet for WJEC Entry Level English students or lower ability students helping to introduce the idea of banning mobile phones, planning a formal letter to the headteacher, recapping persuasive techniques and tasks to spot them, example introductions and the formal letter layout. Perfect to allow students to work towards their first written piece of coursework. Ideal for KS3 as well.
How to write an exposition essay - KS3 or KS4 - New WJEC GCSE English Language

How to write an exposition essay - KS3 or KS4 - New WJEC GCSE English Language

This resource is a 51 slide PPT to help students write an exposition/expository essay in line with the new WJEC English Language GCSE. The PPT explains clearly what an expository essay is, how to plan one effectively, how to write a good introduction, how to write excellent expository paragraphs and how to structure points with sophistication. It also contains proofreading tasks in line with the new GCSE, vocabulary extension exercises, examples of good and bad introductions and main paragraph examples. Perfect to help KS3 pupils prepare for KS4 or for KS4 students to practise their skills. The PPT focuses on an essay on War but also shows examples of an essay on Money and an essay on Footballers.
Exposition Essay - How to Write a Perfect Introduction - WJEC English Language NEW SPEC

Exposition Essay - How to Write a Perfect Introduction - WJEC English Language NEW SPEC

An ‘EXCELLENT’ full lesson teaching how to write the perfect exposition essay introduction. The PowerPoint is exceptionally well made, visually attractive and leads to outstanding results. The lesson teaches a three step formula to create a perfect introduction and helps all students produce an outstanding first paragraph. It also teaches a clear five step planning method. The resource contains example paragraphs line-by-line, timers, peer-assessment opportunities and a kinesthetic plenary. This lesson has been judged as ‘excellent’ and is perfect for an observation lesson.
Article Writing Booklet GCSE Unit 3 WJEC

Article Writing Booklet GCSE Unit 3 WJEC

This is a 49 page booklet designed to teach students how to write an effective article for Unit 3 of the English Language GCSE. The booklet explains what an article is, gives real exam articles and explores the marks awarded, demonstrated how to include effective persuasive techniques, gives opportunities to identify purpose, audience, format and tone as well as giving good and bad examples of writing. The mark scheme is included. All article tasks set between 2017 and 2023 are included so students can practise writing articles. Space in the booklet is provided so students can write their answers.
'In Cardigan Market' by Brian Morris - 'Auntie Jane Fish' - GCSE English Literature NEA

'In Cardigan Market' by Brian Morris - 'Auntie Jane Fish' - GCSE English Literature NEA

A full PowerPoint teaching ‘In Cardigan Market’ ready for the Non-Examination Assessment for WJEC English Literature. The PowerPoint initially shows background information on Cardigan market using video clips and engages with the main ideas of the poem before introducing it. The PowerPoint takes pupils through an analysis of the poem, including analysing the sonnet structure and how the use of iambic pentameter has a purpose. Specific language analysis is shown to help improve depth of analysis. Wider knowledge of certain aspects of the poem are revealed throughout. This PowerPoint is used alongside my ‘A Peasant’ resources to allow close comparison for the NEA.
Philip Larkin - The Whitsun Weddings -11 Annotated Poems

Philip Larkin - The Whitsun Weddings -11 Annotated Poems

11 Resources
11 poems from The Whitsun Weddings by Philip Larkin have been annotated comprehensively on A3 sheets. They are perfect to help facilitate the teaching of the anthology. Considering the number of poems required to be taught for the WJEC AS English Literature examinations, this helps save time and gives students very high quality revision materials. Perfect for helping students catch up on poems they have missed, giving for self study or for helping teach poems quickly.
Persuasive Writing - Selling Useless Items

Persuasive Writing - Selling Useless Items

A recap of persuasive techniques and a lesson on using persuasive language. The PowerPoint begins with a code breaker exercise to reveal the lesson's lesson objectives (WALT and WILF). The pupils are given a series of useless items then asked to discuss possible uses in groups. They decide what the item is and write a persuasive speech using techniques to sell the item to the class. A modelled example is given and an opportunity for peer assessment. Great for KS3 English lessons.
'From Father to Son' by Emyr Humphreys PEE grid for WJEC Welsh Writing in Wales Poetry Assessment

'From Father to Son' by Emyr Humphreys PEE grid for WJEC Welsh Writing in Wales Poetry Assessment

A 'Point, Evidence, Explanation' grid for students completing a poetry analysis of 'From Father to Son' by Emyr Humphreys. The sheet contains a range of points students could make in the poetry comparison and also give the direct quotes to support. The sheet begins to show students how quotations may be embedded. Students complete their analysis of the details on the sheet. It is designed as an A3 sheet.
The Dolphins by Carol Ann Duffy

The Dolphins by Carol Ann Duffy

A PowerPoint with two contrasting videos of dolphins - one in captivity and one in the wild. The PowerPoint contains the videos, the poem ready to annotate and some links with other poems. Used to teach AS English Literature with the WJEC.