
KS4 Edexcel American West: How Wild was the West?
Lesson using the new Edexcel specification, The American West.
Lesson focuses on how 'wild' the American West was - good and easily adaptable activities and resources

KS4 Edexcel History Anglo-Saxon & Norman England - The Career of Bishop Odo
In line with the new 2016 Edexcel GCSE History Course - Anglo-Saxon and Norman England 1066-1087.
The lesson focusses on the career of Bishop Odo from his appointment as Bishop of Bayeux to the his death. The focus of the lesson is his relationship with William I and how his actions led to him falling out of favour.
The students make a living graph, based on an information sheet provided, and then answer a 4 mark features question, with peer marking and structure strips to help.
The lesson is very well resourced and in clear line with the GCSE syllabus

KS3 History: Dunkirk Assessment Preparation & Assessment
KS3/KS4 Assessment preparation and Assessment on the Dunkirk Evacuation - focussing on whether it was a triumph or a disaster.
Assessment involves an interpretation and the following questions:
What does Interpretation A suggest about Dunkirk?
Why would the author of this Interpretation have this view?
How far do you agree with Interpretation A that Dunkirk was a disaster?