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Primary Resources for KS2. Everything I have used myself in my classes. Hope they help.




Primary Resources for KS2. Everything I have used myself in my classes. Hope they help.
Year 3 - English - LAVA Creative writing

Year 3 - English - LAVA Creative writing

A week unit of English planning for a Year 3 class. The planning is based on the video LAVA (can easily find this on youtube) This was linked to volcanoes. The class loved this unit as the video is really engaging. The planning is detailed for each day of the week and ends in the children creating their own narrative story. Hope this helps.
Year 3 - English - Alternative Ending

Year 3 - English - Alternative Ending

A week long Unit of Work for Year 3. The unit ends with the children writing an alternative ending to a Egyptian Creation Myth. The planning is very detailed and all work is differentiated for ability. Hope this helps.
Medium Term planning - Year 5 Science - Changing State

Medium Term planning - Year 5 Science - Changing State

A detailed medium term plan I used with my Year 5 class for a unit of Changing State / Properties of materials. I took children’s questions from the lessons and added extra investigations based off their questions - linked to the strands of scientific questions.
Year 3 - Symmetry - Planning

Year 3 - Symmetry - Planning

A week long unit on symmetry for Year 3. All resources included. Please not this was taught towards the end of the academic year and only has Monday - Thursday. Hope it helps.
Year 5 - Illustrations Art - Medium Term Planning

Year 5 - Illustrations Art - Medium Term Planning

Medium Term planning for a Year 5 class focusing on illustrations. I added lots more lessons to this as we adapted to suit the children’s needs/ progress but may be useful as starting point for someone. It is also linked to the Vikings but can easily be adapted.
KS2 Brain Break cards

KS2 Brain Break cards

Some brain break cards I used with some of the children in my class. They really worked to help them calm down and get the time they needed.
Year 4 - Length and Perimeter week unit of work

Year 4 - Length and Perimeter week unit of work

Week long unit of work covering some length and perimeter. The planning is differentiated 3 ways. Everything you need is included. One of the lessons isn’t mine and I got off another tes page. Included it as it was really helpful.
Year 4 - Addition - Weeks planning

Year 4 - Addition - Weeks planning

A week long unit of planning based around Addition. Used with a Year 4 class. Planning is detailed and clear. All resources are included as well as flipchart file. Hope this helps :)
Year 3 - MATHS - More than / Less than

Year 3 - MATHS - More than / Less than

A three day unit taught in Spring Term to a Year 3 class. Covering place value - ordering numbers - more than - less than The planning is detailed for each day with success criteria, starters, main teaching and activities differentiated three ways: LA,MA,HA.