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AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L4 - Uneven Development impacts, migration. (Lessons + Resources).
AQA - Changing economic world.
This is the 4th lesson on Changing economic world - looking at the consequence of uneven development with a particular focus on migration.
Review of last learning
Concept mapping starter and photo analysis.
keywords and different types of migration.
Main point summary of lesson.
Exam question - Structure.
Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Videos - - Exam question.
AQA URBAN HIC CASE STUDY: L1 UK Population Distribution (Lesson and Resources).
AQA - Urban issues HIC Case study.
This is the 1st lesson London and the UK looking at how the UK is populated and what impact this has.
Skills based questions e.g. distribution of the UK population
Keywords and definitions
Why is a large population good/bad?
What is a Green/Brownfield site - positives and negatives associated.
Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Note sheets - Activities.
AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L11 - UK HIC Economic Structure (Lessons + Resources).
AQA - Changing economic world.
This is the 11th lesson on Changing economic world - the first lesson looking at the economics of the UK and how it is set up structurally.
Graph analysis of industries
Keywords and definitions
Analysis of economic structural changes and reasons why - Card sort.
6 mark exam question and structure.
Homework task - researching science parks
Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Videos -Card Sort.
AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L14 - UK HIC North and South Divide (Lessons + Resources).
AQA - Changing economic world.
This is the 13th lesson on Changing economic world - the third lesson looking at the economics of the UK and the North/South Divide and how it is trying to be minimized.
Concept mapping starter.
Maths skill - % calculations.
IT TASK - Evidence of the North south divide (modeled answers).
3 methods of reducing the NS divide - HS2, LEPs and Enterprise Zones.
Homework - Questions for Revision.
Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Videos -Card Sort
AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L5 - Demographic Transition Model DTM (Lessons + Resources).
AQA - Changing economic world.
This is the 5th lesson on Changing economic world - looking at the Demographic transition model and how this can be used to relate to development and the “cycle” of countries.
Review of last learning
Recap population pyramids and how to read them.
DTM break down
Exam Q - with structure how to write it.
Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Exam question.
AQA URBAN ISSUES - Megacities (Lesson and Resources).
AQA but can be used in other exam boards.
2nd lesson about Urbanisation - Taught before the LIC/NEE Case study lessons focusing on Megacities.
Introduction of keywords
Map plotting task - Atlas AO4.
Push and pull factor classification
Maths based task on rates of urbanisation.
Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Videos.
AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L10 - India Aid example Case study (Lessons + Resources).
AQA - Changing economic world.
This is the 9th lesson on Changing economic world - this is now looking at India (a NEE) and methods of Aid used in order to reduce the development gap.
Review of last learning.
Card sort India development - AO2 Chains of Consequence task.
CASE STUDY - Top down and bottom up (bio gas and Narmada Valley scheme).
Various websites to IT research task.
9 mark question with exam structure.
Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Videos - Info sheets.
AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L6 - Reducing the Development Gap (Lessons + Resources).
AQA - Changing economic world.
This is the 6th lesson on Changing economic world - looking at how efforts have been made around the world have been made to reduce the development gap.
Review of last learning
looking at - debt relief, tourism, industrial development and investment and how they impact development
Homework task on Fair trade research.
Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Exam question.
AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L8 - Goat Aid Decision Making Assessment (Lessons + Resources).
AQA - Changing economic world.
This is the 8th lesson on Changing economic world - this is a Mid unit assessment if you wish or just lesson. Used to gather information on Computer aid and goat aid and which would be better in the long run.
Terminology test.
References to paper 3 decision making element.
Planning table for inf sheets.
Model answers to go through and highlight.
Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Exam question + Model answers - Info sheet.
AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L7 - Aid (Lessons + Resources).
AQA - Changing economic world.
This is the 7th lesson on Changing economic world - looking at different types of Aid (short and long term) with reference to Goat aid, Ebola and intermediate technology.
Review of last learning
Case studies of Goat aid and Ebola - info sheets for case studies included looking at positive and negatives.
Ranking task of all efforts to reduce the inequality - AO3 task.
9 mark questions
Homework task on keyword terminology of last 7 lessons.
Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Exam question - Info sheet.
AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L13 - UK HIC Growth + Decline of Industrie(Lessons + Resources).
AQA - Changing economic world.
This is the 13th lesson on Changing economic world - the 3rd lesson looking at the growth and decline of industries and areas on the Rural/Urban Fringe in the UK
Review of Last lesson’s learning.
