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I'm a teacher working in a leading secondary school and I have always enjoyed resourcing. I resource many of my lessons and these are always well received by my department so I thought I'd try to bring them to a larger audience. I have a firm belief that worksheets should combine aesthetics with functionality and pride myself on polished, well presented resources that scaffold without leading and encourage critical thinking from students.




I'm a teacher working in a leading secondary school and I have always enjoyed resourcing. I resource many of my lessons and these are always well received by my department so I thought I'd try to bring them to a larger audience. I have a firm belief that worksheets should combine aesthetics with functionality and pride myself on polished, well presented resources that scaffold without leading and encourage critical thinking from students.
Plant Reproduction & Gametogenesis for A-level

Plant Reproduction & Gametogenesis for A-level

A 41 slide PowerPoint detailing: Flower anatomy for both animal and wind pollinated variations to recap with A-level students from GCSE, leading into detailed slides outlining microsporogenesis, macrosporogenesis, pollination and fertilisation in plants. This is tailored to the Edexcel Biology B specification but is fully detailed so should suffice in any scheme of work. Each process is covered using clear, custom made diagrams and animations paired with step-by-step explanations and fully detailed notes. I put this together initially to help my students follow the complex processes of gametogenesis in plants and fertilisation and it has certainly proven helpful. A 3 page, printable sheet of diagrams for annotation is also included, which can be distributed to students and completed as the teacher presents and explains. I’ve now used this resource several times and am please with how it has turned out. Do note I’ve tested this on both PC and Mac and it performs excellently on both mediums. I pride myself on producing polished, professional feeling resources and always respond quickly to feedback if an issue occurs so you can download an updated resource promptly.
Muscle Structure and Function - Summary Worksheet for A level.

Muscle Structure and Function - Summary Worksheet for A level.

This double-sided worksheet consists of 8 comprehension and recall questions, some of them multi-part, targeted at the knowledge and understanding required of AQA A level students. Questions range through: Types of muscle and their properties; Gross overview of muscle structure; Antagonistic Muscle pairs; Structure and function of myosin and actin filaments; With full markscheme it can be used by yourself to assess students or can be peer/self assessed with the markscheme projected on the board, allowing quick afl in your lesson. It can also be used as a revision resource to check recall. It ties in perfectly with my Muscles PowerPoint and Sliding Filament Theory cut and stick activities also available on here/from my shop and also as part of my Muscles A-level lessons bundle (link below).
Nitrogen Cycle Overview for A-level - Worksheet and Markscheme

Nitrogen Cycle Overview for A-level - Worksheet and Markscheme

This double sided worksheet serves as a summary of the main points of the Nitrogen cycle as covered at A-level and creates a useful revision resource when completed. The fist question involves a short sequencing/cut and stick activity to create an overview diagram of the cycle with the following questions testing students understanding of the processes it shows. Later questions tackle leguminous plants and eutrophication as well as how carnivorous plants use alternate strategies to harness nitrogen. Also included is a full markscheme that can be printed for traditional teacher assessment or projected for peer to peer or self assessment, introducing each answer with a click of the mouse.
Blood Glucose Regulation - A level Revision Sheet / Knowledge Organiser

Blood Glucose Regulation - A level Revision Sheet / Knowledge Organiser

This double sided sheet can be printed at A4 but works better as an A3 resource. The sheet covers the key areas of glucosregulation, including: the organs and cells involved; the various metabilic processes in affected cells including (but not limited to) gluconeogenesis, glycogenesis and glycogenolysis; Negative Feedback and antagonistic hormones; Hormonal effects (insulin, glucagon and adrenaline) at the cellular level for liver, muscle and adipose cells, including an explanation of the second messenger model. Type I and Type II diabetes Individual sections are titled so as to allow easy feedback and AFL with the included full mark scheme which can be projected as it is saved as a PowerPoint. This gives you flexibility as to how you use the resource and opens up peer assessment/self assessment opportunities.
A level - Blood Glucose Regulation Lesson Bundle

A level - Blood Glucose Regulation Lesson Bundle

3 Resources
This bundle of 3 resources, targeted at A level study and built specifically around the AQA syllabus statements, consists of: A highly detailed PowerPoint detailing Pancreas Structure, Glucose metabolism, Negative feedback, hormone action at the cellular level and Diabetes in detail and with step-by-step explanations and numerous diagrams. Included are notesheet with the diagrams reproduced for students. A comprehension and recall, double-sided worksheet of 9 questions, some of them multi-part and in an exam style. An accompanying markscheme allows simple teacher, peer or self assessment. A cut and stick summary activity on the action of insulin and glucagon on the cells of the liver as part of a negative feedback mechanism. Individually these resources would cost £9.
Blood Glucose Regulation (homeostasis) PowerPoint for A-Level - Detailed Slides

