Infant teacher - shortlisted for TES Resource Contributor of the Year 2014 & 2015. All my resources have been made for my class, so have been tried and tested before uploading them to share with others. I hope you find my resources useful.
Infant teacher - shortlisted for TES Resource Contributor of the Year 2014 & 2015. All my resources have been made for my class, so have been tried and tested before uploading them to share with others. I hope you find my resources useful.
Print each different grapheme on a different colour. Children take 1 of each grapheme and make a silly sentence using all 4 cards. They can then practice writing the sentence as an extension!
RWInc style flashcards for grapheme /e-e/ including a caption/ditty: Freeze these peas!
Double-sided - first side has the grapheme in large text, the opposite side has a picture and caption.
A 5-lesson plan PowerPoint on Antonio Vivaldi and his famous violin concertos depicting the four seasons. An audio CD is required to be used alongside this plan.\n1. The life of Antonio Vivaldi \n2. Spring - representing in pictures \n3. Summer - pitch of string instruments \n4. Autumn - colour and emotion \n5. Winter - bowing and plucking \n6. Glossary\nI hope this is a useful series of plans for a non-music specialist use.
A sheet to list the meetings and visits made by outside professionals for the child. This is based on an idea displayed by our LA (sorry, not sure who originally designed it)
An acrostic snow poem and a rain shape poem. To be used for teaching poetry or as a display.\nI designed these and the supporting images as a homework. The Powerpoint document has 6 pages of each poem, so can easily be printed on a handout to be cut up for each child's homework book.\nI have used in conjunction with Hamilton&'s Y1 unit 3b - Poems on a theme - weather
Written for work experience students interested in becoming a teacher. Lists the main responsibilties, although more can always be added (as our job seems to be increasing rapidly!!)
Pictures (courtesy of bloss1985 ng digraph pictures and words matching). 3 column phoneme frame for magnetic letters/graphemes on bottle tops...
Print 2 to a page landscape
An ActivPrimary flipchart to help children with the writing of the story from the beginning to the problem to the ending. Contains butterbeer's punctuation superheroes to help with sentence ordering.
On the Ning Nang Nong by Spike Milligan.\nDesigned as a printable book or e-book on the IWB.\nNice bright illustrations to accompany the poem (some courtesy of linda29 - thank you).\nDesigned to be used with my PowerPoint plan on Nonsense Rhymes and Poems.\nPlease rate the resource.
PowerPoint images of the Chinese Zodiac animals for the years 2008-2019 - easily adaptable for previous or future years. Could be used for wallpaper, posters etc.
Word cards containing ch food names. Designed to be used to match up with ch food pictures once sorted. See ch foods resource. Also three yes/no questions containing ch foods.
SSEHV stands for Sathya Sai Education through Human Values. Based on core human values of Love, Peace, Truth, Non Violence and Right Conduct.
The SSEHV lesson brings on various elements - a quotation to talk about, a warm-up game, a silent sitting/meditation, a story and discussion/questions, a song, and then a game or activity.
This lesson plan has been put together to focus on non-violence, and basic respect of similarities and differences, and what we can learn from the peace loving plant eating dinosaurs.