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Divide by 10 - PowerPoint

Divide by 10 - PowerPoint

A PowerPoint which uses helpful visual aids and animations to show how to divide by ten. The resource aims for children to understand that when dividing by 10, we need to exchange ten for ones to share amounts and uses place value grids to show how the value of digits changes when dividing.
Multiply by 100 - PowerPoint

Multiply by 100 - PowerPoint

PowerPoint which shows children how to multiply by 100. The PowerPoint aims for children to understand that when multiplying by 100, something becomes 100 times as large and the rule for multiplying by 100. The PowerPoint includes helpful visual aids to show how something can become 100 times as large. It also uses place value charts to show changes to the value of digits when multiplied by 100.
Multiplying by 10

Multiplying by 10

A PowerPoint based on Multiplying by 10. The powerpoint aims to ensure children understand that when multiplying by ten, things become ten times as large, that multiplication is commutative and the rule for multiplying by ten. The resource includes animations to show how things can become ten times as large and uses place value charts to show how place value changes when multiplying by ten.
Multiply by 0 and 1 PPt

Multiply by 0 and 1 PPt

This Power Point will go through how to Multiply by 0 and 1. It was taught in Year 4, but could easily be adapted to be delivered to other year groups. It supports the White Rose Maths Scheme - Block 4 - Multiplication and Division. The questions and animations support process of learning and deeper thinking questions are available.
Equivalent Fractions - PowerPoint - Lesson 2 of 2

Equivalent Fractions - PowerPoint - Lesson 2 of 2

This PowerPoint is the second I would use to teach Equivalent fractions. It represents fractions in different representations, such as pizza slices and moves away from the use of a fraction wall and towards the use of multiplication and division to find equivalent fractions. It includes fun animations to keep children engaged.
Dividing by 100 - PowerPoint

Dividing by 100 - PowerPoint

A PowerPoint which uses helpful visual aids and animations to show how to divide by 100. The resource aims for children to understand that when dividing by 100, we need to exchange in order to share amounts by 100 and uses place value grids to show how the value of digits changes when dividing.
Fractions Greater than 1

Fractions Greater than 1

This PowerPoint teaches children how to turn improper fractions into mixed number fractions by using, first, visual aids and moving onto division. It uses fun and engaging images and representations to reach all learners.
Equivalent Fractions - PowerPoint - Lesson 1 of 2

Equivalent Fractions - PowerPoint - Lesson 1 of 2

This PowerPoint is the first of two I use with my Year 4 class to teach Equivalent Fractions - It uses a fraction wall to show how we can find equivalent fractions and compare fractions. It also goes through some true or false equivalent fractions questions, followed by some reasoning and problem solving questions about equivalent fractions.