Blood Glucose Regulation (homeostasis) PowerPoint for A-Level - Detailed Slides

A detailed PowerPoint of 40 slides outlining the process of blood glucose regulation in the human body. Separate sections focus on: the organs and cells involved; the various metabilic processes in affected cells including (but not limited to) gluconeogenesis, glycogenesis and glycogenolysis; Negative Feedback and antagonistic hormones; Hormonal effects (insulin, glucagon and adrenaline) at the cellular level for liver, muscle and adipose cells, including an explanation of the second messenger model. Type I and Type II diabetes Carefully presented diagrams outline the processes and explain in step-by-step annotations how these processes work. Multiple stages of the PowerPoint are animated and you can navigate between slides/sections using a centralised menu. Also included are printable note-sheets with diagrams from the PowerPoint integrated so as to facilitate student note-taking.
Blood Glucose Regulation Worksheet for A level (Homeostasis)

Blood Glucose Regulation Worksheet for A level (Homeostasis)

This double-sided worksheet consists of 9 comprehension and recall questions targeted at the knowledge and understanding required of AQA A level students. With full markscheme it can be used by yourself to assess students or can be peer/self assessed with the markscheme projected on the board, allowing quick afl in your lesson. It can also be used as a revision resource to check recall. It ties in perfectly with my Glucose regulation cut and stick activity also available on here/from my shop.
Blood Glucose Regulation Cut and Stick Activity for A-level.

Blood Glucose Regulation Cut and Stick Activity for A-level.

This resource serves as an excellent summary of how hormones released by the pancreas regulate blood glucose levels in the body. Included is the template sheet, a sheet of 2 tile-sets to be cut out and a PowerPoint markscheme that can be projected and used to add tiles one at a time as a stimulus. The sheet includes content up to A-level (16 to 18 yrs) complexity and details action of the pancreas both as receptor and effector.
Thermoregulation - Negative and Positive Feedback Worksheet (Homeostasis: A-level)

Thermoregulation - Negative and Positive Feedback Worksheet (Homeostasis: A-level)

This double sided worksheet examines the process of negative feedback as it pertains to Thermoregulation of the body. Physiological responses to temperature change are included in the questioning and linked to the process of negative feedback. The last few questions then begin to ask students to consider the implications of positive feedback as a shift further and further away from the ‘normal’.
3.6 Organisms Respond To Change A level Revision Bundle

3.6 Organisms Respond To Change A level Revision Bundle

6 Resources
Make a huge saving of 45% on these 6 revision resources: Five double-sided A3 revision sheets targeted at topic 3.6 of the AQA A-level syllabus alongside a relay quiz to further reinforce subject knowledge. Nervous Control sheets 1 and 2 deal with synapses, neurons, receptors, resting potential, action potential and more besides. The muscles sheet works through the structure of muscles and muscle types before examining sliding filament theory. The kidneys sheet works fully through the processes of ultrafiltration, reabsorption and osmoregulation. The newly added Blood-Glucose regulation sheet examines this homeostatic process in detail. Exploring the various ways in which glucose can be metabolised as well as reviewing the organs involved and the actions of Insulin, Glucagon and Adrenaline at a cellular level.
Nervous Response 2 - A level Revision Sheet / Knowledge Organiser

Nervous Response 2 - A level Revision Sheet / Knowledge Organiser

This double sided sheet can be printed at A4 but works better as an A3 resource. This sheet covers the key areas of neuron structure, reflexes and synaptic transmission (including neuromuscular junction, summation, inhibition and drugs). Please note this sheet is part 2 of 2 and, when coupled with Sheet 1, a more comprehensive coverage of the necessary nervous control aspects results. Individual sections contain marking points/scores so as to allow easy feedback and AFL with the included full mark scheme. This gives you flexibility as to how you use the resource and opens up peer assessment/self assessment opportunities.
Nerves & Response - Relay Revision Quiz