Keyword Recap
CASE STUDIES - Outer Hebrides and Cambridge
Positive and negatives of growth and decline
9 mark question and structure.
Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Videos -Card Sort
AQA A Level/ GCSE Skills - Analyse/ Analysis Question Practice (Lesson + Resources)
This lesson was used following Mock feedback, the group were struggling with the analsye questions so this was used to boost their understanding.
Question activities
Model answers
Analysis step by step and help sheet
Can be used at A-Level or adapted for GCSE.
AQA URBAN ISSUES - Urbanisation (Lesson and Resources).
AQA but can be used in other exam boards.
1 or 2 lessons about Urbanisation - Taught before the LIC/NEE Case study lessons.
Introducing what is Urbanisation and why it varies around the world.
Introducing new terminology - HIC, LIC and NEE.
Graph task and analysis on rates of urbanisation.
Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Videos - Differentiated resources.
CHANGING PLACES - Key Reading Recap (What is place?)
This was framed as a lesson for a “recap” on the key readings following lockdown lessons; it included the background reading to work alongside the AQA Changing Places Unit. These readings where to help introduce the ideas of place and how they vary, looking at the key concepts. Includes the following:
Tim Cresswell
Edward Relph
Yi-Fu Tuan
Doreen Massey
PowerPoint - Lesson - Shortened Readings (Printable) - Quiz - Answers
AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L2 -Development Rankings (Lessons + Resources).
AQA - Changing economic world.
This is the second lesson on Changing economic world - looking at how countries are ranked around the world.
Review of learning
Pros/ cons of different development rankings.
Graph and correlation task - with modeled example.
Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Videos - Data sets and modeled answers.
AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L3 - Reasons for Uneven Development (Lessons + Resources).
AQA - Changing economic world.
This is the 3rd lesson on Changing economic world - looking at the reason behind inequality and uneven development.
Poverty trap
What is inequality?
Card sort with ranking AO3 task
Exam question - Structure and modeled answer separated into Assessment Objectives
Chains of consequence HWK task - working on AO2.
Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Videos - Card sort - Exam question and Modeled answer.
DISTANCE LEARNING Changing Places - Media Representation (Lesson + Resources)
Whole lesson used during home/ distanced learning. Lesson 4 of the scheme - Media Representation and place made for AQA Changing places unit:
Home workbook - Completed Workbook with answers
Key idea 2.3
How can the media distort a person’s “sense of place?”
What negative effect can sources have on people’s construction of places?
Image annotation on previous conceptions of various places + why.
Near vs. Far places.
IT TASK - Africa the “Dark continent”. Researching articles to complete a “word cloud.”
READING - Doreen Massey HWK.
DISTANCED LEARNING Changing Places - Concepts of place (Lesson + Resources)
Whole lesson used during home/ distanced learning. Lesson 3 of the scheme - Key concepts of place made for AQA Changing places unit:
Key idea 2.2
What can edit a person’s ideas of place?
What is place - looking at a Social Constructionist and Phenomenological approach.
IT Task - How can places be constructed? Emphasis on Trafalgar Square.
READING - Yi-Fu Tan and Edward Relph.
Skills - how to summarise and share ideas.
To be used with: AQA Geography A Level & AS human Geography Student Book
by Simon Ross, Tim Bayliss, et al.
DISTANCED LEARNING Changing Places - Types of Place (Lesson + Resources)
hole lesson used during home/ distanced learning. Lesson 2 of the scheme - Types of place made for AQA Changing places unit:
Home workbook - Completed Workbook with answers
How can the media etc define our sense of place?
How can the media develop an “us” and “them?”
How do people’s opinions of place differ? Does the media play a role?
Exposure to different places and the impact.
To be used with: AQA Geography A Level & AS Physical Geography Student Book
by Simon Ross, Tim Bayliss, et al.
AQA Globalisation - L13 Apple TNC Study (Lesson and Resources).
L12 in the SOW looking at the TNC Case study Apple - written for the AQA Globalisation and Governance Unit.
Starter - Retrieval MCQ on previous lesson (L12 Coca-Cola Introduction)
Background information on Apple and OUtsourcing - pros/ concs of outsourcing
FOXCONN Debate - research task (inequality in factories)
EXAM Q - 20 Marks (with supported Structure Strip)
HWK - TNC Case study Summary
Lessons - PowerPoint - Worksheets - Modelled Work.