Nerves & Response - Relay Revision Quiz

This relay-style revision quiz has proven extremely popular with my students and uses gentle competition to motivate students even further. Instructions for use are in an included sheet and reproduced below. Obviously this activity allows opportunities for frequent assessment for learning and also allows stronger students to help inform weaker ones. Instructions: Print out the first 4 slides of the PowerPoint file single-sided and use a guillotine to cut them out, staple them into booklets as shown below. Different coloured paper helps but is not essential. Print a markscheme for your own use. Split your group into differentiated teams of 3 (try to have a mixture of abilities in each team). Teams have to collect individual sheets from the booklets, complete the question, and then take it to the teacher for marking. If correct, they can collect the next sheet in the booklet and progress. If not they may be given a hint before returning to their team to try again (Note, I find this works best if they are forced to rotate team members through these tasks). A prize may be offered and periodic announcements of which team is up to which question can be made to encourage a sense of urgency.
Nervous Response 1 - A level Revision Sheet / Knowledge Organiser

Nervous Response 1 - A level Revision Sheet / Knowledge Organiser

This double sided sheet can be printed at A4 but works better as an A3 resource. This sheet covers the key areas of receptor function in creating a generator potential (specifically the Eye and Pacinian corpuscle), Resting Potential and the propagation of an Action Potential. Please note this sheet is part 1 of 2 and, when coupled with Sheet 2, a more comprehensive coverage of the necessary nervous control aspects will result. Individual sections contain marking points/scores so as to allow easy feedback and AFL with the included full mark scheme. This gives you flexibility as to how you use the resource and opens up peer assessment/self assessment opportunities.
Kidneys (A level) Revision Sheet/Knowledge Organiser

Kidneys (A level) Revision Sheet/Knowledge Organiser

This double sided sheet can be printed at A4 but works better as an A3 resource. All the key areas of kidney function are covered in this excellent revision resource from overall structure to the processes of ultrafiltration and reabsorption. This sheet handily summarises the key points when completed. Individual sections contain marking points/scores so as to allow easy feedback and afl with the included full markscheme. This gives you flexibility as to how you use the resource and opens up peer assessment/self assessment opportunities.
Muscles Resource Bundle (A level)

Muscles Resource Bundle (A level)

5 Resources
Save over 50% by buying this bundle of resources on muscle structure and function tailored to content at A-level. Included is A detailed PowerPoint outlining muscle structure, the sarcomere and the full sliding filament model of muscle action. A detailed cut and stick activity in which students must sequence the events in a single powerstroke of a myosin head. A single sided worksheet of simple questions on the sarcomere and its structure. A double sided revision sheet/knowledge organiser to help students summarise the whole topic. A double sided worksheet of 8 questions, some of them multi-part. including full markscheme.
Muscles (A-Level) Revision Sheet / Knowledge Organiser

Muscles (A-Level) Revision Sheet / Knowledge Organiser

This double sided sheet can be printed at A4 but works better as an A3 resource. All the key areas of muscle function are covered in this excellent revision resource from overall structure down to the arrangements of myosin and actin filaments in a sarcomere and also sliding filament theory as a step-by-step process. Individual sections contain marking points/scores so as to allow easy feedback and afl with the included full markscheme. This gives you flexibility as to how you use the resource and could open up peer assessment/self assessment opportunities.
Cholera - Treatment with Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) Worksheet with Markscheme (A level)

Cholera - Treatment with Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) Worksheet with Markscheme (A level)

This A-level resource challenges students to apply their existing knowledge of absorption in the small intestine to explain how ORS works as an effective treatment for Cholera. Students will need to apply their knowledge and understanding of what happens during absorption and apply it to unfamiliar situations. A full makscheme is included to allow teacher, peer or self marking as best fits your afl needs.
Cholera - Infection & Symptoms Worksheet with Markscheme (A level)

Cholera - Infection & Symptoms Worksheet with Markscheme (A level)

This double sided worksheet examines how Vibrio cholerae gains access to the body and then how it goes on to create the symptoms of the disease. This builds on students’ knowledge and understanding of absorption of glucose across the ileum epithelium and challenges them to use their knowledge in a real world example/setting. A full markscheme is included to allow teacher, peer or self assessment as best suits your afl needs.
A level - Kidneys and Osmoregulation Lesson Bundle

A level - Kidneys and Osmoregulation Lesson Bundle

3 Resources
This bundle of 3 resources, targeted at A level study, consists of: A highly detailed PowerPoint detailing Kidney Structure, Ultrafiltration, Reabsorption and Osmoregulation in detail and with step-by-step explanations and numerous diagrams. Included is a notesheet with the diagrams reproduced for students. A comprehension and recall, double-sided worksheet of 5 multi-part questions in an exam style allowing teacher, peer or self assessment with the accompanying markscheme. A cut and stick summary activity on the action of ADH and negative feedback in the kidney. Individually these resources would cost over £9.